词条 | 慈继伟 |
释义 | 慈继伟,1957年8月生。爱丁堡大学哲学博士(1983)。香港大学政治哲学专家,武大哲学学院兼职教授,博士生导师。 基本信息AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION/COMPETENCE Moral and political philosophy; comparative philosophy (Chinese and Western); the ethics and politics of modern and contemporary China; the moral and cultural dimensions of capitalism EDUCATION 1972-75: University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 1979-83: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Ph.D., 1983 TEACHING 1997-: University of Hong Kong 1983-89: University of International Business and Economics, Beijing AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS Member, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, U.S.A., 1996-97 Fellow, Commonwealth Center for Literary and Cultural Change, University of Virginia, U.S.A., 1993-94 Fellow, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A., 1991-92 Andrew Mellon Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, U.S.A., 1990-91 RESEARCH Books Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism,Stanford, Calif.: stanford University Press, 1994. 《正义的两面》,三联书店(三联·哈佛燕京学术丛书),2001年。 Articles (a selective list) “From Modest Realism to a Democratic Conception of Science” (Review Essay),International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, forthcoming. “Taking the Reasons for Human Rights Seriously,” forthcoming in a volume to be published by the United Nations University Press. “The Right, the Good, and the Place of Rights in Confucianism,” accepted for inclusion in a volume edited by Wm. Theodore De Bary and Tu Wei-ming, to be published by Columbia University Press. “He Lin’s Sinification of Idealism,” in Contemporary Chinese Philosophy, eds. Chung-ying Cheng & Nicholas Bunnin, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. 《虚无主义与伦理多元化》,《哲学研究》2000年第5期。 “The Confucian Relational Concept of the Person and Its Modern Predicament,” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Vol. 9, No, 4, 1999. “Justice, Freedom, and the Moral Bounds of Capitalism,” Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1999. “Disenchantment, Desublimation, and Demoralization: Some Cultural Conjunctions of Capitalism,” New Literary History, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1999. 《从正当与善的区分看权利在现代西方和儒家思想中的差异》,《国际儒学研究》第6辑,中国社会科学出版社,1999年。 “Schopenhauer on Voluntary Justice,” History of Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1998. “Freedom and Realms of Living,” Philosophy East and West, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1991. “Conscience, Sympathy, and the Foundation of Morality,” American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1991. “The Logic of the Generality of Moral Principles,” The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 152, 1988. “An Alternative to Genette’s Theory of Order,” Style, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1988. “Synonymy and Polysemy,” Lingua, Vol. 72, No. 4, 1987. PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC SERVICE Temporary Advisor (ethical issues in resource allocation), World Health Organization Member of editorial board, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science Member of editorial advisory board, International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine Referee for Journal of Ethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Philosophy East and West, The China Review, etc. |
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