

词条 宣兆成


1984.09-1988.06 兰州大学计算数学与应用软件专业, 本科生

1988.07-1993.08 中国第一重型机械集团公司设计研究院, 工程师

1993.09-1998.05 大连理工大学工程力学系, 研究生

1998.06-2000.11 大连理工大学机械工程学院, 博士后

2000.12-2004.08 新加坡-麻省理工学院学术联盟 (Singapore-MIT Alliance), 研究员

2004.09- 天津职业技术师范大学信息技术工程学院, 教师

2008.09-2008.12 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院 (CMCS, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), 访问教授


天津市应用基础与前沿研究计划 (自然科学基金) : 材料设计中的局部输出量的自适应计算机模拟 (05YFJMJC13300), 2005.10-2007.09, 8万元, 主持人

教育部留学归国科研启动基金: 面向目标的有限元分析方法, 2007.01-2008.12, 3万元, 主持人

国家自然科学基金: 计算力学的可信性及其量化模型研究 (10872146), 2009.01-2011.12, 31万元, 主持人

国家自然科学基金: 基于Flux-Free上界估计的非线性力学有限元分析验证方法研究 (11172209), 2012.01-2015.12, 62万元, 主持人


Xuan ZC, Zhang XK, Guan M, On the bounding property of the smoothed finite element method, to appear in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.

Xuan ZC, Li YH, Zhang QJ, Guan M, The verification of computing J-integral in functionally graded material, Advanced Materials Research, 268: 863-868, 2011.

Xuan ZC, Lassila T, Rozza J, Quarteroni A, On computing upper and lower bounds on the outputs of linear elasticity problems approximated by the smoothed finite element method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 83: 174-195, 2010.

Xuan ZC, Li YH, Wang HJ, Computation of bounds for exact quantities of interest in elasticity based on FEM and SFEM, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5938: 491-496, 2010.

Xuan ZC, Yang DQ, Peng JW, An efficient method for computing local quantities of interest in elasticity based on finite element error estimation, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 78: 517-529, 2008

Xuan ZC, Zhang XK, Simulation of stokes flow over microelectrodes with least-squares meshfree method, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 16: 294-314, 2008.

Xuan ZC, Peng JW, A goal oriented numerical simulation approach for computing stress intensity factors in bimaterials, Materials Science Forum, 575: 249-254, 2008.

Xuan ZC, Feng ZS, Gao DY, Computing lower and upper bounds on stress intensity factors in bimaterials, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 42: 336-341, 2007.

XuanZC, Parés N, Peraire J, Computing upper and lower bounds for the J-integral in two-dimensional linear elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195: 430-443, 2006.

Xuan ZC, Khoo BC, Li ZR, Computing bounds to mixed mode stress intensity factors in elasticity, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 75: 193-205, 2006.

Xuan ZC, Meng QG, Shi LS, Fast finite element prediction on the linear output in elasticity based on gradient recovery method, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive System–Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 2 Sp. Iss: 816-821, 2005.

Shi LS, Meng QG, Xuan ZC, A bound method for a class of nonlinear discrete optimum design, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive System–Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 2 Sp. Iss: 547-550, 2005.

Lee KH, Xuan ZC, A posteriori output bounds for stress intensity factors in elastic fracture mechanics, International Journal of Fracture, 126: 123-142, 2004.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Surrogate duality based method for contact problems, Optimization and Engineering, 5: 59-75, 2004.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Interior point surrogate dual algorithm for unilateral problems, Acta Mechanica, 166: 149-167, 2003.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Peraire J, A posteriori output bound for partial differential equations based on elemental error bound computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2667: 1035-1044, 2003.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Explicit surrogate dual formulation and algorithm for quadratic programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2667: 714-723, 2003.

宣兆成, 李兴斯, 单侧接触问题的拟有效集方法, 应用数学与力学, 23: 811-818, 2002.

宣兆成, 李兴斯, 接触分析的光滑模型及迭代算法, 力学学报, 33: 340-348, 2001.

宣兆成, 郭东明, 李兴斯, 接触优化的内点双层规划算法, 力学学报, 33: 224-233, 2001.

杨德庆, 刘正兴, 宣兆成, 单侧接触约束下桁架拓扑优化的若干结果, 固体力学学报, 22: 37-46, 2001.

Xuan ZC, Shao PG, A programming approach for nonsmooth structural optimization, Advances in Engineering Software, 31: 75-81, 2000.

Xuan ZC, Li XS and Sui YK, Surrogate dual problem of quadratic programming and the algorithm, Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Application, 21: 58-65, 1999.

