

词条 陈政
1 唐朝历史人物——开辟漳州将领


公元669年(唐高宗总章二年),闽中曾镇府年老乞休,又因泉(治今福州)潮州"蛮僚"啸乱,唐廷遣戎卫归德将军陈政更代(陈政当时在光州固始),晋升陈政为朝议大夫,统岭南行军总管事,率府兵自丰州(今泉州)莆田县南下。此时,福建多为狂锋獠之地,百事待兴。入漳伊始,受尽劳累病苦。陈政所率唐军来到柳营江畔(今江东)扎营,并打退少数民族武装,进军盘陀梁山之下。后来,少数民族首领组织更大规模的狙击,陈政以众寡不敌退守九龙山(今九龙岭),且耕且守。同时,奏请增兵,朝命以陈政之兄陈敏、陈敷带领五十八姓军校南下支持。在唐朝初期陈政陈元光家族曾定居于丰州莆田县南部,今莆田市仙游县,当时仙游县还没设立,攻打漳州时,陈政父子并非从北方长途率兵南下,而是直接在泉州及所属莆田县一带招募士兵南下作战,后来开创漳州。这样史实的记述,在宋代的仙溪志(今莆田市仙游县)中,有陈政与陈元光在当地居住的史料。这一史料证明:陈政父子应为唐朝初期派驻泉州(包括莆田)的驻军首领,他们来自北方,因此,其部队的核心应为北方人。陈政率军进驻绥安故县云霄营地,为抚慰南下将士怀念故乡之情,乃指营前大江,对将士们说:“此水如上党(今山西南部长治一带)之清漳!”于是改原绥安溪名为漳江,也证明了陈元光的祖籍山西。陈元光入漳作战,且招且战,其部下应有不少当地土著。陈元光与蛮僚的矛盾,应当看作是定居农业民众与游动不定的蛮僚之间的矛盾,唐代的漳州不过几千户人家,这些人,应为唐朝可以控制的农业户口,在他们之外,尚有不可计数的蛮僚生活于漳州山区。陈元光率领定居农业人口与蛮僚为争夺漳州控制权进行了长期的战争,双方交战的最后结果,定居农业民众控制了漳州沿海一带,而蛮僚控制了漳州的腹地。所以,对唐代漳州的开发程度,不可估计过高。实际上,直到北宋时期,漳州还是属于落后的地区。漳州的发展,是在南宋进入第一个高潮,而其具有较大影响,则是在明代才有的。无论是曾镇府、丁儒,还是陈政、陈元光,都不是来自光州固始。只是因为王审知独优固始人,故曾镇府、丁儒、陈元光的后裔才自称来自光州固始。以后更相沿袭,遂为其族谱与某些地方史志所采用”。福建人喜冒充籍光州固始的现象“虽经有识者如郑樵、方大琮等的揭露抨击,仍相沿不替,且越演越烈,明末以降,连唐初就在闽南建立了赫赫功业的陈元光及其一部分部将的后裔,也不能免这个改祖籍的习俗,将祖籍改为固始”;“固始现象”有着很深的社会原因,那就是“唐朝后面的五代闽国有一大批将士来自光州固始,在社会上确立了政治、经济、文化各方面的优势地位,所以自五代以降,先有一部分来自江淮的移民为了沾王审知家族桑梓的光,将祖籍地改为固始,后来并非来自江淮的汉族移民也冒称固始人. 流风所被,最后连闽粤土著后裔也编造或改窜族谱,将祖宗伪托为固始人”。现存最早的光州固始县志——明嘉靖《固始县志》,以及后来的清乾隆《重修固始县志》却又只字不提陈元光及其先人。 现存的《颍川陈氏开漳族谱》言陈元光之父陈政“世居河南光州固始县之浮光山”,又言陈政兄长陈敷、陈敏曾率军校五十八姓入闽。而比这更早的《白石丁氏古谱》却又言陈氏入闽后“乃募众民,得五十八姓,徙云霄地,听自垦田,共为声援”。纵观以上诸说,揭阳说有唐人张鹫的《朝野佥载》记有“岭南首领陈元光设客”事。张鹫的生活年代与陈元光相近,且到过岭南。)为左证,应该比较可信。陈政父子作为广州都督府的将领,长期受命戍闽,也符合情理(其时今漳州地区隶广州都督府)。河东说源于唐人林宝的《元和姓纂》卷三所说的“右鹰杨将军陈元光,河东人”。但从《元和姓纂》的体例看,这里说的也只是郡望而已,与籍贯不是一回事。光州固始说虽为明末清初以后的闽豫方志所取,但这些地方志都较晚出,实难令人确信。




