词条 | chkconfig |
释义 | chkconfig 功能说明:检查,设置系统的各种服务。 语 法:chkconfig [--add][--del][--list][系统服务] 或 chkconfig [--level <等级代号>][系统服务][on/off/reset] 补充说明:这是Red Hat公司遵循GPL规则所开发的程序,它可查询操作系统在每一个执行等级中会执行哪些系统服务,其中包括各类常驻服务。 chkconfig命令主要用来更新(启动或停止)和查询系统服务的运行级信息。谨记chkconfig不是立即自动禁止或激活一个服务,它只是简单的改变了符号连接。 语法: chkconfig --list [name] chkconfig --add name chkconfig --del name chkconfig [--level levels] name <on|off|reset> chkconfig [--level levels] name chkconfig 没有参数运行时,显示用法。如果加上服务名,那么就检查这个服务是否在当前运行级启动。如果是,返回true,否则返回false。如果在服务名后面指定了on,off或者reset,那么chkconfi 会改变指定服务的启动信息。on和off分别指服务被启动和停止,reset指重置服务的启动信息,无论有问题的初始化脚本指定了什么。on和off开关,系统默认只对运行级3,4,5有效,但是reset可以对所有运行级有效。 --level选项可以指定要查看的运行级而不一定是当前运行级。 --level<等级代号> 指定读系统服务要在哪一个执行等级中开启或关闭。 等级0表示:表示关机 等级1表示:单用户模式 等级2表示:无网络连接的多用户命令行模式 等级3表示:有网络连接的多用户命令行模式 等级4表示:不可用 等级5表示:带图形界面的多用户模式 等级6表示:重新启动 需要说明的是,level选项可以指定要查看的运行级而不一定是当前运行级。对于每个运行级,只能有一个启动脚本或者停止脚本。当切换运行级时,init不会重新启动已经启动的服务,也不会再次去停止已经停止的服务。 chkconfig --list :显示所有运行级系统服务的运行状态信息(on或off)。如果指定了name,那么只显示指定的服务在不同运行级的状态。 chkconfig --add name:增加一项新的服务。chkconfig确保每个运行级有一项启动(S)或者杀死(K)入口。如有缺少,则会从缺省的init脚本自动建立。 chkconfig --del name:删除所指定的系统服务,不再由chkconfig指令管理,并同时在系统启动的叙述文件内删除相关数据。 Common modeFormat: service <service> Print the specified service <service> the command line help. Format: service <service> start Starts the specified system services <service> Format: service <service> stop Stop the specified system service <service> Format: service <service> restart Restart the specified system service <service>, the first stop (stop), and then start (start). Format: chkconfig - list View list of system services, and operation of each service level. Format: chkconfig <service> on <service> Designated service set to start automatically when booting. Format: chkconfig <service> off Set the specified service does not start automatically at boot time <service>. Format: ntsysv Full-screen text interface to set whether to automatically start services at boot time. Use exampleExample a network restartWhen you modify a host name, ip address and other information, the network often need to restart to take effect. [Root @ node34 root] # service network Usage: / etc / init.d / network {start | stop | restart | reload | status} [Root @ node34 root] # service network status Configure devices: lo eth0 The current active device: lo eth0 [Root @ node34 root] # service network restart Shutting down the interface eth0: [OK] Loopback interface: [OK] Setting network parameters: [OK] Pop-up loopback interface: [OK] Pop-up interface eth0: [OK] [Root @ node34 root] # Example two restart MySQL[Root @ node34 root] # service mysql mysql: unrecognized service [Root @ node34 root] # service mysqld Usage: / etc / init.d / mysqld {start | stop | status | condrestart | restart} [Root @ node34 root] # service mysqld status mysqld (pid 1638) is running ... [Root @ node34 root] # service mysqld restart Stop MySQL: [OK] Startup MySQL: [determined] [Root @ node34 root] # Sample source code showing three service script [Root @ web ~] # cat / sbin / service #! / Bin / sh . / Etc / init.d / functions VERSION = "` basename $ 0 `ver. 0.91" USAGE = "Usage:` basename $ 0 `<option> | - status-all | \\ [Service_name [command | - full-restart]] " SERVICE = SERVICEDIR = "/ etc / init.d" OPTIONS = if [$ #-eq 0]; then echo "$ {USAGE}"> & 2 