词条 | 沈阳粉体(包装)机械设计所 |
释义 | 沈阳粉体机械设计所是从事粉体加工设备研制的专业化企业,长期致力于对各种超细、纳米级物料的自动定量包装及粉碎设备的研究、开发和制造。拥有多套粉体试验设备,依靠强大的技术后盾、完善的服务体系和过硬的产品质量,占领行业主导地位。我所于96年首创我国可排气式微纳米粉定量包装机,该产品填补了国内多项空白,打破了国外阀口包装业在中国市场长期垄断的局面,为我国超细粉包装行业做出了巨大贡献,并荣获沈阳市科技成果一等奖、辽宁省二等奖。 十年来,通过我所的不断钻研和探索,掌握了多套超细粉体的包装解决方案,攻克了多项包装难题,如:导电石墨、超细炭黑(乙炔)、气相法白炭黑、硅灰粉、纳米碳酸钙、氢氧化铝等,尤其在白炭黑(二氧化硅)行业现已拥有占全国85%的用户群。设备销售遍布全国各地且出口至欧洲、亚洲等多个国家和地区,迄今已向各行业提供了数百台设备及生产线,被公认为是超细粉阀口包装机的龙头企业。 由我设计所研制生产的流化床对撞式气流粉碎分级机和卧式涡轮气流分级机,特别适用于莫氏硬度在9以下的干式物料,并可在4-15μm之间任意调整物料细度,粒度分布均匀,满足用户的不同需要。 主要产品: 压缩排气式阀口包装机 纳米、微米粉包装机(灌装机) 真空负压脱气包装机(阀口袋、敞口袋) 真空脱气粉体密实机 吨袋包装机 整形机 气流粉碎分级机 Shenyang Powder Machinery Design Institute is a special business that got in for powder machine equipment. We who capture leading trade position depend on formidable technology backing, prefect service and in complete mastery of product quality. The company long-term devote to kinds of micro powders automatic quantitative package and equipments research, development and creation. We are aimed at a large of dust, not full and hard vert and so on in the package of the powder that success developed Packing Machine with vacuum function, carborundum Packing Machine and set H automatic Micro Nano Powder Batch Packing Machine. We have got national users, approval and high opinion in many years of new product appeared on market. We have confirmed the products we offer to solve the above problem. The uses are worth trusting because it is stable running and reliable security. Meanwhile we made the Air Floe Prophyrizing and Grading Machine and Turbine Air Flow Grader that specially suit under hardness 9 dry material and may arbitrarity adjust material degree of thickness during 4-15μm, pellet even distribution and satisfy the consumers different require. |
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