2 英国化学化工学会华人分会首届理事长



大学( 1977-1980年)九江师专化学系




Research Associate(1994-1996年)利兹大学采矿与矿物工程系

Senior Research Associate(1996-2000年)剑桥大学材料科学与冶金系

武汉大学化学与分子科学学院 教授,博士生导师( 2000.10-)






现主要 从事“电化学分子识别 - 分子内相互作用”、“导电高分子 - 碳纳米管复合材料及应用”和“熔盐电解固态金属氧化物”等领域的研究以及材料化学的教学工作。提出和建立的熔盐电解固态金属氧化物方法在提炼金属钛、钛合金及其它金属材料等方面的应用是被国际学术界、商界和工业界普遍公认与看好的突破性进展。在包括 Nature 、 Adv. Mater. 、 Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 、 J. Am. Chem. Soc , 等二十余种国际学术期刊 发表论文 50 余篇, SCI 引用超过 1100 次。 主要研究方向为材料电化学。


The area of my research may be best described as "Materials Electrochemistry", including

---- innovation materials for electrochemistry, energy conversion and storage (e.g. fuel cells and supercapacitors),

---- electrochemical preparation and applications of novel composites of carbon nanotube-conducting polymers,

---- electrolytic extraction of metals and alloys from solid metal oxides in molten salts,

---- carbon nanotubes production in molten salts, and

---- cathodic refining/recycling of metals (Ti and Cu and their alloys) in molten salts.



2 degree theses,

69 research articles (54 in refereed journals and received more than 1100 citations according to Web of Science )

8 patent applications

more than 70 oral/poster presentations at various conference/seminars (some of these were presented by co-authors).

Refereed Journals

Electrochemical fabrication of nickel manganese gallium alloy powder

Wood JM, Copcutt R, Chen GZ, Fray DJ,

Adv. Eng. Mater. , (accepted in May 2003)

Recent development in electrochemical formation of carbon nanotubes in molten salts

Chen GZ and Fray DJ

J. Mining Metall. , (invited and accepted)

Reduction of Metal Oxides using Electro-Deoxidation

Fray DJ and Chen GZ

J. Mater. Sci. Tech. , (invited and accepted)

Controlling the nanostructure of electrochemically grown nanoporous composites of carbon nanotubes and conducting polymers

Hughes M, Chen GZ, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ, Windle AH

Composites Sci. Technol. , (accepted)

Bis(calix[4]diquinone) Receptors: Cesium- and Rubidium-Selective Redox-Active Ionophores

Webber PRA, Beer PD, Chen GZ, Felix V and Drew MGB

J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 125 (2003) 5774-5785

Electrolytic, TEM and Raman studies of producing carbon nanotubes in molten NaCl

Kinloch IA, Chen GZ, Howes J, Boothroyd C, Singh C, Fray DJ and Windle AH

Carbon , 41 (2003) 1127-1141

Superconducting Nb3Sn intermetallics made by electrochemical reduction of Nb2O5-SnO2 oxides

Glowacki BA, Fray DJ, Yan XY, Chen G

PHYSICA C , 387 (2003) 242-246

Voltammetric Studies of the Oxygen-Titanium Binary System in Molten Calcium Chloride

Chen GZ and Fray DJ

J. Electrochem. Soc., 149 (2002) E455 - E467

A Feasibility Study of Scaling-Up the Electrolytic Production of Carbon Nanotubes in Molten Salts

Dimitrov AT, Chen GZ, Kinloch IA and Fray DJ,

Electrochim. Acta, 48 (2002)91-102

Fe-filled carbon nanotubes: nano-electromagnetic inductors

Watts PCP, Hsu WK, Kotzeva V, Chen GZ

Chem. Mater. , 14 (2002) 4505-4508

Fe-filled carbon nanotube-polystyrene: RCL composites

Watts PCP, Hsu WK, Kotzeva V, Chen GZ

Chem. Phys. Lett. , 366 (2002) 42-50

Niobium based intermetallics as a source of high-current/high magnetic field superconductors

Glowacki, BA, Yan XY, Fray DJ, Chen G, Majoros M and Shi Y,

Physica C , 372-376 (2002) 1315-1320

Electrochemical Investigation of the Lithium Intercalation into Graphite from Molten Lithium Chloride

Xu Q, Schwandt C, Chen GZ, Fray DJ

J. Electroanal. Chem. , 530 (2002) 16-22.

Composites of Carbon Nanotubes and Polypyrrole for Electrochemical Supercapacitors

Hughes M, Chen GZ, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ and Windle AH

Chem. Mater. 14 (2002) 1610-1613.