exit 1 fi cd / while [$ #-gt 0]; do case "$ {1}" in - Help |-h | - h *) echo "$ {USAGE}"> & 2 exit 0 ;; - Version |-V) echo "$ {VERSION}"> & 2 exit 0 ;; *) if [-z "$ {SERVICE}"-a $ #-eq 1-a "$ {1}" = "- status-all"]; then cd $ {SERVICEDIR} for SERVICE in *; do case "$ {SERVICE}" in functions | halt | killall | single | linuxconf | kudzu) ;; *) if! is_ignored_file "$ {SERVICE}" \\ & & [-X "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}"]; then env-i LANG = "$ LANG" PATH = "$ PATH" TERM = "$ TERM" "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}" status fi ;; esac done exit 0 elif [$ #-eq 2-a "$ {2}" = "- full-restart"]; then SERVICE = "$ {1}" if [-x "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}"]; then env-i LANG = "$ LANG" PATH = "$ PATH" TERM = "$ TERM" "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}" stop env-i LANG = "$ LANG" PATH = "$ PATH" TERM = "$ TERM" "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}" start exit $? fi elif [-z "$ {SERVICE}"]; then SERVICE = "$ {1}" else OPTIONS = "$ {OPTIONS} $ {1}" fi shift ;; esac done if [-x "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}"]; then env-i LANG = "$ LANG" PATH = "$ PATH" TERM = "$ TERM" "$ {SERVICEDIR} / $ {SERVICE}" $ {OPTIONS} else echo $ "$ {SERVICE}: unrecognized service"> & 2 exit 1 fi [Root @ web ~] # Example 4 crond service source[Root @ web init.d] # cat / etc / init.d / crond #! / Bin / bash # # Crond Start / Stop the cron clock daemon. # # Chkconfig: 2345 90 60 # Description: cron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified \\ # Programs at periodic scheduled times. Vixie cron adds a \\ # Number of features to the basic UNIX cron, including better \\ # Security and more powerful configuration options. # Processname: crond # Config: / etc / crontab # Pidfile: / var / run / crond.pid # Source function library. . / Etc / init.d / functions . / Etc / sysconfig / crond t = $ {CRON_VALIDATE_MAILRCPTS:-UNSET} ["$ T"! = "UNSET"] & & export CRON_VALIDATE_MAILRCPTS = "$ t" # See how we were called. prog = "crond" start () { echo-n $ "Starting $ prog:" if [-e / var / lock / subsys / crond]; then if [-e / var / run / crond.pid] & & [-e / proc / `cat / var / run / crond.pid`]; then echo-n $ "cannot start crond: crond is already running."; failure $ "cannot start crond: crond already running."; echo return 1 fi fi daemon crond $ CRONDARGS RETVAL = $? echo [$ RETVAL-eq 0] & & touch / var / lock / subsys / crond; return $ RETVAL } stop () { echo-n $ "Stopping $ prog:" if [!-e / var / lock / subsys / crond]; then echo-n $ "cannot stop crond: crond is not running." failure $ "cannot stop crond: crond is not running." echo return 1; fi killproc crond RETVAL = $? echo [$ RETVAL-eq 0] & & rm-f / var / lock / subsys / crond; return $ RETVAL } rhstatus () { status crond } restart () { stop start } reload () { echo-n $ "Reloading cron daemon configuration:" killproc crond-HUP RETVAL = $? echo return $ RETVAL } case "$ 1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) restart ;; reload) reload ;; status) rhstatus ;; condrestart) [-F / var / lock / subsys / crond] & & restart | |: ;; *) echo $ "Usage: $ 0 {start | stop | status | reload | restart | condrestart}" exit 1 esac [Root @ web init.d] # |
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