词条 | 新东方·404雅思精编模考试题 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2011年2月1日) 外文书名: Essential Tests for IELTS 平装: 215页 正文语种: 简体中文, 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787561928868 条形码: 9787561928868 尺寸: 25.8 x 18.4 x 1.2 cm 重量: 399 g 作者简介作者:(澳大利亚)Donna Scovell (澳大利亚)Vickie Pastellas (澳大利亚)Max Knobel Donna Scovell,Vickie Pastellas和Max Knobel均为语言学专家,从事留学生教学工作40余年,在指导学生如何准备雅思考试以及如何进行学术类英语写作和大学课程的准备等方面拥有丰富的经验。 内容简介《新东方·404雅思精编模考试题(学术类)》为雅思考试指教材,由澳大利亚雅思培训专家编写,自出版以来,深受全球考生的广泛赞誉,是备战雅思考试的选材料。《新东方·404雅思精编模考试题(学术类)》包括四套完整的雅思学术类模拟测试题以及针对雅思考试各题型的备考建议,包括听、说、读写,四个单项的详细介绍,题型归纳与分析,以及各单项的技能练习方法。 媒体评论I recently purchased the IELTS academic package for my wife. I am happy to share with you thatshe got through with an average of 8.0 right at her first attempt. ——Nadeem Reiub Thank you so much for your books. I bought IELTS 101,202,404 and I did them (nearly) all beforetaking IELTS for the first time. And I got 7.5! I want to introduce these great books to my friends! ——Daisuke Fukumori 目录INTRODUCTION Do you want to study at tertiary level in an English-speaking country? What is IELTS? - Band Score descriptors How can this book help? What about the future? Listening Sub-test Test description - listening section - Limits - Possible topic areas - General pointers - General listening advice - Dos and don'ts - Words / topics / phrases often used in listening questions - Question types - Immersion ideas Reading SUb-test Test description - reading section - Limits - Possible topic areas - Words / phrases often used in reading questions - General pointers - General reading advice . - Dos and don'ts - Suggested exam time plan for reading section - Question types - Immersion ideas Writing Sub-test Test description - writing section - Limits - Possible topic areas & question types - Words often used in Writing Task 1 and Task 2 questions - Assessment - General pointers - General writing advice - Dos and don'ts - Immersion ideas Speaking Sub-test Test description - speaking section . - Limits - Possible topic areas - Question types - General pointers - General speaking advice - Dos and don'ts - Immersion ideas THE FOUR PRACTICE TESTS How to Take the Practice Tests Essential Test 1 - Practice Test 1 - Listening - Practice Test 1 - Reading - Practice Test 1 - Writing - Practice Test 1 - Speaking Essential Test 2 - Practice Test 2 - Listening - Practice Test 2 - Reading - Practice Test 2 - Writing - Practice Test 2 - Speaking Essential Test 3 - Practice Test 3 - Listening - Practice Test 3 - Reading - Practice Test 3 - Writing - Practice Test 3 - Speaking Essential Test 4 - Practice Test 4 - Listening - Practice Test 4 - Reading - Practice Test 4 - Writing - Practice Test 4 - Speaking APPENDICES Appendix 1 - Answer Keys Appendix 2 - Listening Tests Tapescripts Appendix 3 - Translations for Reading Passages Appendix 4 - Score Analyser Appendix 5 - Score Interpreter Appendix 6 -Answer Sheets Appendix 7 - Glossary of Terms |
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