Electrochemical Capacitance of Nanocomposite Films Formed by Coating Aligned Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes with Polypyrrole

Hughes M, Shaffer MSP, Singh C, Chen GZ, Fray DJ and Windle AH

Adv. Mater., 14 (2002) 382-385

Cathodic deoxygenation of the alpha-case on titanium and alloys in molten calcium chloride

Chen GZ, Fray DJ and Farthing TW

Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 32B (2001) 1041-1502

A low resistance boron-doped carbon nanotubes-polystyrene composite

Watts PCP, Hsu WK, Chen GZ, Fray DJ, Kroto HW and Walton DRM

J. Mater. Chem. , 11 (2001) 2482-2488

Synthesis and electrochemical polymerisation of calix[4]pyrroles containing N-substituted pyrrole moieties

Gale PA, Bleasdale ER and Chen GZ

Supramol. Chem. , 13 (2001) 557-563.

Caesium and rubidium selective bis(calix[4]diquinone) redox-active ionophores

Webber PRA, Chen GZ, Drew MGB and Beer PD

Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. , 40 (2001) 2265+.

Cathodic refining in molten salts: removal of oxygen, sulfur and selenium from static and flowing molten copper

Chen GZ and Fray DJ

J. App. Electrochem. , 31 (2001) 155-164

Mixed phase WxMoyCzS2 nanotubes

Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Boothroyd CB, Kinloch I, Trasobares S, Terrones H, Grobert N, Terrones M, Escudero R, Chen GZ, Colliex C, Windle AH, Fray DJ, Kroto HW and Walton DRM

Chem. Mater. 12 (2000) 3541+

Morphology, structure and growth mechanism of WS2 nanotubes

Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Terrones H, Grober N, Chang BH, Terrones M, Wei BQ, Kroto HK, Walton DRM, Boothroyd C, Kinloch I, Chen GZ, Windle AH and Fray DJ

J. Mater. Chem. , 10 (2000) 2570-2577

Direct electrochemical reduction of titanium dioxide to titanium in molten calcium chloride

Chen GZ, Fray DJ and Farthing TW

Nature , 407 (2000) 361-364.

Carbon nanotubes and polypyrrole composites: coating and doping

Chen GZ, Shaffer MSP, Coleby D, Dixon G.; Zhou W, Windle AH and Fray DJ

Adv. Mater., 12 (2000) 522+.

Electrochemical molecular recognition: pathways between complexation and signalling

Beer PD, Gale PA and Chen GZ

J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., (1999) 1897-1909 (invited perspective)

Mechanisms of electrochemical recognition of cations, anions and neutral guest species by redox-active receptor molecules

Beer PD, Gale PA and Chen GZ

Coord. Chem. Rev., 186 , (1999) 3-36 (invited review).

Electrochemical investigation of the formation of carbon nanotubes in molten salts

Chen GZ, Kinloch I, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ and Windle AH

High Temp. Mater. Processes , 2 (1998) 459-469.

(This paper was written based on a poster presented at and won the First Poster Prize of the "European Research Conference on Molten Salts", 27 June-3 July 1998, Porquerolles Island, France. The paper is also included in the conference"s proceedings, "Advances in Molten Salts---from structural aspects to waste processing", ed. M. Gaune-Escard, Begell House, Inc, 1999, pp 97-107)

Electrolytic conversion of graphite to carbon nanotubes in fused salts

Chen GZ, Fan X, Luget A, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ and Windle AH

J. Electroanal. Chem. , 446 (1998) 1-6.

Electrochemical recognition of charged and neutral guest species by redox active receptor molecules

Beer PD, Gale PA and Chen Z

Adv. Phys. Org. Chem. , 31 (1998) 1-90 (invited review).

Novel voltammetric responses of a 1,1"-ferrocene bis(methylene aza-18-crown-6) to group 1 and 2 metal cations in acetonitrile

Chen Z, Pilgrim AJ and Beer PD

J. Electroanal. Chem. , 444 (1998) 209-217.

Lower-rim ferrocenyl fubstituted calixarenes: new electrochemical sensors for anions

Gale PA, Chen Z, Drew MGB, Heath JA and Beer PD

Polyhedron , 17 (1998) 405-412

New ionophoric calix[4]arenediquinones: coordination chemistry, electrochemistry and X-ray crystal structures

Beer PD, Gale PA, Chen Z, Drew MGB, Heath JA, Ogden MI and Powell HR

Inorg. Chem. , 36 (1997) 5880-5893.

