

词条 秦莹





· 通过调节核受体PPAR和LXR等转录因子的活性研究天然小分子改善肥胖、胰岛素耐受、糖尿病等代谢综合症的关键靶标及应用。

· 自身免疫性I型糖尿病等发病机理与免疫调节网络研究以及T细胞疫苗和免疫调节剂干预对Treg和Th1/Th17炎性细胞群的作用。

· 体外快速筛选和制备单克隆抗体平台。


Guoliang Cui, Xia Qin, Yuebo Zhang, Zhenwei Gong, Baoxue Ge, and Ying Q Zang. Berberine differentially modulates the activities of Erk, p38 MAPK and JNK to suppress Th17 and Th1 T cell differentiation in type 1 diabetic mice. J. Biol. Chem.. 2009 Oct 9;284(41):28420-28429.

Yuebo Zhang, Cheng Huang, Xiaoyan Sheng, Zhenwei Gong and Ying Q Zang (秦莹). Lecithin promotes adipocyte differentiation and hepatic lipid accumulation. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2009; 23:449-454.

Guoliang Cui, Yuebo Zhang, Zhenwei Gong, Jingwu Z Zhang and Ying Q Zang. Induction of the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cell response through interleukin-4 by Glatiramer Acetate in murine models of type I diabetes. Cell Research, 2009; 19:574-583.

Zhenwei Gong, Cheng Huang, Xiaoyan Sheng, Yuebo Zhang, Qunyi Li, Ming-Wei Wang, Linling Peng and Ying Q Zang. The role of Tanshinone IIA in the Treatment of Obesity through PPARγ Antagonism. Endocrinology, 2009; 150:104-13.

Xiaoyan Sheng, Yuebo Zhang,Zhenwei Gong, Cheng Huang and Ying Q Zang. Improved insulin resistance and lipid metabolism by cinnamon through activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors. PPAR Research, Epub 2008; 2008:581348.

Chun-hua Chen, Yuebo Zhang, Xiaoyan Sheng, Cheng Huang, Ying Q Zang. Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells towards Pancreatic Progenitor Cells and Transplantation into Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice. Cell Biology International, 2008; 32: 456-460.

Qinghai Hu, Xia Qin, Gaochao Qian, Shan Jiang, Haiyan Li, Min Jiang, Xiaoyan Li, Si-Yi Chen And Ying Q Zang. SOCS1 silencing can break high-dose dendritic cell immunotherapy-induced immune tolerance. Molecular Medicine Reports, 2008; 1: 61-70.

Chen G, Li N, Ying Q Zang, Zhang D, He D, Feng G, Ni L, Xu R, Wang L, Shen B, Zhang JZ. Vaccination with selected synovial T cells in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum; 2007; 56:453-63.

Chen CH, Qin Ying*. Progress of differentiation of embryonic stem cells into insulin producing cells. Int J Biomedical Engineering, 2006; 2: 9.

Huang C, Zhang Y, Gong Z, Sheng X, Li Z, Zhang W, Qin Y*. Berberine inhibits 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation through the PPARgamma pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 2006; 348:571-8.

Hong J, Ying CQ Zang, Nie H, Zhang JZ. CD4+ regulatory T cell responses induced by T cell vaccination in patients with multiple sclerosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2006; 103:5024-9.

Sun W, Hong J, Ying CQ Zang, Liu X, Zhang JZ. Altered expression of vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors in T lymphocytes and aberrant Th1 immunity in multiple sclerosis.International Immunology, 2006; 18:1691-700.

Sun W, Nie H, Li N, Ying CQ Zang, Zhang D, Feng G, Ni L, Xu R, Prasad S, Robinson RR, Ho W, Sercarz E, Zhang JZ. Skewed T-cell receptor BV14 and BV16 expression and shared CDR3 sequence and common sequence motifs in synovial T cells of rheumatoid arthritis. Genes & Immunity, 2005; 6:248-61.

Hong J, Ying CQ Zang, Hutton G, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Gene expression profiling of relevant biomarkers for treatment evaluation in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 2004; 152:126-39.

