

词条 彭代渊


彭代渊,西南交通大学计算机与通信工程学院教授,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory、IEE Proceedings on Communications 等重要国际学术期刊的审稿人。近年来,作为主研人员曾参加国际合作研究课题多项,国家级科研课题多项。2002年获西南交通大学博士研究生创新基金。曾获四川省科技进步三等奖和四川省教学成果二等奖各一项。出版教材一本, 在国内外发表研究论文20余篇。 研究兴趣为:扩频序列分析与设计、密码学、网络信息安全和编码理论。


[1] 主持西南交通大学博士生创新基金,新型扩频序列理论与设计,2002.9-2004.9.

[2] 主持国家自然科学基金项目,基于广义正交跳频序列的准同步FH-CDMA系统研究,2006.1-2008.12.

[3] 主持西南交通大学科学研究基金项目,超宽带无线电通信中跳时序列理论与设计研究,2005.9-2007.9.


[19] Daiyuan Peng, Pingzhi Fan and Naoki SUEHIRO, Bounds on aperiodic autocorrelation and crosscorrelation of binary LCZ/ZCZ sequences, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no.12, pp.3636-3644, December, 2005.

[18] Daiyuan Peng, Pingzhi Fan and Naoki SUEHIRO, Construction of Sequences with Large Zero Correlation Zone, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no.11, pp.3256-325

[17] DAIYUAN PENG, PINGZHI FAN and XIAOHU TANG, “Theoretical Limits on the Frequency Hopping Sequences with Low Hit Zone” Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sequence Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA’2005), October 10-14, 2005, Shimonoseki, Japan, pp.16-20.

[16] DAIYUAN PENG, PINGZHI FAN and XIAOHU TANG, “Theoretical Bounds on Mismatched Sequences with Zero Correlation Zone” Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sequence Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA’2005), October 10-14, 2005, Shimonoseki, Japan, pp.3-6.

[15] 彭代渊, 叶文霞, “基于二次跳时序列的UWB无线电通信系统性能”, 西南交通大学学报, vol. 40, no. 5, 2005, pp.649-653.

[14] D. Y. Peng and P. Z. Fan, “New Theoretical Bounds on the Aperiodic Correlation Functions of Binary Sequences,” Science in China, Ser. F, vol.48, no.1, pp.28-45,2005.

[13] D. Y. Peng and P. Z. Fan, “Generalized Sarwate bounds on the aperiodic correlation of complex roots of unity sequences,” IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol.151, no.4, pp.375-382, 2004.

[12] D. Y. Peng and P. Z. Fan, “Lower bounds on the Hamming auto- and cross- correlations of frequency-hopping sequences,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 50, no.9, pp. 2149-2154, 2004.

[11] 彭代渊,范平志,二进制序列非周期相关函数的新下界, 中国科学, E辑, 2004, 34(6): 629-645.

[10] 彭代渊,有向图上的随机游动,数学研究与评论,2003, 23(4), 743-749.

[9] Daiyuan Peng and Pingzhi Fan, Generalized Sarwate Bounds on the Periodic Correlation of Complex Roots of Unity Sequences, PIMRC’2003 Proceedings, IEEE Press, ISBN:0-7803-7822-9,September 7-10, 2003, pp.449-452.

[8] Peng D. Y. and Fan P. Z., Bounds on Aperiodic auto- and cross-correlations of binary sequences with low or zero correlation zone, PDCAT'2003 Proceedings, IEEE Press, ISBN:0-7803-7840-7, pp.882-886, August, 2003.

[7] Daiyuan Peng and Pingzhi Fan, New Lower Bounds on the Hamming Correlations of Frequency-Hopping Sequences, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Communications Theory and Applications (ISCTA’2003), pp. 307-310,July 13-18, 2003.

[6] D.Y.Peng and P.Z.Fan, Generalized Sarwate bounds on periodic autocorrelations and cross-correlations of binary sequences, Electron. Lett.,vol.38,no.24, pp.1521-1523, 2002.

[5] Daiyuan Peng, Pingzhi Fan and Tu Peng , New lower Bounds on Aperiodic Correlation of LCZ(ZCZ) Sequences, 《 Sequence Design and Applications for CDMA Systems》, Edited by P.Z. Fan, N. Suehiro and M. Darnell, SWJTU Press, ISBN 7-81-57-609-7,2001.

[4] Daiyuan Peng,“Random Walks on Directed Graph,”APORS'91,Proceedings of APORS'91,Vol.2 PP276-281,1991

[3] 彭代渊,无限图的翼和梢的关系,数学研究与评论,1990年第1期,PP126—130,被收入:MR 91b:05088.

[2] 彭代渊,有向无限图分解成有限条有向路的条件, 数学年刊, 1991年增刊,PP1-5,被收入:MR 92f:050458.

[1] 彭代渊,随机图ε(n,m)上随机游动的平均返回时间, 数学杂志,1991年第2期,PP140-144,被收入:MR 92j:60084.





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