词条 | 陈奎孚 |
释义 | 个人信息男 1969年12月出生 江苏省宿迁人 中国农业大学教授 教育背景博士(2000):中国协和医科大学 生物医学工程专业论文题目:关于心血管系统变异若干理论的初步探讨 硕士(1994):中国农业大学 计算力学专业 论文题目: 耦合模态参数识别的整体识别方法 学士(1991):北京农业工程大学 工程力学专业 工作经历2004.06-2005.10 研究副手 芝加哥康复研究所运动与感觉性能组研究手臂刚度的神经控制 2002.10-2004.05 博士后俄勒冈卫生与科学大学研究四足动物的平衡与姿势的神经控制 2000.10-2001.10 日本岛根大学研修信号处理理论 1994.08- 中国农业大学讲授理论力学、振动分析与测试、工程力学、力学专业英语、随机振动、机械振动、模态分析 正在执行的主要项目1.北京市共建--基础教学建设—力学实验教学平台建设(2011),负责人 2.利用植株动力学参数评价玉米抗倒折性的方法研究, 国家自然科学基金项目(2010~2012),主持 3.玉米抗倒折性能的动力学评价方法研究,北京市优秀2009年北京市优秀人才培养资助(2010~2012),主持 研究领域信号处理、小波分析、估计理论、非线性动力学、随机过程、数值方法、心率变异、固体力学、振动理论、模态分析、运动/姿势/平衡的神经控制 主要奖项中国农业大学优秀班主任(2011) 中国农业大学优秀共产党员(2011) 宝钢教育基金优秀教师(2010) 中国农业大学优秀班主任(2010) 中国农业大学2008年教学成果一等奖:力学系列课程改革(第七完成人,7/12) 中国力学学会:优秀力学教师(2007) 教委科技进步三等奖(1995): 强非线性耦合系统随机响应计算的综合数值方法.第二完成人 农业部科技进步三等奖(1995):手扶拖拉机手把振动分析与治理方法研究. 第三完成人. 学术兼职1.编委(2011-), Mathematical Problems in Engineering(SCI/EI ) 2.编委(2009-), Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control(EI) 3.编委(2009-), Advances and Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Technology 4.理事(2011-), 中国振动工程学会 4.委员(2008-), 中国振动工程学会第六届随机振动专业委员会 5.委员(2010-), 北京力学会教育工作委员会 发表论文A. 经过严格审稿的期刊论文1. KF Chen, YF Li. On the Integration Schemes of Retrieving Impulse Response Functions from Transfer Functions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2010,2010(Article ID 143582;doi:10.1155/2010/143582 (SCI/EI) 2. KF Chen, SL Mei. Accelerations of Zhao's methods for the numerical inverse Laplace transform. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2011, 27(2):273–282(SCI/EI). 3. KF Chen. Estimating Parameters of a Sine Wave by Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2010, 59 (12): 3214-3217 (SCI/EI). 4. KF Chen, SL Mei. Composite Interpolated Fast Fourier Transform with the Hanning Window. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2010,59(6): 1571-1579 (SCI/EI). 5. KF Chen, LN Zhang, Z Zhou. Vibration of Spring-Supported Massless Beams with Discrete Masses. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education.2010,38(1):73-89(EI) 6. KF Chen, Q Zhang. On the Impulse Response of a Vibrator with a Band-limited Hysteretic Damper. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2010, 35(1): 189-201 (SCI/EI). 7. Q Huang, KF Chen. Comparison on the Interpolating Schemes to the FFT of Short Sinusoids. Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. 2010,7(3): 277-288(EI, Corresponding author). 8. KF Chen, Y Li, ZY Fu. A Note on Misusing the Interpolated FFT for Real-valued Sine Wave. The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control. 2010, 5(1):55-60 (EI) 9. KF Chen, YG Wang, and Z Zhou. Few-degree-of-freedom Systems with Repeated Natural Frequencies. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 2009,37(1): 67-77 10. KF Chen, Zhang Q, Zhang SW. A Time-Step Insensitive Recurrent Approach to Analyze Non-stationary Random Responses. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering.2009,16(1):1-9 (EI) 11. KF Chen, JT Jiang, S Crowsen. Against the Long-Range Spectral Leakage of the Cosine Window Family. Computer Physics Communication. 