词条 | 书面语篇的世界 |
释义 | 图书信息书名:书面语篇的世界 出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; 第1版 (2008年6月1日) 外文书名: worlds of written discourse: a genre-based view 丛书名: 外教社21世纪语言学新发展丛书 平装: 228页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 isbn: 7544608476, 9787544608473 条形码: 9787544608473 商品尺寸: 22.8 x 15 x 1.2 cm 商品重量: 299 g 品牌: 上海外语教育出版社 内容简介《书面语篇的世界:体裁研究》作者从书面语篇体裁的现实、意图、分析和应用四个层面入手,分析了广告、商务、学术、经济、法律以及媒体等领域的众多实际文本,搭建起语篇体裁研究的三维模型,试图把体裁研究从单纯的学术概念转化到实际应用中来。体裁研究可以帮助深入理解类似学术论文、专业文件以及机构条款等各种书面语篇的特色和内容。但是,人们对于体裁研究的应用却仍局限于语言教学及培训领域.对于语篇体裁的认识还停留在简单且理想化的层面。实际上,在工作生活中遇到的语篇体裁多是动态复杂的,应该从多个方面进行分析,才能做到精准的理解。 作者简介作者:(英国)巴蒂亚(VIJAYK.BHATIA) 目录Acknowledgements Introduction Overview Chapter 1 Perspectives on written discourse 1.1 History and development 1.2 Multi-perspective model of discourse 1.3 Genre-based view of discourse The world of reality Chapter 2 Genres within specific domains 2.1 Registers,genres and disciplines 2.2 Disciplinary variation in genres within academic domains 2.3 Variation in genres within professional domains Chapter 3 Genres across domains:Genre colonies 3.1 Promotional genres 3.2 Academic introductions 3.3 Reporting genres The world of private intentions Chapter 4 Appropriation of generic resources 4.1 Invasion of territorial integrity 4.2 Philanthropic fundraising 4.3 Public discourse:Memorandum of understanding Chapter 5 Generic integrity 5.1 Identifying generic integrity 5.2 Dynamics of generic integrity 5.3 Generic competence and professional expertise The world of analytical perspectives Chapter 6 Integrating research methods 6.1 Investigation goals 6.2 Towards a multi-perspective model 6.3 Integrating perspectives The world of applications Chapter 7 Applications of genre theory 7.1 The power and politics of genre 7.2 Genres in translation and document design 7.3 Genres in applied linguistics References Index |
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