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释义 | 图书信息书 名: 双语教学论 作 者:欧卫红 出版社: 北京大学出版社 出版时间: 2009年12月 ISBN: 9787301158326 开本: 16开 定价: 38.00 元 内容简介《双语教学论》内容简介:双语教学是素质教育新的切入点:语言学习与学科学习相辅相成;双语思维能力促进智慧的提升;跨文化交际能力拓宽学生视野;学术语言能力为高校学习奠基;双语教学促进学科教师的发展:双语教育推动学校的整体发展。因此,中小学双语教学实验深受社会各界的关注与支持。 教育部2001年4号文件《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》要求本科教育逐步使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学,特别是高新领域的生物技术、信息技术等专业,以及为适应我国加入WTO后需要的金融、法律等专业。高校开展的双语教学实验在很大程度上推动了中小学双语教学实验的发展。 图书目录Chapter One Basic Theories I.I Theories of first language acquisition and learning 1.1.1 Language acquisition and language learning 1.1.2 Theories of first language acquisition 1.1.3 Language acquisition view of cognitive linguistics 1.1.4 Language development 1.1.5 The critical period hypothesis 1.2 Theories of second language learning and acquisition 1.2.1 Critical period of second language learning and acquisition 1.2.2 Theories of second language acquisition 1.2.3 Practical pedagogical implications of SLA research 1.2.4 Individual learner differences and second language acquisition 1.2.5 Interlanguage 1.3 Theories of bilingual learning and acquisition 1.3.1 Appellation 1.3.2 Definitions 1.3.3 Types of bilingual teaching models 1.3.4 Bilingual education examples across the world 1.3.5 Chinese-English bilingual teaching in China 1.3.6 The critical period hypothesis of bilingual teaching Chapter Two Teaching Methodology 2.1 Main ideas about English teaching methodology 2.1.1 Language and language teaching 2.1.2 The New National English Curriculum 2.1.3 Current English teaching methodology 2.1.4 Lesson planning 2.1.5 Classroom management 2.1.6 Assessment in language teaching 2.1.7 Classroom English 2.2 Main ideas about subject methodology 2.2.1 Main ideas about math teaching methodology 2.2.2 Main ideas about science teaching methodology 2.2.3 Main ideas about music teaching methodology 2.3 Main ideas about bilingual teaching methodology 2.3.1 Teaching goals 2.3.2 Teaching models and strategies 2.3.3 Code switching 2.3.4 Bilingual teaching methodology in some subjects Reference books Chapter Three Grammatical Points for Bilingual Teaching 3.1 Verb andtense 3.1.I Main verbs 3.1.2 Auxiliaries 3.1.3 Tenses 3.2 Subject-Verb concord 3.2.1 Brief introduction about concord 3.2.2 The common rule of agreement 3.3 Participle 3.4 Commonly used sentence patterns 3.4.1 Existential sentence pattern 3.4.2 It-patterns 3.4.3 Conditional sentences 3.5 Simple sentence 3.5.1 Positive and negative statements 3.5.2 Questions 3.5.3 Commands 3.5.4 Exclamations 3.6 Clause 3.6.1 Clause element 3.6.2 Basic clause types 3.7 Degree and construction 3.7.1 Degree of adjectives and adverbs 3.7.2 Typical comparative structures 3.8 Direct and indirect speech 3.9 Infinitive 3.10 Passive voice 3.11 Some issues Reference books Chapter Four Resources for Bilingual Classroom Teaching 4.1 Subject English words and expressions 4.1.1 Mathematics 4.1.2 Science 4.1.3 Music 4.2 Sample lesson plan analysis 4.2.1 Sample 1 Analysis of Sample 1 4.2.2 Sample 2 Analysis of Sample 2 4.2.3 Sample 3 Chapter Five Teacher Development 5.1 Introduction to teacher development and its research 5.1.1 Some concepts in teacher development 5.1.2 The importance of teachers' professional development 5.1.3 Approaches to teacher development 5.2 Teacher development in'bilingual teaching 5.2.1 Building subject expertise 5.2.2 Improving Language proficiency 5.2.3 Developing bilingual teaching skills Glossary and Index …… |
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