词条 | 深圳市园岭小学 |
释义 | 园岭小学建于 1984 年,位于深圳市福田区园岭新村。 1991 年被评为深圳市一级学校, 1993 年被确定为深圳市重点小学, 1994 年被评为首批“广东省一级学校”, 1996 年成为教育部授牌的“全国现代教育技术实验学校”、“中科院心理研究所教材改革实验基地”, 2002 年底,跻身全国名校 600 强, 2003 年 6 月,三部同时顺利通过广东省一级学校复评(评估), 2004 年被评为国家级“科研兴校示范基地”, 2006 年被评为“全国心理健康教育特色学校”,2007年学校再次获得“深圳市办法效益奖”,2008年学校被评为“广东省依法治校示范校”,2009年被评为首批“广东省红领巾示范校”。 2002 年 7 月,为进一步发挥名校品牌效应,为辖区人民提供更多的优质学位,福田区委、区政府决定正式启动“园岭优质教育小区”,将同在园岭社区的园岭、园西、园东三校合并,按照“联体办学、辐射管理、资源共享、优势互补”的模式办学。合并后的园岭小学设立一个行政领导体系,在管理上推行“统一领导、分部管理、条块兼顾、动静结合”模式,三部间的日常管理和交流通过视频会议系统和 IP 电话系统、千兆校园局域网开展。合并后学校总占地面积 23983 平方米,建筑面积 24070 平方米,有教学班 79 个,在编教职工 223 人,学生 4199人,成为目前广东省规模宏大、设备先进、师资雄厚的公立小学。 长期以来,学校始终坚持“以人为本、改革创新、全面发展、追求卓越”的办学指导思想和“依法治校、民主理校、改革活校、科研兴校、特色立校、品牌强校”的办学总体思路,牢固树立“以学生自主、和谐、可持续发展为本”的办学理念,坚持“在做大中做强、在继承中创新、在竞争中发展”的办学原则,不断强化“生本意识、主体意识、品牌意识、创新意识”,坚持以优良的教学质量享誉鹏城,在国家、省、市级各类竞赛中取得了丰硕的成果。学校先后承担了“学科四结合”、“网络环境下的校际协作学习”、“信息技术与学科教学整合实验”、“儿童版画教学的普及与提高”等近 20 个国家级、省级和市级课题,并创造了多个深圳之最:最早大面积推广集中识字教学,最早将计算机应用于课堂教学,最早在语文课上应用多媒体,最早开展语文自学辅导实验等。并获广东省绿色学校、深圳市文明示范单位、深圳市教育系统先进单位、深圳市办学效益奖和全国多项课题实验先进单位等百余项集体奖。办学 20 多年来,学校先后有 26 多位优秀教师走上了正副校长的岗位, 3 位教师被评为广东省特级教师, 2 位校领导被授予“深圳市文明市民”称号,为上级学校输送了数以千计的优秀学生,数十名启蒙于园岭的学生就读于北大、清华、剑桥、牛津、哈佛等国内外著名大学。学生家长曾赠言学校:“如果人生能??来一次,我的启蒙也愿意从园岭开始。”在近五年深圳市外国语学校招生考试中,学校录取总人数连年居全市第一;连续 5 年获取世界小学数学奥林匹克金牌;学校编写出版的教改系列丛书和校本教材,在国内产生了较大的影响;校刊《园岭晨光》成为了广大师生和家长沟通交流与展示的平台;学校排练的儿童话剧《新守株待兔》曾作为深圳唯一节目晋京汇演并获全国金奖;合唱队排练的合唱节目《走进春天》,在 2003 年中央“两会”期间在央视 4 套多次滚动播出。江泽民同志曾亲切接见学校舞蹈队全体队员并合影留念,中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记张德江同志也曾到学校视察工作;市、区主要领导更是多次到学校调研、指导工作,并对学校的联体办学模式给予了充分的肯定。自2007年开始,学校为了提升教师的职业幸福感,弘扬“敢为人先,追求卓越”的园岭精神,在全校开展“感动园岭”年度人物评选。这一创举受到了广泛关注,深圳市各大媒体对此项活动都进行了报道, 园岭小学第二分部 迈入新世纪以来,学校以更加开放的姿态和更加稳健的步伐朝着既定的目标迈进。目前,学校已先后与美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、香港等境外众多知名学校和科研机构建立了广泛的联系。经过 20 多年的努力,学校正逐步形成具有时代特征、特区特点、园岭模式的多元化办学特色:以开展多项课题研究为主要形式的教育科研特色;以信息技术为核心的现代资讯特色;以小制作、小发明、小创造为主要载体的科技教育特色;以儿童版画普及教育为龙头的艺术教育特色;以心理辅导为主要途径的心理教育特色;。园岭独特的“资源优势、规模优势、区位优势和品牌优势”正日益凸现。 Introduction of Yuanling Primary School Yuanling Primary School was built in 1984 and located in 2nd street , Yuanling Estate, Futian District, Shenzhen. It was evaluated as key school of Shenzhen in 1993, for the first batch evaluated as “Provincial First-degree School”, authorized by the Educational Department as “Modern Educational Technological Experimental School of China” and “Teaching Materials Reform Experimental Base of Psychological Reaserch Institute of China Academy of Science”, mounted in the rank of Six Hundred Prestigious Schools in China in 2002, smoothly pased the evaluation of Provincial First-degree School by three branches, evaluated as national “Demonstration Base of Scientific Reaserch Prosperous School” in 2004 and evaluated as “Psychological Health Educational Characteristics School of China” in 2006. In July 2002, in order to further develop high-brand effect and provide more high-quality enrolled numbers for the estate people, Futian Committee and Futian Government decided to set up “Yuanling High-qulity Educational Estate” and merge together Yuanling, Yuanxi, Yuandong into one. The running style is in accordance with “jointly teaching and studying, general radiation organizing, sharing resources, supplying each other's needs”. After combination, Yuanling Primary School carried out the principal of “leading as a whole, managing seperately by branch, dealing in special conditions, considering both trends and static”. Comunication among three branches is through video-meeting system, IP phone system and thousand-MHz school internet. Yuanling Primary School covers twenty-seven thousand square metres and twenty-four thousand for using, there are seventy-nine classes, two hundred and twenty-three teachers, four thousand and fifty-two students; there are eighty standard classrooms, more than fifty functional rooms and nine hundred computers, equipment and spce are available. And it becomes a governmental public school with large scale, advanced equipment and qualitied teaches. For a long period of time, Yuanling Primary School persists on the guiding ideology of “taking person as a basis, reforming new ideas, developing in all-round ways, seeking remarkable achievements”, and sticks to the train of thought of “administering in accordance with law, democratic running, activating by reforms, growing by scientific