

词条 程义云



程义云,男,1982年6月出生,江苏姜堰人。博士,教授,博士生导师。2000年毕业于江苏省姜堰中学。2004年本科毕业于中国科技大学高分子科学与工程专业,之后开始在中国科技大学进行硕博连读,并于2008年获得中国科技大学结构生物学专业理学博士学位。之后在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis) 做博士后。2010年受聘于华东师范大学生命科学学院生物医学工程专业教授,同年8月被聘为博士生导师。


* 树枝形分子等生物材料的设计及其在生物医学中的应用研究;

* 纳米生物材料在早期癌症诊断及靶向治疗中的应用研究;

* “树枝形药物”新剂型、给药途径的研发及其临床前的检测分析;

* 智能控制释放系统的设计及其在多种疾病诊断治疗中的应用;

* 核磁共振技术在“树枝形药物”剂型设计及优化中的应用。


从2010年起担任国际刊物Current Drug Discovery Technologies的Regional Editor‚曾担任Open Journal of Pharmacology‚ Current Drug Discovery Technologies‚ Der Pharma Chemica‚ Local and Regional Anesthesia 等多个国际刊物编委(Editorial Board Member)‚ 先后70多次被邀请为30多个国际知名刊物的审稿人。


自开展研究工作起一直致力于树枝形分子等纳米生物材料的研究工作‚已经在Nature Materials‚ Chemical Society Reviews, Journal of the American Chemical Society‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B等国际知名刊物发表第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文30多篇‚论文影响因子总和达160‚ 被制药科学和药物化学领域知名刊物Chemical Society Reviews, Frontiers in Bioscience‚ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences‚ European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等邀请撰写专题综述6篇‚ 所发表第一/通讯作者论文已有7篇(次)被杂志选为出版当年、当季度的热门或引用次数最多的文章。在树枝形分子领域的很多工作已经受到国际同行专家的认可和关注‚被国际著名出版社John Wiley & Sons 邀请作为主编编写专题著作“Dendrimer-based Drug Delivery Systems: from Theory to Practice”(2011年正式出版)‚论文被国内外其他课题组公开引用500多次。近3年代表性论文如下:(*通讯作者)

1) Yavuz MS†‚ Cheng YY†‚ Chen JY†‚ Cobley CM‚ Zhang Q‚ Rycenga M‚ Xie JW‚ Kim C‚ Schwartz AG‚ Wang LV‚ Xia YN*‚ Gold Nanocages Covered by Smart Polymers for Controlled Release with Near-infrared Light. Nature Materials‚ 2009‚ 8(12): 935-939. (†共同第一作者; 2009年影响因子29.504; 论文自发表以来被 Science Daily‚ The New York Times‚ R & D Magazines‚ Nanomedicine等多家权威媒体‚杂志Highlight).

2) Zhao LB‚ Wu QL‚ Cheng YY*‚ Zhang JH‚ Wu JH‚ Xu TW*. High-Throughput Screening of Dendrimer-Binding Drugs‚ Journal of the American Chemical Society‚ 2010‚ 132(38): 13182-13184‚ 2010. (2009年影响因子8.58).

3) Feng XY‚ Cheng YY*‚ Yang K‚ Zhang J‚ Wu Q‚ Xu TW*. Host-Guest Chemistry of Dendrimer-Drug Complexes‚ 5. Insights into the Design of Formulations for Noninvasive Delivery of Heparin Revealed by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and NMR Studies‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2010‚ 114 (34): 11017-11026.

4) Cheng YY*‚ Xu ZH‚ Ma ML‚ Xu TW*‚ Dendrimers as Drug Carriers: Applications in Different Routes of Drug Administration‚ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences‚ 2008‚ 97(1): 123-143. (2008年被选为该杂志十大最热门文章之一; 2009年再次被选为该杂志十大被引次数最多的文章).

5) Fang M‚ Cheng YY*‚ Zhang JH‚ Wu QL‚ Hu JJ‚ Zhao LB‚ Xu TW*‚ New Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Surfactants: 4. Fast Exchange/Slow Exchange Transitions in the Structure of Dendrimer-Surfactant Aggregates‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2010‚ 114(18): 6048-6055.

