

词条 cone mccaslin

cone mccaslin儿子保罗麦卡斯林(的1980年9月3日在多伦多,安大略),俗称“锥”,是低音吉他手和歌手支持加拿大的朋克摇滚乐队41。他加入了乐队的最后一个成员目前的阵容在二月1999,更换标记spicoluk。41是由岛的纪录,只有个月后,他加入了。麦卡斯林开始演奏低音14岁时,作为一个垃圾的车库乐队称为二意见。他获得昵称“锥”从其他乐队成员德里克惠布里在高中的时候,因为他经常吃冰淇凌在午餐。(然而,他已经表示,他是乳糖不耐症,再也不能吃冰激凌。

Contents 1 Sum 41

2 Professional Career

3 Instruments

4 Personal Life

5 See also

6 References

7 External links

Sum 41

Cone was the latest member to join sum 41, and often likes to joke that he is the reason the band got signed. Despite otherwise being somewhat introverted, Cone is the most frequently visible member of the band to its fans, often speaking to the public and answering questions on the band's official website. Otherwise, he is usually the quietest. His two favourite Sum 41 songs are No Reason and Over My Head (Better Off Dead).[citation needed].

[edit] Professional CareerHe co-created the Garage punk/rock side project The Operation M.D., with Todd Morse (of Juliette and the Licks), in which he is known under the name Dr. Dynamite. He plays bass on most of the tracks and also plays acoustic guitar on "Someone Like You", in which he also sings lead vocals. He also sings lead vocals in "Dirt" and "Obvious". The Operation M.D. are currently recording their second album, and Cone has almost finished recording bass with only two songs left (as stated on The Operation M.D blog). He has also acted in many sum 41 short films. Such as in "the Basketball Butcher" where he gets beaten up, killed and eaten by Steve because he beat Steve at basketball. He also played Dante the drug dealer in "1-800" justice.


Cone uses a '59 Precision Bass and an American Vintage ‘62 Precision Bass. [edit] Personal Life

He married his fiancé Shannon Boehlke on Friday 5th September 2008, when, at his wedding, his fellow band members Deryck Whibley and Tom Thacker of Sum 41 performed "One" by U2 and "Pieces" by Sum 41. At the end of the song Pieces, instead of singing "I'm better off on my own," Deryck sang, "I'm better off with Cone"

See also

Sum 41 The Operation M.D. List of bass guitarists References ^ "Sum 41 Biography Bio Pictures Brown Bizzy D Sound Stevo 32 Cone Pic". Retrieved on 2008-04-24. Sum 41 official website The Operation M.D. official website Fender Artist Cone's Fender Artist Profile [hide]v · d · eSum 41

Deryck Whibley | Jason McCaslin | Steve Jocz Thomas Thacker | Dave Baksh | Marc Costanzo Richard Roy | Mark Spicoluk Studio albums All Killer No Filler | Does This Look Infected? | Chuck | Underclass Hero Live albums Go Chuck Yourself (Canada) | Happy Live Surprise (Japan) Demos & EPs 1998 demo tape | Half Hour of Power | Motivation EP | Does This Look Infected Too? | Chuck Acoustic EP (Tour Edition Promo)

Greatest Hits 8 Years of Blood, Sake and Tears: The Best of Sum 41 2000-2008 (Japan) DVDs Introduction to Destruction | Cross The T's and Gouge Your I's | Sake Bombs and Happy Endings | Rocked: Sum 41 in Congo | DeeVeeDee | 8 Years of Blood, Sake and Tears: The Best of Sum 41 2000-2008