2009, 180(6):904-911(SCI/EI) 12. XZ Yang, HY Li, KF Chen. Optimally Weighted Average of the Interpolated Fast Fourier Transform in Both Directions. IET Science, Measurement and Technology.2009, 3(2): 137-147(SCI/EI, Corresponding author) 13. KF Chen, QY Jiao. A Parsimonious Mass-spring System Capable of Being Tuned for Arbitrary Repeated Natural Frequencies. Mechanics Research Communications. 2009, 36 (1) : 149–153 (SCI/EI) 14. KF Chen, Q Zhang, SW Zhang. On the Extended Period of a Frequency Domain Method to Analyze Transient Responses. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2009,31 (2): 211-223 (SCI/EI) 15. KF Chen. An Approach to Initialize Four-parameter Sine Wave Fitting. The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control. 2009, 5(1):1-10 (EI) 16. KF Chen,X Cao, YF Li. Sine Wave Fitting to Short Records Initialized with the Frequency Retrieved from Hanning Windowed FFT Spectrum. Measurement. 2009,42(1):127-135 (SCI/EI) 17. 赵广敏, 陈奎孚,李岩峰.正畸方丝弓与多曲方丝弓简单受力的有限元对比研究. 中国医学物理学杂志. 2009, 26(2):1126-1129(通讯作者) 18. KF Chen, Shen YF. The Impulse Response of a Band-Limited Vibrator with Rate-independent Hysteretic Damping. Acta Mechanica. 2008,199(4):17~28 (SCI/EI) 19. KF Chen, YF Li. Combining the Hanning Windowed Interpolated FFT in Both Directions. Computer Physics Communication. 2008, 178(12): 924-928 (SCI/EI) . 20. EJ. Perreault,KF Chen, R Trumbower, et al. Interaction Mechanics Alter Stretch Reflex Gains but not Intermuscular Coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2008, 99(5): 2101-2113(SCI). 21. KF Chen, Zhang SW. On the impulse response precursor of an SDOF ideal linear hysteretic damper. Journal of Sound & Vibration.2008, 312(4-5):576-583 (SCI/EI) 22. YF Li, KF Chen. Eliminating the Picket Fence Effect of the Fast Fourier Transform. Computer Physics Communication.2008, 178 (7): 486-491 (SCI/EI,通讯作者) 23. KF Chen,Wang JL. Generating Complex Orthogonal Polynomials. Integral Transforms and Special Functions.2008,19(1):59-64 (SCI) 24. KF Chen, Xue YM. Four-parameter Sine Wave Fitting by Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization. Measurement.2008, 41(1):76-87(SCI/EI) 25. 张强,高永毅, 陈奎孚等.关于振动模态参数识别的注记. 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2008, 23(3): 70~72 26. 陈奎孚等.频谱校正的复比值法. 振动工程学报.2008,21(3): 314-318(EI) 27. 陈奎孚等. 低频成分的频谱校正. 振动工程学报.2008,21(1):38-42(EI) 28. 陈奎孚等. 短记录加汉宁窗的频谱校正. 振动与冲击.2008,27(4):49-51 (EI) 29. 陈奎孚等. 心冲击引起的肢体支反力波动的振动模型. 振动与冲击.2007,26(2):6-9 (EI) 30. KF Chen, Zhang SW. A Semi-analytic Approach to Retrieve the Unitary Impulse Response Function. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2007,36(3):429-437(SCI/EI) 31. KF Chen, Jiao QY, Shen YH. On the frequency mapping of modal parameters identification. Mechanical systems and signal processing. 2007, 21(4): 1665-1673(SCI/EI) 32. KF Chen. Can the second fitting work well for high order systems? Mechanical systems and signal processing. 2007, 21(3): 1536-1539(SCI/EI) 33. KF Chen. On the Condition of Four-parameter Sine Wave Fitting. Computer Standard & Interface. 