Hong J, Ying CQ Zang, Li S, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Ex vivo detection of myelin basic protein-reactive T cells in multiple sclerosis and controls using specific TCR oligonucleotide probes. European Journal of Immunology, 2004; 34:870-81.

Sun W, Popat U, Hutton G, Ying CQ Zang, Krance R, Carrum G, Land GA, Heslop H, Brenner M, Zhang JZ. Characteristics of T-cell receptor repertoire and myelin-reactive T cells reconstituted from autologous haematopoietic stem-cell grafts in multiple sclerosis. Brain, 2004; 127:996-1008.

Ying CQ Zang, Li S, Rivera VM, Hong J, Robinson RR, Breitbach WT, Killian J, Zhang JZ. Increased CD8+ cytotoxic T cell responses to myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Immunology, 2004; 172:5120-7.

Ying CQ Zang, Skinner SM, Robinson RR, Li S, Rivera VM, Hutton GJ, Zhang JZ. Regulation of differentiation and functional properties of monocytes and monocyte-derived dendritic cells by interferon beta in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 2004; 10:499-506.

Salama HH, Hong J, Ying CQ Zang, El-Mongui A, Zhang J. Blocking effects of serum reactive antibodies induced by glatiramer acetate treatment in multiple sclerosis. Brain, 2004; 126:2638-47.

Salama HH, Kolar OJ, Ying CQ Zang, Zhang J. Effects of combination therapy of beta-interferon 1a and prednisone on serum immunologic markers in patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 2003; 9:28-31

Tejada-Simon MV, Ying CQ Zang, Hong J, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Cross-reactivity with myelin basic protein and human herpesvirus-6 in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology, 2003; 53:189-97.

Ying CQ Zang, Hong J, Robinson R, Li S, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Immune regulatory properties and interactions of copolymer-I and beta-interferon 1a in multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunology, 2003; 137:144-53.

Ying CQ Zang, Hong J, Rivera VM, Killian J, Zhang JZ. Human anti-idiotypic T cells induced by TCR peptides corresponding to a common CDR3 sequence motif in myelin basic protein-reactive T cells. International Immunology, 2003; 15:1073-80.

Maria Tejada-Simon, Ying CQ Zang, Jian Hong, Victor Rivera, and Jingwu Zhang. Cross-reactivity with myelin basic protein and human herpesvirus-6 in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology, 2003; 53, 189-197.

Zhang J, Hutton G, Zang Y. A comparison of the mechanisms of action of interferon beta and glatiramer acetate in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Clin Ther. 2002 Dec;24(12):1998-2021.

Tejada-Simon MV, Zang YC, Hong J, Rivera VM, Killian JM, Zhang JZ. Detection of viral DNA and immune responses to the human herpesvirus 6 101-kilodalton virion protein in patients with multiple sclerosis and in controls. J Virol. 2002 Jun;76(12):6147-54.

Hong J, Tejada-Simon MV, Rivera VM, Zang YC, Zhang JZ. Anti-viral properties of interferon beta treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2002 May;8(3):237-42.

Zang YC, Halder JB, Hong J, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Regulatory effects of estriol on T cell migration and cytokine profile: inhibition of transcription factor NF-kappa B. J Neuroimmunol. 2002 Mar;124(1-2):106-14.

Zhang JZ, Rivera VM, Tejada-Simon MV, Yang D, Hong J, Li S, Haykal H, Killian J, Zang YC. T cell vaccination in multiple sclerosis: results of a preliminary study. J Neurol. 2002 Feb;249(2):212-8.

Sarkar AK, Burlingame SM, Zang YQ, Dulai V, Hicks MJ, Strother DR, Nuchtern JG. Major histocompatibility complex-restricted lysis of neuroblastoma cells by autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J Immunother(1997). 2001 Jul-Aug;24(4):305-11.

Zang YC, Halder JB, Samanta AK, Hong J, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Regulation of chemokine receptor CCR5 and production of RANTES and MIP-1alpha by interferon-beta. J Neuroimmunol. 2001 Jan 1;112(1-2):174-80.

