

词条 城市大学


城市大学(City University London)始建于1894年,该校将历史悠久的传统学院与现代化的教学方法相结合,成为英国最优秀的大学之一。

城市大学(City University London)和伦敦城市大学(London Metropolitan University )不是同一所大学,前者无论在发展历史还是在教学水平、国际声誉上都比后者要优秀得多。






TIMES2009排名: 50 卫报: 14 金融时报: 45 UKER排名: UKER勋章




城市大学是一所综合大学,本科开设有商学,工程,计算机,健康科学,新闻,法律,商务管理、保健、数学、音乐、社会科学及语言课程等。 硕士课程有:会计,船运管理,艺术政策管理,不动产投资,资产评估,投资管理,国际财政会计,内部审计管理,保险和风险投资,银行学,财政工程,继续教育,健康科学,新闻,信息技术,法律,社会人文科学,音乐,数学研究。


该大学有一个藏书333,000余册的主图书馆和2个分科图书馆;可供学生使用的专用光盘、录像带、磁带和密纹唱片;以及可通过计算机和因特网查阅的全部藏书目录。计算机设施24小时对学生开放,包括500部PC机和90个Unix工作台。计算机网络与各系和学生宿舍联通。该大学的学生会有许多俱乐部和会社、一个超市、一个旅游服务部、一个学生报社、一个剧场、两个酒吧、一个咖啡厅、商店以及若干个学习及会议室。 该大学拥60多个各种俱乐部和会社,组织的活动有体育、消遣、宗教、智力与哲学以及戏剧与商务等等;一个游泳池;还可在泰晤士河扬帆和划船;在南伦敦有一个运动场,其中设有足球、英式橄榄球、网球场和其它田径运动场所等等;除此还有一个室内体育中心,内设壁球、羽毛球、网球、健身房、桑拿浴、日光浴和理疗室等等。 该大学为学生提供基本医疗保健等项服务,如各种咨询服务、学生指导中心、夜间应急电话和职业咨询中心等等。还有两个一流的校园餐厅,学生们可在那里享用各种美食,而且价格低廉。


该大学有个校园,均位于中伦敦区。有6大系,即:商学、工程、信息学(计算机科学)、数学、法律与社会学和护理学系。大学开设了大部分专业领域的本科、研究生和各种专业课程。 入学要求 IELTS最低分数:(本科生)6.0;(研究生)6.5 TOEFL最低分数:(本科生)550、机考213;(研究生)600,机考250 该大学有权自设课程并授予学位,而且所授学位均为世界各国所承认。但是,高等教育拨款委员会仍要对这些课程的质量进行督察。


1)高中毕业或同等学历;成绩优良和有力的推荐信; 2)圆满修完一种经过认可的基础课程,成绩优良; 3)IELTS成绩6.0或其它同等英语水平证明。修完普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程或国际认可大学预科课程并取得良好成绩的外国学生要比没有修完这些课程或类似学历的其他外国学生拥有优势。 攻读授课式研究生课程之中国学生的最低录取条件是: 1)优等大学本科毕业,成绩优良和有力的推荐信; 2)IELTS成绩6.0或6.0以上,随学科不同而异; 3)有些课程要求有工作经历;可能需要电话测试或在中国面试。


Founded in 1894 as the Northampton Institute on its present site and awarded full university status in 1966, we have special links with the City of London and plays an active role in the business and professional life of the capital. Our Chancellor is the Lord Mayor of London and our degree ceremonies are held at the historic Guildhall.

We pride ourselves on our close contacts with the leading professional institutions and with business and industry, both at home and abroad. Our professional links are reflected in our teaching and research staff. In addition to their high academic standing, many have professional qualifications and wide experience.

Our success is demonstrated by its graduate employment record, which is one of the best in the country. We are also the sixth most popular university in the UK for student applications. Our reputation extends worldwide: of almost 10,000 City University London students, more than 40 per cent are international, the majority of these from outside the European Union.

We have substantial expertise in:


business and law

mathematics, engineering and informatics

social sciences

creative and cultural subjects

continuing education

We have developed over the past 100 years into an innovative, forward-looking centre of excellence, with a well-deserved reputation in professional and business education and research. Today, we are ready and equipped to face the educational and professional challenges of the knowledge economy.

Founded in 1894 as the Northampton Institute on its present site and awarded full university status in 1966, we have special links with the City of London and plays an active role in the business and professional life of the capital. Our Chancellor is the Lord Mayor of London and our degree ceremonies are held at the historic Guildhall.

We pride ourselves on our close contacts with the leading professional institutions and with business and industry, both at home and abroad. Our professional links are reflected in our teaching and research staff. In addition to their high academic standing, many have professional qualifications and wide experience.

City’s success is demonstrated by its graduate employment record, which is one of the best in the country. We are also the sixth most popular university in the UK for student applications. Our reputation extends worldwide: of almost 10,000 City students, more than 40 per cent are international, the majority of these from outside the European Union.

University Strategy

We have dedicated ourselves to six strategic aims which will guide us towards even greater success in the coming years:

to provide high-quality education which meets the needs of our students and their employers

to develop and enhance research which has acknowledged standards of excellence

to influence policy and practice within our chosen areas of expertise

to make a significant contribution to the success of London as a world city

to increase the international scope and reputation of the University

to develop the University through growth and strategic collaboration.

City’s competencies

We have substantial expertise in:


business and law

mathematics, engineering and informatics

social sciences

creative and cultural subjects

continuing education and professional development.





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