词条 | 认知语用学导论 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 认知语用学导论 作 者:李佐文 出版社: 中国传媒大学出版社 出版时间: 2010年03月 ISBN: 9787811277777 开本: 16开 定价: 49.00 元 内容简介《认知语用学导论》内容简介:从研究语言到研究语言的使用是现代语言学的重要特征之一。语言作为人类重要交际工具,无时无刻不存在于人们的社会生活之中,是交流思想,抒发情感,沟通信息所必不可少的载体。研究不同语言交际环境下如何使用语言和理解语言的学科就是语用学。它从说话者和听话者的角度,把人们使用语言的交际行为看做是受各种社会文化因素制约的行为,研究特定语境中的话语含义,着重说明语境可能影响话语理解的各个方丽,从而建立语用规则。 作者简介李佐文,1966年生。中国传媒大学外国语学院院长,教授。博士后,英语语言文学专业硕士生导师;现任全国话语语言学研究会会长。研究方向为认知语用学、计算语言学。先后在《外国语》、《外语研究》等刊物发表学术论文三十余篇,出版专著、教材十余部。曾获全国“宝钢”教育奖和河北省“十大杰出青年教师”等荣誉称号。 图书目录Chapter 1 Cognitive Pragmatics An Overview 1. Introduction 2. An Overview of Pragmatics 3. From Philosophy of I.anguage to Cognitive Science 4. The Central Issues of Cognitive Pragmatics 5. The Approaches to Cognitive Pragmatics 6. The Relationship Between Cognilive Pragmatics and Cognitive Linguistics 7. The Developing Trends of Cognitive Pragmatics Chapter 2 Conversational Implicatures 1. Introduction 2. Meaning and Intention 3. Classic-Gricean Theory of Conversational Implicatures 4. Neo-Gricean Period 5. Development of Relevance Theory on Conversational Implicatures 6. Summary Chapter 3 Linguistic Communication and Its Models 1. Introduction 2. The Code Model of Linguistic Communication 3. The Inferential Model of Linguistic Communication 4. The Ostensive-inferential Model of I,inguistic Communication 5. Summary Chapter 4 Cognitive Context 1. Introduction 2. Traditional Context 3. Cognitive Context 4. A Comparison Between Traditional Context and Cognitive Context 5. Cognitive Context in Communication 6. Summary Chapter 5 Cognitive Principle and Communicative Principle 1. Introduction 2. Relevance and Communication 3. The Principle of Relevance 4. Two Principles of Relevance 5. Summary Chapter 6 Pragmatic Inference 1. Introduction 2. Logical Inference 3. Features of Pragmatic Inference 4. The Dynamic Model of Pragmatic Inference 5. Bridging and Cognitive Inference 6. Summary Chapter 7 Explicature and lmplicature 1. Introduction 2. Traditional Distinction of"What is said" and "What is implied" 3. Relevance-theoretic Pragmatics 4. Pragmatic Tasks in Explicature Derivation 5. Summary Chapter 8 Conceptual Meaning and Procedural Meaning 1. Introduction 2. The Theoretical Framework 3. Definitions of Conceptual Meaning and Procedural Meaning 4. Conceptual-procedural Meaning and Relevance-theoretic Semantics 5. Criteria for Identification 6. Procedural Expressions 7. Summary Chapter 9 A Cog-pragmatic Study of Reference Assignment and Discourse Markers 1. Introduction 2. Reference Assignment 3. Discourse Markers 4. Summary Chapter 10 Lexieal Pragmaties 1. Introduction 2. Pragmatic Enrichment Theory 4. Summary Index …… |
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