Synthesis and characterization of novel acyclic, macrocyclic, and calix[4]arene ruthenium(II) bipyridyl receptor molecules that recognize and sense anions

Szemes F, Hesek D, Chen Z, Dent SW, Drew MGB, Goulden AR, Graydon AR, Grieve A, Mortimer RJ, Wear T, Weightman JS and Beer PD

Inorg. Chem. , 35 (1996) 5868-5879.

New bis- and tris-substituted calix[5]arene esters: synthesis, coordination chemistry and electrochemistry

Beer PD, Gale PA, Chen Z and Drew MGB

Supramol. Chem. , 7 (1996) 241-255.

Transition metal cation and phosphate anion electrochemical recognition in water by new polyaza ferrocene macrocycle ligands

Beer PD, Chen Z, Drew MGB, Johnson AOM, Smith DK and Spenser P

Inorganica Chimica Acta , 246 (1996) 143-150.

Electrochemical recognition of anions in acetonitrile using neutral molecular receptors containing ferrocene, amide and amine moieties

Chen Z, Graydon AR and Beer PD

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. , 92 (1996) 97-102.

Asymmetrical complexation and simultaneous electrochemical recognition of two different group 2 metal cations by a 1,1"-ferrocene-bis(methylene aza-18-crown-6) receptor

Chen Z; Pilgrim AJ and Beer, PD

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. , 91 (1995) 4331-4333.

Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of a new redox-active calix[5]arene containing a totally included ethanol molecule

Beer PD, Chen Z, Drew MGB, and Gale PA

J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. , (1995) 1851-1852.

Synthesis and electrochemical polymerisation of calix[4]arenes containing N-substituted pyrrole moieties

Chen Z, Gale PA and Beer PD

J. Electroanal. Chem. , 393 (1995) 113-117.

Effects of calixarenes on the electrochemical reduction of buckminsterfullerene, C60

Chen Z, Fox J, Gale PA, Pilgrim AJ, Beer PD and Rosseinsky MJ

J. Electroanal. Chem., 392 (1995) 101-105

Host-guest chemistry and electrochemical molecular recognition

Chen Z

Science(Kexue) , 47 (1995) 40 (in Chinese)

Voltammetric and NMR studies of a bis-ferrocene-amide substituted diaza-18-crown-6 receptor that simultaneously complexes and electrochemically recognises both cations and anions

Beer, P.D.; Chen, Z. and Ogden, M.I.,

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 91 (1995) 295-302.

Cation recognition by new diester-, diamide-calix[4]arenediquinones and a diamide-benzo-15-crown-5 calix[4]arene

Beer PD, Chen Z, Gale PA, Heath JA, Knubley RJ, Ogden MI and Drew MGB,

J. Inc. Phenom. Mol. Recognit. Chem., 19(1994) 343-359.

Electrochemical recognition of group 1 and 2 metal cations by redox-active ionophores

Beer PD, Chen Z, Drew MGB and Pilgrim A

J. Inorganica Chimica Acta , 225(1994) 137-144.

A new bipyridinium bis benzo crow ether ligand whose redox properties are dependent upon complexed cation induced conformational switching effects

Beer PD, Chen Z, Grave A and Haggitt J

J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. , (1994) 2413-2414.

Metal, ammonium and alkyl ammonium cation recognition by a novel calix[4]arenediquinone crown ether

Beer PD, Chen Z, Drew MGB and Gale PA,

J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. , (1994) 2207-2208.

Electrochemical studies of the conformational and sodium cation complexation properties of calix[4]-arenediquinones

Chen Z, Gale PA, Heath JA and Beer PD,

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. , 90(1994) 2931-2938.

Anion recognition by novel ruthenium(II) bipyridyl calix[4]arene receptor molecules

Beer PD, Chen Z, Golden A, Grave A, Hesek D and Szemes F,

J Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. , (1994) 1269-1271.

Diester-calix[4]arene diquinone complexation and electrochemical recognition of group 1/2, ammonium and alkyl ammonium guest cations

Beer PD, Chen Z and Gale PA

Tetrahedron , 50 (1994) 931-840.

