词条 | 文学导论 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 文学导论 作 者:孙太 出版社: 四川大学出版社 出版时间: 2009年05月 ISBN: 9787561443217 开本: 16开 定价: 29.00 元 内容简介《文学导论》共有四大章节,即文学总论、诗歌、戏剧、小说。每一部分都有详细分类、术语解释、例证以及跟选文相关的问题和讨论话题。书后还附有与英美文学相关的几个表格,如诺贝尔文学类获得者一览表、普利策奖获得者及其作品等。 编辑推荐《文学导论》是由四川大学出版社出版的。 图书目录Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Definition of literature 1.2 Bible and literature 1.3 Literature and meaning Chapter 2 Poetry 2.1 Definition of poetry 2.2 Types of poetry 2.3 Elements of poetry 2.4 Poetic devices 2.5 Poems for study Chapter 3 Drama 3.1 Definition of drama 3.2 Types of drama 3.3 Elements of tragedy and comedy 3.4 Devices and techniques 3.5 Stage and theatre 3.6 Plays for study Chapter 4 Fiction 4.1 Definition and history of the novel 4.2 Types of fiction 4.3 Elements of fiction 4.4 Techniques 4.5 Fictions for study Appendix I Nobel Prize Winners AppendixⅡPulitzer Prize Winners Appendix Ⅲ British Literary Prizes Appendix IV American Literary Prizes Appendix V British and American Holidays Works Cited …… |
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