

词条 田朗豪


田朗豪博士(Ronald W.Teague, Phd)是美国加州的资深心理学教授,博士导师,加州执业心理学家,美国临床心理学会和美国专业心理学专家,并担任加州心理学会认证美国临床心理学会和美国专业心理学专家,并担任加州心理学会认证心理学家资格的考官,圣华金心理协会创始人。具有三十多年在加州专业心理学院的教学经验,并在旧金山拥有人气旺盛的私人心理诊所。 田朗豪博士在分析心理学(荣格心理学)、荣格派心理治疗、梦、易经等方面有很深的造诣。近20年来在旧金山每年开办静修工作坊,广受多文化人群的好评。在近年来,每年年底田朗豪博士在California School of Professional Psychology of Alliant International University香港校区进行教学,指导研究生学习临床心理学。并应香港分析心理学会邀请,成功举办多次荣格心理学入门课程和走入潜意识的静修工作坊,目前还继续对香港学生教授易经课程。


Development of the VolatileChemical Inhalation Abuse Scale. Presented at California State PsychologicalAssociation Convention, Monterey, California, 1979.

Incidence and Prevalence ofInhalant Abuse in Fresno County. Invitedproject of Fresno County Health Department, Fresno, California, and July 1979.

Potential Cultural Determinantsto Inhalant Abuse. Invited paper of Pro Familia: First Bi-National Symposium onMental Health, sponsored by Partners in the Americas, Oakland, California,January, 1980.

The Use of a CulturalPre-Treatment Group with Chronic Inhalant Abusers. Presented at National Drug Abuse Conference, NewOrleans, Louisiana, 1979.

The Use of a Volatile ChemicalInhalant Scale in the Training of Professionals and Paraprofessionals. 6. Presentedat National Drug Abuse Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1979.

When Men are Not Violent: A Psycho-Historical Approach. Invited paper presented to Central CaliforniaMental Health Association, Fresno, California, 1979.

Major Regressions in theAntique World. Invited paper presented to the graduating class, University of CaliforniaMedical School, Fresno, California, July 1981.

A Phenomenological Basis for ViewingSubstance Abuse. Presented atInternational Congress of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, September 1981, Jerusalem.

Delivery of Mental HealthServices in Rural California: Outstanding in the Field. International Congressof Drug and Alcohol Abuse, September 1981,Jerusalem.

Neuro psychological Effects ofInhalant Abuse. International Congressof Drug and Alcohol Abuse, September 1981, Jerusalem.

Dionysus'Revenge: A Psychohistorical Approach to theDevelopment of Drunkenness. Invited paperpresented to University of California Medical School, San Francisco at Fresno,January 1983.

Psychosexual Development inAncient Pompeii: A PsychohistoricalPerspective. Invitedpaper presented toCalifornia School of Professional Psychology 10thAnniversary Colloquia, May1983.

Reviewof Enea Nel Lazio: An Archaeological Exhibition. Journal of Ancient and Medieval Studies,Vol.1, 1983.

A Psychohistory of CaesarAugustus: A Preliminary Sketch. Journal of Ancient and Medieval Studies, Vol.2, 1983.

When Men Are Not Violent: A Psychohistorical Perspective of theInstitutions of Chivalry. Invited address of the C.G. Jung Center, Houston,Texas, and November1986.

Tedium Vitae: The Failure of Peace in Late Antiquity. Invited address of the C.G.Jung Center,Houston, Texas, and November 1986.

Philosophical Underpinnings ofGroup Therapy. Group Therapy Symposium,U.C. Berkeley, November 1987.

Twin Gates of Sleep: The Use ofDream Therapy in Antiquity. Invited lecture. Sullivan Center, November 1994.

Spiritual Issues in theClinical Setting. Invited Lecturer. SanJoaquin Psychological Association. November 1996.

Current Developments in the Understandingand Use of the I Ching. Invited lecturer. C.G. Jung Institute, San Francisco,California, October 1998.

Choice:An ImperfectPsycho-history. Invited lecture. CentralCalifornia Internship Consortium, Fresno, California July 2007.

Archetypal Roots of Male SexualPsychopathology. Invited Lecture. Coalinga State Hospital-Coalinga, California, September 2007.

Archetypal Roots of HumanSexuality. Invited Lecture. Analytic Psychology Association of Hong Kong,SAR, China, June 2008

Traditional Chinese Methods of Accessingthe Unconscious: The Yi Jing. Invited Lecture, Analytic Psychology Associationof Hong Kong, SAR, China January 2009

Understanding and Treating SexOffenders in a Cantonese Context. Invited Professional Development Class-Psychiatric Staff of Tai PoHospital-Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong, SAR, China, January 2010

Hidden Sources in C.G. Jung's ThoughtPart 1: The Red Book. Invited Continuing Education Class-San Joaquin ValleyPsychological Association-Fresno, California, March 2010

CHAIROF DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONSEberhardt, E. The Experience of Having Cancer: A Phenomenological Approach. CSPP-Fresno, 1981.

Serabian,B. The Phenomenological Study of the Experienceof the Community. CSPP-Fresno, 1981.

Munn,T. The Experience of Aggression inMiddleAdolescents. CSPP-Fresno, 1981.

Bruce,R. MMPI Modal Personality Types: Quantitative Analysis of an Alternate DiagnosticSystem. CSPP-Fresno, 1984.

Duran,E. Archetypal Consultation: A Service Delivery Model for Native Americans. CSPP-Fresno, 1983.

Hoshino,F. Phenomenological Method: A Comparison of Husserl and Giorgi. CSPP-Fresno, 1985.

Cosgrove,J. Changes in Neuropsychological FunctioningAssociated with Declining Use of Phencyclidine. CSPP-Fresno, 1986.

Crozier,B. Non-utilization of Mental Health Services: A Phenomenological Investigation. CSPP-Fresno, 1986.

Gillon,K. The Experience of First Childbirth: A Phenomenological Investigation. CSPP-Fresno, 1987.

Ammen,S. A Phenomenological Hermeneutic Investigationof Maturana's Biological Systems Theory. CSPP-Fresno, 1988.

Werkle,G. Phenomenological Investigation of the IntensiveJournal of Ira Progoff. CSPP-Fresno, 1990.

Wong,Eirene. The Experience of Hsaio in FirstGenerationMandarin Americans. CSPP-Fresno, 1991.

Chieng,Ching-King. The Experience of Feng-Kuangin FirstGeneration Chinese Americans. CSPP-Fresno, 1995.

Bierdrager, Christine. Phenomenological Investigation of theExperience of Treating Self-Mutilating Patients. CSPP-Fresno, 1996.

Gaudenti,Stephani. Phenomenological Investigation of theExperience of Peace Officers Using Deadly Force In the Line of Duty. AIU-Fresno 2004.

Baccus,Joseph. The Aggressive Effects of Violent OnlineVideo Games On the Users Psychological State. AIU-2006

Graves,Douglas. The Experience of Being a‘Bear’in the MaleHomosexual Community. AIU-2007





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