

词条 程文龙

姓名:程文龙 出生年月:1969年9月籍贯:安徽省宁国市 学历:工学博士1988.9~1993.7 中国科学技术大学工程热物理系(本科,学士)1993.9~1996.7 中国科学技术大学热科学和能源工程系(硕士研究生,硕士)1999.9~2002.11 中国科学技术大学热科学和能源工程系(博士研究生,博士)


1996.8~2001.1 中国科学技术大学热科学和能源工程系,助教

2000.1~2004.1 中国科学技术大学热科学和能源工程系,讲师

2004.1~至今 中国科学技术大学热科学和能源工程系,副教授

1997.9~1998.9 日本九州大学工学部,访问研究员

2001.9~2002.9 日本东京农工大学生物系统研究科,访问研究员


1. 工作流体热物理性质的测量和预测

2. 传热、传质

3. 能源转化和利用









(1) 主持项目:

① 关于表面添加剂对溶液传热传质过程中强化机理的研究,国家自然科学基金项目(50206020),2003.1~2005.12

② 添加剂对吸收与冷凝过程的强化作用,中国科学技术大学回国人员启动基金,2003.1~2004.12

③ LNG空分设备预可研,广钢集团,2001.7~2002.1


① 利用LNG冷能制氢技术的研究,科技部863探索项目(2002AA515010),2002~2004,所属主题:后续能源技术,所属领域:能源技术

② 特种功能薄膜CVD制备过程热物理研究和新工艺探索,国家自然科学基金(59976038),2000.01~2002.12

③ 制冷混合工质热物性推算法则的机理与实验研究,国家自然科学基金(59976040) ,2000.01~2002.12

④ 微重力条件下晶体炉热损计算(1998),经费提供单位:上海硅酸盐研究所

⑤ 热泵系列高效节能产品的开发研制,安徽省科委新能源与节能攻关项目,2001~2003。



[1] Wen-Long Cheng, Kouichi Houda, Ze-Shao Chen, Atsushi Akisawa, Peng Hu, and Takao Kashiwagi, “Heat Transfer Enhancement by Additive in Vertical Falling Film Absorption of H2O/LiBr”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 24(2-3), 281-298,2004 (IDS Number 760VF)

[2] 程文龙,陈则韶, “添加剂对LiBr溶液吸收蒸气过程中的强化机理研究”,化学物理学报,17(2),179-185,2004 (IDS Number 818EX)

[3] Wen-Long Cheng, Chang Liu, Rui Zhao, Ze-Shao Chen, “Experimental Study on Surface Tension of Ammonia-Water Solution in the presence of Additive”, Proceedings of the 7th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Hefei & Huangshan, Anhui, August 23-28, pp108

[4] Cheng Wenlong, Chen Zeshao, Akisawa Atsushi, Hu Peng,Kashiwagi Takao, “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Surface Tension and Dynamic Surface Tension of Aqueous Lithium Bromide and Water with Additive”, Science in China, Serial E,Vol.46,No.2,2003, 191-203

[5] Z.S Chen, P. Hu, W.L. Cheng, “Thermophysical Properties Temperature Scale and Estimation for Thermophysical Properties of Fluids”, Proceedings of the 7th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Hefei & Huangshan, Anhui, August 23-28, pp10

[6] Ze-shao Chen, Peng Hu, Jian-xin Chen and Wen-Long Cheng, “Corresponding Relationships of p-v-T of Working Fluids”, Proceedings of the 7th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Hefei & Huangshan, Anhui, August 23-28, pp143

[7] 陈则韶,程文龙,胡芃,“一种利用LNG冷能的空气分离装置新流程”,工程热物理学报,2004.11,25(6),913-916

[8] 陈则韶,胡芃,程文龙,“饱和蒸气密度、焓和蒸发潜热的通用对比态推算式”,工程热物理学报,Vol.24,No. 2, 2003, 198-201。

[9] 胡芃,陈则韶,程文龙,“制冷工质PVT实验系统研制及HFC-227ea蒸气压测量”,工程热物理学报,24(1),2003

[10] Hu P, Chen ZS, Cheng WL, “Prediction of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Properties of Several HFC binary Refrigerant Mixtures”, Fluid Phase Equilibrium, 204(1): Jan 15, 2003, 75-84

[11] Peng Hu, Ze-Shao Chen, and Wen-Long Cheng, “Gaseous PVT Behavior of 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane”, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Volume 48 Issue 2 , 2003, pp 337 – 340

[12] Z.S. Chen, P. Hu and W.L. Cheng,“Generalized Estimation Equations for Thermophysics Properties of Saturated Fluids and the Saturated Properties Table of HFC-227ea”,15th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, June,2003

[13] 程文龙,陈则韶,“溴化锂风冷垂直降膜吸收过程数值模拟”,制冷学报,2001年第4期,11-15

[14] Peng Hu, Ze-Shao Chen, Wen-Long Cheng, “Vapor Pressure Measurements of 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane from 233.15 to 375.15K”, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Volume 47, Issue 1, 2002.1, P20-22.

