词条 | CCSI |
释义 | 1. 思科认证讲师思科认证讲师 Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (简称CCSI) CCSI是思科公司(Cisco)为了保证让学员准确、全面的掌握思科网络技术,推出的一项需要经过严格考核的讲师资质认证。获取CCSI认证的讲师方可授课。CCSI承担着教授CCNA、CCNP、CCIE认证者得重要责任 有志成为思科认证讲师(CCSI—Cisco Certified Systems Instructor)的朋友们,必须通过为期两天的ICP(Instructor Preparation Program)考试。目前, IT Learning Solution Inc(ITLS)为在中国唯一的CISCO ICP考点。 CCSI考试介绍 1、考试时间 两个工作日 2、考试内容 第一部分: LAB部分,上机实验 时间为8:30AM---17:15PM,中午休息一个小时 第二部分: 第一阶段自选时间:由考生自选表述内容进行讲解 第二阶段必选时间:由主考官指定表述范围,考生有一个小时准备时间后进行讲解 3、考试资格 1)必须受雇于CISCO授权培训合作伙伴机构,有一年以上工作经验 2)CCNA成绩(640-802)在902分以上 联系方式: 报名热线:800 810 3358 邮箱:info@itlearningsolution.com.cn Length: 2-day Workshop This certification event is intended for candidates who would like to become certified to deliver authorized Cisco training courses. This certification event ensures that instructors demonstrate capabilities and skills for interactive and engaging classroom instruction in a technical environment with hands-on technical laboratory exercises. Program highlights include: CCSI candidates must initially obtain a Baseline Certification. Baseline Certification requires successful candidate attendance at an ICP evaluation event that includes presentations and a certification laboratory. ICP Evaluation Evaluation Content An intensive two-day program that offers sponsored individuals the opportunity to obtain a Baseline Certification and become a CCSI. This two-day program is divided into a period of guided preparation and individual practice, a period of candidate presentations, and a period of technical, hands-on lab activity. Candidates are expected to have highly developed interpersonal skills that minimally include: Ability to present information in a clear and engaging style Expertise in the use of analogy in instruction to clarify and simplify Use of positive response and praise Support of an open and honest relationship with the participants Presentation Evaluations will consider Candidate abilities in the following areas: Perform white board (chalk talk) based on course material Maintaining Instructional Credibility Managing the Learning Environment Communicating Effectively Presentation Skills Effective Use of Questions Providing Motivation and Reinforcement Providing Clarification and Feedback Laboratory Each candidate will be asked to complete a Certification Laboratory. The items selected for certification testing will be based on materials found in the Official Cisco® ICND course. The certification laboratory reflects the activities required of student participants in the Official Cisco® ICND course. The certification laboratory may also include classroom tasks that could be required of an instructor to manage the Labs, as well as methods required to recover from common errors. Any materials, technologies or configurations presented or implied in the Official Cisco® ICND course and/or the CCNA® Career Certification may be subject to testing. Recommended for: Instructors System Engineers/Channel Partners/Resellers who are interested in delivering training The ideal instructor