reaserch, stabilizing by characteristics, strengthening by high-brand”. It firmly establishes the running ideas of “basing on students' independence, harmony and lasting development”, insists in the running principal of “strengthening in large scale, creating in continuation and developing in contest”. We constantly strengthen “foundamental conciousness, subjective conciousness, high-brand conciousness and creative conciousness”, our teaching quality enjoys good fame all over Shenzhen. We are in charge of nearly 20 national, provincial and local studied topics such as “subjects four combination”, “ schools coordination through internet”, “conformity of information technology and subjects”, “popularization and rising standard of children's printed layout teaching”, and gained the earliest of Shenzhen for several times: the earliest one to spread literacy classes, the earliest one to put computers into use in teaching, the earliest one to use net-teaching in Chinese lessons, the earliest one to practise self-study-and-guidance in Chinese lessons, etc. We are awarded more than one hundred honourable titles of Provincial Green School , Shenzhen Civilized Demonstrating Unit, Shenzhen Advanced Unit in Educational System, Shenzhen Effective Running Unit and Advanced Experimental Unit of National Topics. In the over twenty years of Yuanling Primary School, twenty-six excellent teachers have become headmasters; three have become provincial teachers of a special classification; two headmasters have been awarded “Shenzhen civilized citizens”; thousands of outstanding students were sent to higher schools; several tens of student from Yuanling study in Bejing, Qinghua, Cambridge, Oxford, Hardford and other world-wide remarkable Universities. Parents gave encourageous words to us that “if our life came another time, we would initiate from Yuanling Primary School”. In latest years, more than one thousand teachers and students have gained prizes in many kinds of contests; we have been the NO.1 among shools in Shenzhen to be enrolled by Shenzhen Foreign Language College for five years in succession; we have gained golden prizes of world-wide primary shools' Maths Olympic Contest for four terms in succession; we have gained organizational prizes of national children's arts and calligraphy contest for seven terms in succession; we have gained organizational prizes of Futian teen-agers technological festivals for six times in succession. Teaching materials and reformed serials edited by our school exerted a tremendous nation-wide influence; school magazine Yuanling Sunrise becomes the communication and demonstration station for teachers, students and parents; the children's play Waiting For Hares By A Stump (new version) was the only programme in Shenzhen to be awarded golden prize in Bejing; chorus programme Stepping Into Spring broadcasted for manytimes on CCTV during the Central Government Two Committees in 2003. Chairman Jiangzemin kindly received our dancing team by himself and group photos were taken to mark the occasion; member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee and secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Zhangdejiang came to inspected our school; chiefs of Shenzhen government and Futian District came to our school for investigating and guiding for many times, and deeply approved our combination running style. Since the new century, Yuanling Primary School has been in openmind attitude and steady steps towards the existing plan. Up to now, we have set up relationships with famous shools and scientific reaserch associations from America , Australia , Japan , Malaysia , Hongkong, etc. Through over-twenty-year hard work, our school has gradually shaped up the school-running characteristics with spirit of era, specil zone features and Yuanling style: scientific reaserch characeristics with muti-studied topics, mordern means characteristics corely with information technology, technological teaching characteristics with minihandwork, miniinvention and minicreation, artistic characteristics mainly with children's printed layout. Resource superiority, scale superiority, positional superiority and high-brand superiority of Yuanling Primary School is increasingly raising. |
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