Selective electrochemical recognition of the dihydrogenphosphate anion in the presence of hydrogensulphate and chloride ions by new neutral ferrocene anion receptors

Beer PD, Chen Z Graydon A, Goulden A and Stokes S,

J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. , (1993) 1834-1836.

New polyaza and polyammonium ferrocene macrocyclic ligands that complex and electrochemically recognise transition metal cations and phosphate anions in water

Beer PD, Chen Z, Drew MGB, Kingston J, Ogden MI and Spencer P

J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. , (1993) 1046-1048 .

Nonaqueous electrochemistry of polypyrrole/polystyrenesulfonate composite films: voltammetric, coulometric, EPR and AC impedance Studies

Elliott CM, Kopelove AB, Albery WJ and Chen Z,

J. Phys. Chem. , 95 (1991), 1734-1747.

Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of charge transfer in modified electrodes

Albery WJ, Chen Z, Horrocks BR, Mount AR, Wilson PJ, Bloor D, Monkman AT and Elliott CM,

Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. , 88 (1989) 247.

Study of voltage recovery characteristics of FEMD (fibrous electrolytic manganese dioxide) during later stage intermittent discharge.

Chen Z, Cai L, Zhang X, Huang H and Xiong H

Dian Chi (Battery) , 5, 28 (1989). (in Chinese)

Conference Proceedings

Electrochemical removal of oxygen in amorphous Zr 55 Cu 30 Al 10 Ni 5

Castellero A, Bossuyt S, Chen GZ and Greer AL

Proceedings of the 2002 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December, 2002 (accepted)

The effect of nanotube loading and dispersion on the three-dimensional nanostructure of carbon nanotube-conducting polymer composite films

Hughes M, Chen GZ, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ, and Windle AH

Proceedings of the 2002 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December 2002 (accepted)

Tailoring the electrochemical properties of carbon nanotube-polypyrrole composite films for electrochemical capacitor applications

Hughes M, Chen GZ, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ, and Windle AH

Proceedings of the 202nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 2002 (accepted)

Electrochemical removal of oxygen for processing glass-forming alloys

Bossuyt S, Madgea SV, Chen GZ , Castellero A, Deledda S, Eckert J, Fray DJ, Greer AL

RQ 11 , Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials, Oxford, UK, August 2002 (to be published in Mater. Sci. Eng. A , in press)

Doping and Electrochemical Capacitance of Carbon Nanotube-Polypyrrole Composite Films

Hughes M, Chen GZ, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ, and Windle AH

Proceedings 2001 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2001 (in press)

An electrically conducting boron-doped carbon nanotube polystyrene composite

Watts PCP, Hsu WK, Chen GZ, Fray DJ, Kroto HW and Walton DRM,

ADC/FCT 2001 , Proceedings of the Applied Diamond Conference/Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference, Auburn University, Alabama, USA, August 2001 (in press)

Niobium based intermetallics as a source of high-current/high magnetic field superconductors

Glowacki BA, Yan X-Y, Fray D, Chen G, Majoros M and Shi Y,

EUCAS"01 , Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Tech. Univ. Denmark, Copenhagen, August 2001 (in press)

Novel cathodic processes in molten salts

Chen GZ and Fray DJ

MS6, Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, eds. Chen Nianyi, Qiao Zhiyu, Shanghai University Press, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2001, (2001) 79-85. ISNB 7-81058-391-3.

(Invited keynote lecture)

The use of electro-deoxidation to reduce titanium dioxide and other metal oxides

Fray DJ and Chen GZ

ICMR 2001 Akita, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources, vol. 1, Ed. Programming Committee of ICMR 2001, Oct. 11-13, 2001, Akita, Japan (2001) 1-6.

(invited plenary lecture)

Electro-deoxidation of Metal Oxide

Chen GZ and Fray DJ

Light Metals , TMS 2001, 1147

(This paper has been recognised by the TMS Light Metal Division as the "most notable Reactive Metals Technology research paper presented at the 2001 TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, and won the "2001 Light Metals Reactive Metals Technology Award")

At last, a replacement for Kroll

Ward-Close C, Godfrey A, Fray DJ, Farthing T Chen GZ

Titanium , ITA Conference Proceedings 2000, 516

Novel Direct Electrochemical Reduction of Solid Metal Oxides to Metals Using Molten Calcium Chloride as the Electrolyte

Chen GZ and Fray D J

Progress in Molten Salt Chem. , vol. 1, eds. Berg, R.W. and Hjuler, H.A. , Elsevier, Paris, (2000)157.

