词条 | 除尘砂轮机 |
释义 | 除尘砂轮机简介除尘砂轮机,又被称吸尘式砂轮机(环保型砂轮机)。是用来研磨各种刃具等类似工具而且能对研磨过程中产生的磨尘自动收集的设备。 除尘砂轮机的技术变革除尘砂轮机发明自上世纪80年代,由杭州西湖砂轮机厂(原浙江砂轮机厂)、上海砂轮机厂共同研制完成。由于当时国内企业的环保意识并不深,所以除尘砂轮机在当时并没有得到市场的认可。除尘砂轮机的技术革新也往后推移了很多。 当时的除尘砂轮机采用的是布袋式除尘装置,执行标准是每立方米粉尘浓度不超过3毫克每立方。 直到2008年,国内外企业的环保意识已深入人心,国内外企业对环保的要求也越来越高。新一代除尘砂轮机也由此诞生。新的除尘砂轮机新增了火焰沉降系统、过载保护系统,最大的变革就式集尘方式上大有不同。新增了振灰手柄和抽屉式集尘箱。 除尘砂轮机的型号辨别吸尘式砂轮机总归类为MC30系列或者M33系列,由于电机功率和砂轮机盘直径不一,吸尘式砂轮机的标准型号有MC3015 MC3020 MC3025 MC3030 MC3035 MC3040 MC3050 MC3060。型号的后两位代表砂轮直径。 Grinding Machine With Dust SuckingHeavy Duty Bench Grinders with Built in Dust Collectors are specially designed for collection of dust generating during the grinding process. These are mounted on a rigid steel frame. This machine is directly driven by heavy duty Drive 2.2 KW 3 H.P, 3 Phase 50 cycles, 1440 RPM complete with starter, Two Grinding Wheels 14" x 2" Aluminium Oxide, heavy duty M.S Wheel Guards, Job Rests. Dust Collecter Motor 1.5 H.P 3 Phase. Dust Collector is fitted with a manual shaker. Dust Drawer, Big Filters, 2 Nos. Suction Inlet dia. 100 mm I.D Model - BIDC-314. Dust Collector have high filtering efficiency to enable it to grasp even the finest dust particles. Cotton filtering sleeves provide it with total security against inflammation. Other size of Grinders available on request. |
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