词条 | 首乌荼籽洗头水 |
释义 | 首乌荼籽洗头水 Feng Shou Tianma Shouwu Shampoo 丰收牌天麻荼籽首乌洗头水,采用芦荟精华,配合名贵中药首乌、荼籽及天麻研制成的浓缩美发产品 本品除俱一般清洁头发之功能外,所含之芦荟精华,有效保持秀发健康亮泽。天麻配方便俱袪头皮头风等疗效。 此外首乌对治疗白发、脱发、开叉、枯黄及头晕、头痛,脂溢性秀发有其效,适合天天使用。 洗发时,先用5-8克洗发露清洗秀发上的污垢,过水后再搽一次洗发露,让其护发成份深入发质,发挥滋润及药物功能,洗后,令秀发更有弹性,更清爽,乌黑光泽,容易梳理 规格﹕320ml Contains: Aloe, Tianma, Shouwu & Amercia Shampoo lotion. It nourishes and enhances direct absorption of hair. improves hair structure and manageability, making the hair soft, elastic, shinny, full of energy. It effectively prevents the formation of grey yellow and greasy hair suppressed dandruff inching and offers excellent protection of hair against breaking and split ends. It significantly stops headache. Often a recurrent problem to ladies after shampoo. Effective treatment for dermatitis, tinea corporis and alopecia areata. Direction of Use: Wet the hair and evenly distribute 5 - 8gm. The shampoo through the hair, working into a lather. Rinse out thoroughtly. Repeat twice. |
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