for Cisco® technical courses will satisfy the following criteria: Technical Experience Strong understanding and appreciation of internetworking, LAN switching, and routing technologies and implementation Knowledge of Cisco® products and product families Experience with Cisco® solutions and products Experience with the networking and business problems of typical customers Instructional Experience Present information to learners in a clear and engaging style Facilitate classroom exercises and learning activities keeping them appropriate for the participant group Use appropriate media to present materials and examples Adjust presentations and exercises to the participant level and needs Manage classroom time Maintain appropriate order Keep presentations and exercises congruent with objectives Prerequisites: CCNA® or higher Career Certification Official Cisco® ICND or CCNA® course attendance (recommended) CCSI level score of 902 or higher on associated exams: CCNA (640-802) Strong understanding of and experience with hands-on lab exercises based on Official Cisco® ICND v2.2 course Preparation Candidates are asked to carefully study the provided Instructor or Student guide for the ICND course and any supplemental materials that assist in obtaining a CCNA® Cisco Career Certification. The majority of the information required for successful completion of the ICP can be found in these materials. Additionally, candidates should study materials related to the ICND course, as ICP will test information 2. 中国船级社实业公司中国船级社实业公司 China Classification Society Industrial CORP. (简称CCSI) 是由中国船级社(CCS)出资,专业从事陆上工业领域服务的公司。1993年在北京注册成立,具有独立的法人地位。2002年完成体系整合,实现CCS及其分支机构注册所有技术服务类型公司的体系化垂直领导。2006年1月再次进行了体系调整,成为CCS工业服务的集团公司。 作为独立的监理、专业检测、公正检验、技术鉴定和技术咨询机构,CCSI以独立、公正、优质、高效的宗旨,运用其专业知识和专用技术独立地为客户提供“监理、检测、检验、评估、检修和咨询”服务,最大程度地维护客户的利益,积累了大量的业绩,赢得了良好的信誉。 目前,CCSI共有各类专业技术人员500余名,65%以上具有交通、桥梁、无损检测、城市基本建设、船舶、海洋工程等专业的中高级技术职称。其中教授、正高级工程师、博士生导师等有20余名。 CCSI的各级子公司、分公司以及中外合资公司遍布国内沿海、沿江大中城市,形成了以北京为核心,辐射全国的综合性服务网络。 业务范围监理 :桥梁监理;大型起重设施监理;海洋工程监理;船舶及相关工程监理;港口设施监理;轨道交通监理;电站设备监理;环保工程监理;风能监理;其它监理。 检验:保险公估;海事公正检验;船舶与海上设备检验;陆地石油钻采设备第三方检验,石油套管检验和监造,其它工业产品检验。 检测:测厚;无损检测;仪器鉴定和校验;无线电检测;其它检测。 评估:工程计算;船舶评估;海洋工程评估;风能设施评估;大型钢结构评估;港口和起重设备评估;其它评估 检修:救生筏检修;救生艇检修;海上其它救生设备检修;海上消防设备检修;陆上消防设备检修(涉及设备供应的业务计入其中);其它检修 咨询:管理体系咨询;海事鉴定和咨询;各类培训;技术资料审查;工程咨询;设计;手册和图纸绘制;技术劳务;其它咨询。 服务领域? 船舶与海洋工程 ? 能源工程(火电、水电、核电、风力发电) ? 水运工程 ? 港口设备工程 ? 油气钻采设备 ? 造船厂设备工程(龙门起重机、坞门等) ? 输油、气管线工程 ? 桥梁工程 ? 大型钢结构工程 ? 化工设备 ? 轨道交通工程 ? 环保工程 ? 机电设备工程 ? 市政工程 中国船员工资指数“中国船员工资指数”(China Crew’s Salary Index,简称CCSI)是由航运在线倡导编制,由最广泛的船公司、管理公司、劳务中介机构以及船员群体共同参与的中国第一份船员行业工资指数。 加拿大猪育种改良中心“加拿大猪育种改良中心”(Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement,简称CCSI)。 加拿大猪改良中心的历史1994年由加拿大养猪业创立,以便为猪遗传改良提供指导,合作等服务。 成员组织它的成员组织主要是一些区域性的猪改良中心,包括西部猪测试协会(WSTA)、渥太华猪改良公司(OSI)、魁北克猪改良中心(CDBQ)、大西洋猪中心(ASC)、安大略、加拿大猪肉协会、加拿大肉类协会及加拿大种猪协会。 改良猪种改良猪种包括:约克夏(Yorkshire)、长白猪(Landrace)和杜洛克(Duroc)等。 为加拿大和海外客户服务遗传改良(数据库和网络工具)和研究和发展(训练课程、咨询顾问)等。 CCSI的用户遍布世界用户来自加拿大、中国、智利、法国、墨西哥、越南及美国。 中国顾客满意度指数中国顾客满意度指数(CCSI)。 |
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