Li XS, Xuan ZC, An interior-point QP algorithm for structural optimization, Structural Optimization, 15: 172-179, 1998.


Xuan ZC, A parallel computing procedure for the lower and upper bounds on the functional of solutions to PDE: application to the J-integral in functionally graded materials, The 4th International Symposium on Parallel Architecture, Algorithms and Programming(PAAP), Tianjin, Dec 11-12, 2011.

Xuan ZC, Optimal finite element mesh refinement based on a-posteriori error estimator and the quality of mesh, The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS), Kunming, Nov 1-3, 2011.

宣兆成, 有限元分析的验证—经典误差估计方法、QoI的上下界方法和光顺有限元方法, 中国力学大会 (CCTAM), 哈尔滨, Aug 22-24, 2011.

Xuan ZC, Li YH, Guan M, The verification of computing J-integral in functionally graded material, 2011 International Conference on Computational Materials Science, Guangzhou, April 17-18, 2011.

Xuan ZC, Li YH, Zhou ZF, Zhang QJ, An upper bound method for strain energy of elasticity by a modified finite element method, International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Leuven, July 5-9, 2010.

Alem YF, Xuan ZC, Preventing black hole attack in mobile Ad-hoc networks using anomaly detection, The 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC), Wuhan, May 21-24, 2010.

Zhou ZF, Xuan ZC, Alem YF, Multi-objective optimization for multicast routing by genetic algorithm, International Conference of Management Engineering and Information Technology (ICMEIT), Zhengzhou, Oct 17-18, 2009.

宣兆成, 周增法, 工程结构局部输出量可信区间的确定方法, 中国力学大会 (CCTAM), 郑州, Aug 24-26, 2009.

Xuan ZC, Li YH, Wang HJ, Computation of bounds for exact quantities of interest in elasticity based on FEM and SFEM, International Conference for High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA), Shanghai, Aug 10-12, 2009.

Xuan ZC, A goal oriented bounding scheme for linear outputs in elasticity by the smoothed finite element method,China-Brazil Symposium on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Xian, Aug 1-5, 2009.

Xuan ZC, On the upper bound property of the smoothed finite element method, 13th Conference on the Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications (MAFELAP), Brunel University, London, Jun 8-12, 2009.

Xuan ZC, Alem YF, Zhou ZF, Computing lower and upper bounds of J-integral in functionally graded materials, The 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Materials Mechanics (ICHMM), Huangshan, Jun 3-8, 2008.

Peng JW, Xuan ZC, Topology optimization of continuum structures under contact constraints, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (ICMEM), Wuxi, Nov 5-7, 2007.

Xuan ZC, Peng JW, A goal oriented numerical simulation approach for computing stress intensity factors in bimaterials, International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation (ICPNS), Zhengzhou, Oct 23-27, 2007.

Xuan ZC, A parallel computing procedure for lower and upper bounds on linear functionals of solutions to PDE: Application to stress intensity factors in bimaterials, The 5th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences (DCABES), Hangzhou, Oct 13-15, 2006.

Shi LS, Meng QG, Xuan ZC, A bound method for a class of nonlinear discrete optimum design, Fourth DCDIS International Conference on Engineering Applications and Computational Algorithms, Ontario, July 27-29, 2005.

Xuan ZC, Meng QG, Shi LS, Fast finite element prediction on the linear output in elasticity based on gradient recovery method, Fourth DCDIS International Conference on Engineering Applications and Computational Algorithms, Ontario, July 27-29, 2005.

宣兆成, 用有限元求解位移输出泛函的上下界, 中国力学大会 (CCTAM), 北京, Aug 25-28, 2005.

Xuan ZC, Khoo BC, Fast finite element prediction on the output in elasticity with a-posteriori error estimate, International Conference on Scientific Computing (ICSC), Nanjing, Jun 4-8, 2005

Parés N, Xuan ZC, Peraire J, The computation of bounds for energy release rates in fracture mechanics, ASCE 9th Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics & Structural Reliability, Albuquerque, July 26-28, 2004.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Patera AT, Peraire J, Computing upper and lower bounds for the J-integral in two-dimensional linear elasticity, Singapore-MIT Alliance Symposium, Singapore, Jan 19-20, 2004.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Peraire J, A posteriori output bound for partial differential equations based on elemental error bound computing, International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), Montreal, May 18-21, 2003.

Xuan ZC, Lee KH, Explicit surrogate dual formulation and algorithm for quadratic programming, International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), Montreal, May 18-21, 2003.





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