Hong J, Zang YC, Tejada-Simon MV, Li S, Rivera VM, Killian J, Zhang JZ. Reactivity and regulatory properties of human anti-idiotypic antibodies induced by T cell vaccination. J Immunol. 2000 Dec 15;165(12):6858-64.

Tejada-Simon MV, Zang YC, Yang D, Hong J, Li S, Singh RA, Van den Berg-Loonen E, Killian JM, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Aberrant T cell responses to myelin antigens during clinical exacerbation in patients with multiple sclerosi. Int Immunol. 2000 Dec;12(12):1641-50.

Zang YC, Samanta AK, Halder JB, Hong J, Tejada-Simon MV, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Aberrant T cell migration toward RANTES and MIP-1 alpha in patients with multiple sclerosis. Overexpression of chemokine receptor CCR5. Brain. 2000 Sep;123 ( Pt 9):1874-82.

Zang YC, Yang D, Hong J, Tejada-Simon MV, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Immunoregulation and blocking antibodies induced by interferon beta treatment in MS. Neurology. 2000 Aug 8;55(3):397-404.

Zang YC, Hong J, Rivera VM, Killian J, Zhang JZ. Preferential recognition of TCR hypervariable regions by human anti-idiotypic T cells induced by T cell vaccination. J Immunol. 2000 Apr 15;164(8):4011-7.

Zang YC, Hong J, Tejada-Simon MV, Li S, Rivera VM, Killian JM, Zhang JZ. Th2 immune regulation induced by T cell vaccination in patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur J Immunol. 2000 Mar;30(3):908-13.

Singh RA, Zang YC, Shrivastava A, Hong J, Wang GT, Li S, Tejada-Simon MV, Kozovska M, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Th1 and Th2 deviation of myelin-autoreactive T cells by altered peptide ligands is associated with reciprocal regulation of Lck, Fyn, and ZAP-70. J Immunol. 1999 Dec 15;163(12):6393-402.

Kozovska ME, Hong J, Zang YC, Li S, Rivera VM, Killian JM, Zhang JZ. Interferon beta induces T-helper 2 immune deviation in MS. Neurology. 1999 Nov 10;53(8):1692-7.

Panzara MA, Gussoni E, Begovich AB, Murray RS, Zang YQ, Appel SH, Steinman L, Zhang J. T cell receptor BV gene rearrangements in the spinal cords and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurobiol Dis. 1999 Oct;6(5):392-405.

Hong J, Zang YC, Tejada-Simon MV, Kozovska M, Li S, Singh RA, Yang D, Rivera VM, Killian JK, Zhang JZ. A common TCR V-D-J sequence in V beta 13.1 T cells recognizing an immunodominant peptide of myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis. J Immunol. 1999 Sep 15;163(6):3530-8.

Kil K, Zang YC, Yang D, Markowski J, Fuoco GS, Vendetti GC, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. T cell responses to myelin basic protein in patients with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol. 1999 Aug 3;98(2):201-7.

Zang YC, Kozovska MM, Hong J, Li S, Mann S, Killian JM, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Impaired apoptotic deletion of myelin basic protein-reactive T cells in patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur J Immunol. 1999 May;29(5):1692-700.

Kozovska M, Zang YC, Aebischer I, Lnu S, Rivera VM, Crowe PD, Boehme SA, Zhang JZ. T cell recognition motifs of an immunodominant peptide of myelin basic protein in patients with multiple sclerosis: structural requirements and clinical implications. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Jun;28(6):1894-901.

Zang YC, Kozovska M, Aebischer I, Li S, Boehme S, Crowe P, Rivera VM, Zhang JZ. Restricted TCR Valpha gene rearrangements in T cells recognizing an immunodominant peptide of myelin basic protein in DR2 patients with multiple sclerosis. Int Immunol. 1998 Jul;10(7):991-8.

Kozovska M, Zang YC, Aebischer I, Lnu S, Rivera VM, Crowe PD, Boehme SA, Zhang JZ. T cell recognition motifs of an immunodominant peptide of myelin basic protein in patients with multiple sclerosis: structural requirements and clinical implications. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Jun;28(6):1894-901.










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