Singles "Makes No Difference" | "Fat Lip" | "In Too Deep" | "Motivation" | "Handle This" | "It's What We're All About" | "Still Waiting" | "The Hell Song" | "Over My Head (Better Off Dead)" | "Little Know It All (With Iggy Pop)" | "We're All To Blame" | "Pieces" | "Some Say" | "No Reason" | "Underclass Hero" | "Walking Disaster" | "With Me" Other songs "March of the Dogs" | "Things I Want (With Tenacious D)" | "Get Back (Sum 41 Rock Remix) (with Ludacris)" | "Hundred Million (with Treble Charger)" Collaborations FUBAR: The Album | Detox | Skull Ring | Rock Against Bush, Vol. 1 | Fantastic 4: The Album | Do They Know It's Hallowe'en? | Killer Queen: A Tribute to Queen | ObsCure Related Articles Discography | Greig Nori | Bunk Rock Music | Marc Klasfeld | Punkvoter | Rock Against Bush | Tom Lord-Alge | Avril Lavigne Bands Pain for Pleasure | The Operation M.D. | Brown Brigade | Gob | Treble Charger


Sum41于1999年在加拿大的安大略省成立,成员分别为:Derick Whibley (吉他,主唱)、Cone McCaslin (贝斯)、 Steve Jocz(鼓手)等。


早在乐队正式成立之前,出生于加拿大安大略省的吉他手兼主唱Bizzy D(原名Derick Whibley)、鼓手Stevo32(原名Steve Jocz)、吉他手Dave Brownsound(原名Dave Baksh)以及贝司手Cone McCaslin于1997年的夏天,就在他们即将从高中毕业的41天之前,(也有另外的说法说离夏天还有41天,summer简称sum).这四个疯狂的家伙毅然决定组建一支乐队,并以此为灵感,将乐队取名为Sum41。

经过了一年多的磨合之后,他们开始与加拿大当地的独立厂牌Aquarius洽谈合约事宜,而此时,拥有U2这样的大牌乐队的主流厂牌Island也对Sum41青睐有加。Island的官员对于乐队独立完成的电子档案的宣传创意印象非常深刻,因为在这一套完全DIY的宣传档案中,包含了Sum41充满爆发力的现场演出实录以及乐队成员诙谐幽默的自白。1999年年底,他们得到了Island唱片的赏识并与该公司签约。此后,他们得到了与Mighty Mighty Bosstones,the Offspring和Blink 182等这样的乐队同台演出,乐队的呼声也越来越高。2001年,乐队带着在巡演中积累的丰富经验进棚录音。乐队找到了知名制作人Jerry Finn为他们制作第二张专集“All Killer No Filler”(Green Day的“Dookie”和Blink182的“Enema of the States”和“Take off your pants and jacket”均为Jerry Finn制作)。这张专集让组队还不到两年的Sum41一跃成了MTV台的大明星。热门单曲“Fat Lip”被人形容为Green Day 和Beastie Boys的混合体,并收录进了青春片“American Pie 2”电影原声带。

在于2000年6月发表了他们的首张专辑《Half Hour of Power》之后,Sum41这支来自加拿大的朋克贵,凭借着让人耳目一新的“金属+朋克”式的音乐标签,迅速在摇滚乐坛占据了自己的一席之地,并且在2000年的夏天,与Blink182、the Offspring等知名乐队一同参加了一年一度的Vans Warped Tour。紧接着,他们与曾经为Green Day和Blink182操刀的制作人Jerry Finn一起,开始着手录制他们的第二张专辑《All Killer No Filler》。这张唱片于2001年5月正式推出,专辑中的两首单曲《In Too Deep》和《Fat Lip》成为电台和电视台的大热作品。而他们最具特色的诙谐与幽默,加上狂野而极具张力的现场表演,为这张专辑起到了推波助澜的作用,而《All Killer No Filler》也成为当年最受欢迎的摇滚乐唱片之一。进入2002年,高产的Sum41又在年底为大家奉上了乐队两年半以来的第三张专辑《Does This Look Infected?》。这是一张标志乐队走向成熟的唱片,Sum41不再通过制造悦耳的音符来讨好听众了,专辑中金属与硬核的成分明显的加重,而歌词上则是用更多的尖锐讽刺代替了原先无厘头式的幽默。在热门单曲《Still Waiting》的MV里,乐队更是大大的讽刺了一把当时正火的两支乐队the Strokes以及the Hives,一度成为媒体热炒的话题。





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