

词条 魏雷震


职 称: 副研究员

职 务: 硕士生导师

研究方向: 主要研究领域为肿瘤分子生物学

1993年9月-1999年7月,中国医科大学 六年制日语临床医学,医学学士;1999年9月-2002年7月,中国医科大学附属第一医院肿瘤研究所,肿瘤学硕士;2002年9月-2006年7月,中国医科大学医学遗传学教研室,遗传学博士;2004年4月-2008年3月,日本东北大学加龄医学研究所,癌化学疗法研究分野,医学博士;2008年4月-2009年3月,日本东北大学加龄医学研究所,免疫遗传子制御研究室,博士后;2009年3月 -至今,中国科学院北京基因组研究所,副研究员。




Wei L.Z., Lan L., Hong Z.H., Yasui A., Ishioka A., and Chiba N.. Rapid recruitment of BRCA1 to DNA double-strand breaks is dependent on its association with Ku80. Mol Cell Biol, Vol. 28, No. 24, 7380-7393(2008).

Li Z., Wei L.Z., and Wang Y.J., Construction,identification, and expression of pEGFP-RECK expression vector in human glioma cell line. Journal of China Medical University,Vol. 4, 389-391(2007).

Li Z., Sun T., Wei L.Z., Wang Y.J. and Zhang C.D.. RECK expression in gliomas and its clinical significance. Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery,Vol.22 No.9, 550-552(2006).

Wei L.Z., Li Z., Sun T., and Jin C.L.. Apoptosis in Wilms’Tumor. Journal of China Medical Universit.,Vol. 1, 24-25(2004).

Wei L.Z., Li Z., Sun T., and Jin C.L.. Apoptosis and Expression of Bcl-2 in Wilms’Tumor. Chinese Journal of Tumor Indulgent Therapy, Vol. 2 (2), 86-88(2003).

Sun T., Liu Y.R., Wei L.Z., and Gao Y.L.. Clinical Significance of p27kip1 Expression in Right-sided Colon Cancer. Chinese Journal of Tumor Indulgent Therapy, Vol. 2 (2), 89-91(2003).

Hu L., Jiang Y.H., Shu H., Wei L.Z. and Ren C.S.. WT1 expression alters tumorigenicity of the G401 cell line. Journal of Modern Oncology.Vol. 2, 92-94(2004).

Lin C.K., Jiang L., Jin C.L., Wei L.Z., Lu Y. and Sun K.L.. The Application of PCR-DGGE in Anteparturn Gene Diagnosis of PUK. Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicin, Vol.27 No.1, 29(2004).

Cui R., Zhao H., Cong C.H., and Wei L.Z.. The Expression of-ΚB When Hypoxic-Reperfusion Brain Injury in Rat. Chin J Anesthesiol, Vol 24 (2), 142-143(2004).

Hu L., Jiang Y.H., Wei L.Z. and Ren C.S.. The expression of WT1 and EGR-1 in Wilms’Tumor. Chin J Public Healt., Vol. 9 (10), 1230-1231(2003).

Hu L.,Wei L.Z.. Risk Evaluation of Genetical Breast Cancer. Journal of Chinese Medical Abstracts (Oncology), 2001. Vol. 15 (3), 84-86 (2000-2003)





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