词条 | 外语课堂教学艺术 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名:外语课堂教学艺术 作 者:许迎军,雒丽著 出 版 社:国防工业出版社 出版时间:2011-10-1 版 次:1 页 数:237 字 数:220000 印刷时间:2011-10-1 开 本:大32开 纸 张:胶版纸 印 次:1 I S B N:9787118076875 包 装:平装 22561752 内容简介《外语课堂教学艺术》以现代观及与后现代观相融合的视角对外语课堂教学艺术的内涵与外延给予界定,通过语境要素综合集成的非线性认知内化和语意变量系统的理性求解外化整合,探讨外语课堂教学过程中的准备艺术、实施艺术、创新发展艺术以及教师学术研究艺术,其研究的系统性是将教师的艺术修养中的心灵情感因素、外语课堂教学效益方面的审美境界因素以及教师外语教学的聪明才智所反映的独特创新因素交互作用,教师对外语课堂教学艺术的认知取向、文化视野、思维定势、理性创造、精神追求等视为一项系统工程建设,从而使外语课堂教学艺术作为教学论发展中的分支而成为一门相对独立的学科。 目录part one introduction to the art of foreign language classroom instruction 1.1 the study orientation of the art of foreign language instruction 1.2 the duality of foreign language classroom instruction 1.3 definition of the art of foreign language classroom instruction 1.4 essential characteristics of the art of foreign language classroom instruction 1.5 common attributes of excellent teachers in foreign language instruction part two the art of preparation for foreign language classroom instruction 2.1 the art o~ preparing lessons in foreign language classroom instruction 2.2 the art of lesson presentation in foreign language instruction 2.3 the art of exploitation of teaching resources in foreign language classroom instruction part three the art of the implementation of foreign language classroom instruction 3.1 the art of lead-in of foreign language classroom instruction 3.2 the art of the teacher's state in foreign language classroom ir\\/struction 3.3 the art of teachers' verbal and non- verbal expression in foreign language classroom instruction 3.4 the art of questioning in foreign language classroom instruction |
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