An electrolytic method to convert graphite to carbon nanotubes

Chen GZ, Kinloch I, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ and Windle AH

Mater. Sci. and Industrial Technol., Ed. China Association of Science and Technology, China Science and Technology Publisher, Beijing, (1998) 238, ISBN 7-5046-2522-1. (in Chinese)

Electrochemical investigation of the formation of carbon nanotubes in molten salts

Chen GZ, Kinloch I, Shaffer MSP, Fray DJ and Windle AH

Advances in Molten Salts----From Structural Aspects to Waste Processing , ed. M. Gaune-Escard, Begell House, Inc., Porquerolles Island, France (1998) 97-107 (The paper was presented at the conference as a poster and won the First Prize for Posters, re-published in High Temp. Mater. Processes )

Mechanisms of electrochemical recognition of cations, anions and neutral guest species by redox-active receptor molecules

Beer PD, Gale PA, Chen GZ

XXXIII International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, AUG 30-SEP 04, 1998 (published in COORDIN CHEM REV 186: 3-36 MAY 1999)


Sensors for neutral molecules

Beer PD, Shade M and Chen Z (UK filing date: 18 Oct 1994, EP724721A1, EP724721B1, US5770453)

Removal of oxygen from metal oxides and solid solutions by electrolysis in a fused salt

Fray DJ, Farthing TW and Chen Z (UK filing date: 5 June 1998, PCT/GB99/01781, Inter. Pub. No. WO9964638)

Metal and alloy powders

Chen GZ, Fray DJ (UK filing date: November 2000, GB27929.9, Inter. Pub. No. WO0240725 )

Intermetallic Compounds

Fray DJ, Copcutt R and Chen GZ, (UK filing date: Nov. 2000, GB 0027930.7)

Conducting polymer-carbon nanotube composite materials and their uses

Chen GZ, Fray DJ, Hughes M, Shaffer M, Windle AH (US filing date: April 2001, US Patent Application No. 09/822831)

Superconductor materials fabrication method using electrolytic reduction and infiltration

Chen GZ, Fray DJ, Yan XY, and Glowacki B, (UK filing date: October, 2001, GB 0124303.9, Inter. Pub. No.WO03031665)

Niobium Powder

Fray DJ, Yan XY and Chen GZ, (UK filing date: October 2001, GB 0125825.0)

Shape Memory Alloys

Wood JM, Copcutt R, Chen GZ, Fray DJ (UK filing date: March 2003)

3 中国著名老书法家








4 原纺织工业部建设规划院副院长


5 明朝历史人物


6 岭南画派的创始人

陈政(1884年-1948年),名韵,字树人,又名哲,别号“葭外渔子”,以字行。别署猛进,晚号安定老人。广东番禺化龙镇人,与高剑父、高奇峰并称为“二高一陈”,同为岭南画派的创始人 。


7 企业管理人、舞曲制作人





来自:广西。 玉林



个人爱好:计算机 电脑游戏

擅长的乐器:二胡 钢琴 吉他 架子鼓等



喜欢的艺人:张国荣、邓丽君、周星驰、迈克尔·杰克逊(michael jackson)

喜欢的颜色:绿 黑、白








期间曾为杨臣刚、香香、水木年华、张振宇、吕飞、陈少华、邵雨涵、田丰、阿正、梅子、黑龙、阳一、 中国力量、潘晓峰、范思威、汤潮、徐靖博、刘嘉亮、哈林等等艺人制作音乐,其作品深受大众喜爱。




8 隋朝官吏


9 中共宜宾市委常委、高县县委书记





1982.08——1985.01,共青团南溪县委工作员 (其间:1984.08—1984.12省团校理论与业务知识培训班学习结业)




1994.07——1995.06,南溪县委组织部副部长 (其间:1994.10—1994.12省委党校第八期组织部长培训班学习结业)










10 汉普管理咨询(中国)有限公司CEO

陈政( Zheng Chen) 男, 年龄41岁, 现任:汉普管理咨询(中国)有限公司CEO兼中软国际企业业务线副总裁,毕业与复旦大学管理信息系统专业,中欧国际工商学院EMBA。 拥有20多年管理咨询及大型信息系统实施经验。

2011年3月至今, 历任中软国际政府&制造业务线( G&M LOB)企业事业群执行总经理兼任汉普管理咨询CEO。

2004年9月至2011年3月,历任汉普管理咨询研究院院长、 SAP事部总经理、汉普管理咨询CEO。

2000年6月至2004年9月, 历任上海飞科网络技术有限公司CEO。



11 陈政新塘南安人







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