[15] 程文龙, 贾磊, 陈则韶, 方贵银,“风冷垂直管降膜吸收器及其传热——传质问题的研究”,太阳能学报,Vol.23,N02,2002,175~180 (Ex 02397108231)

[16] 陈则韶,戚学贵,程文龙,胡芃,方贵银,“高温水蓄冷空调的原理和理论分析”,工程热物理学报,23(2),133-138

[17] 胡芃,陈则韶,罗大为,程文龙,“制冷工质PVT实验用精密低温恒温槽的研制”,仪器仪表学报,Vol.23,No.4,2002,414-416

[18] 程文龙,陈则韶, 秋泽淳,胡芃,柏木孝夫,“添加剂对溴化锂溶液及水表面张力影响的理论和实验研究”,中国科学E辑,Vol.32,No.6,2002,771-781

[19] 程文龙,陈则韶,“关于添加剂蒸汽对溴化锂溶液吸收促进作用的实验研究”,流体机械,Vol.30,No.12,2002,40-43

[20] 陈则韶,程文龙,胡芃,“热力参数的对比变换与流体工质热力性质的通用对比方程”,工程热物理学报,Vol.22,No.1,Jan.,2001,19-21

[21] 程文龙,陈则韶,胡芃,“一种新的制冷工质性质的通用四参数预测方法”,制冷学报,2001年第一期(总87期),P1-6

[22] 程文龙,陈则韶,胡芃,“电站中液化天然气可用冷能的回收利用”, 工程热物理学报,Vol.22,No.2,Mar. 2001,148-150

[23] 陈则韶,胡芃,程文龙,“饱和液体密度的推算法和通用算式”,工程热物理学报,Vol.22,Suppl.,Jun. 2001,pp9-12.

[24] W.L. Cheng, Z.S. Chen, P. Hu, L. Jia, “A New Generalized Four-Parameter Corresponding States Method for Predicting Volumetric Behaviour of Working Fluids”, International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol.22. No.6, November 2001, pp1769-1779

[25] Zeshao Chen, Wenlong Cheng, Kuixiang Zhang, “Calculation of the Thermal Conductivity of Three-Phased Sand Conglomerate Oil Pool”, High Temperature and High Pressure, 1995/1996, Volumes 27/28, British

[26] 程文龙,陈则韶,陈美英,吴广华, “单套管相变蓄冷器凝固过程一种简单解法及其传热特性”,工程热物理学报,Vol.17 Supple. Dec,1996 (In Chinese)

[27] Chen Zeshao, Wu Guanghua, Cheng Wenlong, Xie huaqing, “A New Method to Solve the Diffusive/Convective Phase Change Heat Transfer Problems”, Proceedings of the 1996 4th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, Heat Transfer of Science and Technology, High School Publisher, Beijing, 1996

[28] 陈则韶,程文龙,“蓄冷空调的经济性分析和最佳蓄冷率选择”,制冷与空调,1997.1

[29] Zeshao Chen, Wenlong Cheng, “Prospect of Air-Conditioning with Cool Storage in China and Its Economic Appraisal and Optimum Designing”, 3rd International Thermal Energy Congress, Kitakyushu, Japan, July 28- August 1, 1997

[30] Chen Zeshao, Cheng Wenlong, Ito Takehiro, “ A New Scheme of Air-Conditioning with Cold Storage by Water through the Method of Super-Cooling Refrigerant ”, 1997 China-Japan Joint Symposium on Advanced Energy and Transportation Engineering, Yellow Mountain City, P. R. China

[31] 胡芃,李川,程文龙,陈则韶,林朝光,“空气冷凝器管内分层流实验观测及数值计算”,中国科学技术大学学报,Vol.29, No.1, Feb. 1999

[32] 程文龙,伊藤猛宏,陈则韶,“一种回收液化天然气冷能的低温动力循环系统”,中国科学技术大学学报Vol.29, No.6,Dec. 1999

[33] Z.S Chen, C Li, W.L. Cheng, X.H. Qiu, and P. Hu, “ The Principle to Measure Thermal Conduvtivity by a New Thermal probe Method ”, Heat Transfer Science and Technology 2000, Edited by Bu-Xuan Wang, Higher Education Press.2000

[34] C.G. Lin, Z.S. Chen, P. Hu, W.L. Cheng, and J.P. Fu, “ Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on Flow Characteristics of Capillary in Refrigerator ”, Heat Transfer Science and Technology 2000, Edited by Bu-Xuan Wang, Higher Education Press.2000

[35] 陈则韶,李川,程文龙,胡芃,“据热扩散率最小离散度确定导热系数的新热探针法”,中国科学技术大学学报, Vol.30, No.3,Jun. 2000

[36] 林朝光,陈则韶,胡芃,程文龙,“毛细管数值模拟及实验研究”,流体机械,Vol.28,NO.10,2000,pp42-46

[37] 陈则韶,戚学贵,程文龙,周相芝,陶然, “压缩制冷空调装置动态仿真研究”,低温工程,No.6,2000,Sum No.118,35-39


(1) 陈则韶,程文龙,“一种利用液化天然气冷能的空气分离装置”,授权日:2002.7.20,授权号:ZL01245519 (实用新型)

(2) 陈则韶,程文龙,胡芃,“储能式热泵热水锅炉供热水装置”,授权日:2002.7.10,授权号:ZL01244858.3 (实用新型)





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