6) Yang K‚ Cheng YY*‚ Feng XY‚ Zhang JH‚ Wu QL‚ Xu TW*‚ New Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Mixed Micelles: 5. Formation of Miscellaneous Mixed Micelles Revealed by a Combination of 1H NMR‚ Diffusion‚ and NOE Analysis‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2010‚ 114(21): 7265-7273.

7) Hu JJ‚ Fang M‚ Cheng YY*‚ Zhang JH‚ Wu QL‚ Xu TW‚ Host-Guest Chemistry of Dendrimer-Drug Complexes: 4. An In-depth Look into the Binding/Encapsulation of Guanosine Monophosphate by Dendrimers‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2010‚ 114(21): 7148-7157.

8) Cheng YY*‚ Wu QL‚ Li YW‚ and Xu TW*‚ External Electrostatic Interaction versus Internal Encapsulation between Cationic Dendrimers and Negatively Charged Drugs: Which Contributes More to Solubility Enhancement of the Drugs? Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2008‚ 112: 8884-8890.

9) Hu JJ‚ Cheng YY*‚ Wu QL‚ Zhao LB‚ Xu TW*‚ Host-Guest Chemistry of Dendrimer-Drug Complexes: 2. Effects of Molecular Properties of Guests and Surface Functionalities of Dendrimers‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2009‚ 113(31): 10650 - 10659.

10) Zhao LB‚ Cheng YY*‚ Hu JJ‚ Wu QL‚ Xu TW*‚ Host-Guest Chemistry of Dendrimer-Drug Complexes: 3. Competitive Binding of Multi-drugs to a Single Dendrimer‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2009‚ 113(43): 14172-14179.

11) Cheng YY*‚ Li YW‚ Wu QL‚ Xu TW*‚ New Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Surfactants by Two Dimensional NOE NMR Spectroscopy‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2008‚ 112(40): 12674-12680.

12) Hu JJ‚ Cheng YY*‚ Ma YR‚ Wu QL‚ Xu TW*‚ Host-Guest Chemistry and Physico-chemical Properties of Dendrimer-Mycophenolic Acid Complexes‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2009‚ 113(1): 64-74.

13) Cheng YY*‚ Wu QL‚ Li YW‚ Hu JJ‚ Xu TW*‚ New Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Surfactants: 2. Design of New Drug Formulations Based on Dendrimer-Surfactant Aggregates‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2009‚ 113(24): 8339-8346.

14) Wu QL‚ Cheng YY*‚ Hu JJ‚ Zhao LB‚ Xu TW*‚ New Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Surfactants: 3. Size- and Hydrophobicity-Dependent Encapsulation of Bile Salts‚ Journal of Physical Chemistry B‚ 2009‚ 113: 12934-12943.

15) Cheng YY‚ Wang JR‚ Rao TL‚ He XX‚ Xu TW*‚ Pharmaceutical Applications of Dendrimers: Promising Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery‚ Frontiers in Bioscience‚ 2008‚ 13: 1447-1471.

16) Yang WJ‚ Li YW‚ Cheng YY*‚ Wu QL‚ Wen LP‚ Xu TW*‚ Evaluation of Phenylbutazone and Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers Interactions by a Combination of Solubility‚ 2D-NOESY NMR‚ and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Studies‚ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences‚ 2009‚ 98(3): 1075-1085.

17) Cheng YY*†‚ Li YW†‚ Wu QL‚ Zhang JH‚ Xu TW*‚ Generation-Dependent Encapsulation/Electrostatic Attachment of Phenobarbital Molecules by Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers: Evidence from 2D-NOESY Investigations‚ European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry‚ 2009‚ 44(5): 2219-2213. (†共同第一作者).

18) Yang WJ‚ Cheng YY*‚ Xu TW*‚ Wang XY‚ Wen LP*‚ Targeting Cancer Cells with Dendrimer-Biotin Conjugates‚ European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry‚ 2009‚ 44(2): 862-868.

19) Cheng YY*‚ Xu TW*‚ The Effect of Dendrimers on the Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic behaviors of Non-covalently or Covalently Attached Drugs‚ European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry‚ 2008‚ 43: 2291-2297.

20) Cheng YY*‚ Man N‚ Xu TW‚ Fu RQ‚ Wang XY‚ Wang XM‚ Wen LP*‚ Transdermal Delivery of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Mediated by Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Dendrimers‚ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences‚ 2007‚ 96(3): 595-602.





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