2007,29(2):184-190(SCI/EI) 34. KF Chen,Xue YM. Improving four-parameter sine wave fitting by normalization. Computer Standard & Interface. 2007,29(2):174-183(SCI/EI) 35. Stapley PJ, Ting LH, KF Chen, et al. Bilateral Vestibular Loss Leads to Active Destabilization of Balance During Voluntary Head Turns in the Standing Cat. Journal of neurophysiology. 2006,95(6): 3783-3797(SCI) 36. KF Chen, Zhang SW. Convergence and causality of a frequency domain method for dynamic structural analysis. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2006,22(2): 162-169. (SCI/EI) 37. 张强,陈奎孚,张森文.割线法估计阻尼比.机械强度. 2006,28(4):494~497 38. 张强,卜一,陈奎孚.粘弹性混凝土框架结构响应分析.工业建筑.2006,36(6):47~49 39. 陈奎孚, 焦群英关于复模态参数的冗余性.应用数学和力学.2004,25(12):1292~1298; KF Chen, Jiao QY. On the Redundancy of Complex Modal Parameters. Applied mathematics and mechanics,2004,25(12):1412~1420 (SCI/EI) 40. 陈奎孚.张森文.利用三条谱线计算频率紧邻的两个成分的参数.振动工程学报 2004,17(2):153~158(EI) 41. 陈奎孚,张森文,郭幸福.消除负频率影响的频谱校正,机械强度. 2004,26(1):025~028 42. 陈奎孚,张森文.关于非平稳过程处理的几个注解.暨南大学学报. 2003,24(3):16~22 43. 焦群英, 陈奎孚.整体正交多项式法识别模态参数的改进.中国农业大学学报.2003, 8(2):1~6 44. 陈奎孚,张森文.估计多自由度系统振动基频的一个算法.机械强度. 2003,25(2):141~143 45. 陈奎孚,焦群英.某型飞机颤振试飞数据的模态参数识别.航空学报,2003,24(6):526~530 (EI) 46. 陈奎孚,张森文.半功率点法估计阻尼的一种改进.振动工程学报,2002,15(2):151~155(EI) 47. 张平,陈奎孚.提高模态参数识别精度的一种方法.中国农业大学学报. 2002,7(6):5~9 48. 梅树立,陈奎孚,张森文.两点边值问题的拟Shannon小波数值解法.中国农业大学学报. 2002,7(2):12~16 49. 陈奎孚,焦群英.半功率点法估计阻尼比的误差分析.机械强度2002,24(4): 510~514 50. 陈奎孚,张森文.简谐信号的小波变换特性 暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版) 2001, 22(3):39~43 51. 张强,陈奎孚,焦群英.结构固有频率的精细时程积分法求解.中国农业大学学报.2001,6(2):29~31 52. 陈奎孚,王凤竹,张平.用于剥裂球形坚果的碾磨盘间距优化.力学与实践 2001,23(6):31~33 53. 张森文,曹开彬, 陈奎孚.精细积分时域平均法和随机扩阶系统法.力学学报 2000,32(2):191~197 54. 陈奎孚,焦群英.传动系统扭振的重频条件.应用数学和力学,1999, 20(11):1187~1192; KF Chen, QY Jiao. On the repeated natural frequencies for torsional vibration of shafts. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 1999,20(11):1279~1285 (SCI/EI) 55. 陈奎孚,罗致诚,高小榕.判定真实谱峰位置的一个通用准则.数据采集与处理. 1999,14(2):247~250 56. 彭红涛, 陈奎孚. 应用FFT高精度快速计算瞬态响应.航空计算技术.1999,29(3):33~38 57. 陈奎孚,罗致诚.静磁场生物效应研究综述.淮海工学院学报.1999,8(4):44~49 58. 高小榕, 陈奎孚,罗致诚.工频电磁场生理危害的研究进展.中国环境科学 1999,19(5):472~476 59. 陈奎孚,张森文.DFT加速及其在非平稳随机振动计算中的应用,振动工程学报 1999,12(1):91~96 60. 陈奎孚,彭红涛,焦群英.复杂传动轴系扭振的递归传递矩阵法.农业工程学报.1999,15(2):42~45 61. 胡玉才,袁 泉,陈奎孚.农业生物的电磁环境效应研究综述.农业工程学报.1999,15(2): 15~20 62. 陈奎孚,张森文,高小榕.对称窗函数的幅值谱特性.农业工程学报.1999,15(1):36~40 63. 陈奎孚,焦群英,高小榕.周期信号参数高精度估计方法与应用.机械强度 1999,21(3):174~177 64. 陈奎孚,焦群英,高小榕.提高 FFT 谱质量的一种新方法,振动.测试与诊断. 1998,18(3):216~232 65. 陈奎孚,张森文.精细时程积分法的参数选择.计算力学学报,1998,15(3):301~305 66. 陈奎孚,高小榕,焦群英.连续富立叶变换快速计算的移频法.地震工程与工程振动,1998,18(1):56~61 67. 高小榕,陈奎孚,杨福生等.基于时频分解法抑制Wigoner分布交叉项的研究及其在心音分析中应用. 北京生物医学工程.1997,16(3):129~134 68. 陈奎孚,焦群英,高小榕.谱峰法的窗函数选择.中国农业大学学报.1997,2(4):21~27 69. 陈奎孚, 张森文.利用快速卷积近似计算连续卷积的几种格式.中国农业大学学报.1997,2(2):33~38 70. 高小榕, 陈奎孚, 姜 涛.基于模糊函数的人工神经元网络在心音分类中的应用. 航天医学与医学工程. 1997,10(5):353~357 71. 陈奎孚,焦群英. 矩形窗频谱的精确校正. 动态分析与测试技术.1997,15(2): 46-51 72. 陈奎孚,高小榕. 抛物线型求积的FFT算法. 动态分析与测试技术.1997,15(4):6-11 73. 陈奎孚,焦群英,高小榕.改善FFT精度的2种算法比较.中国农业大学学报 1996,1(6):74~79 74. 陈奎孚,焦群英. 振型动画的加速方法. 北京农业工程大学学报. 1995,15(3): 28-31 75. 陈奎孚,焦群英. 链式结构振动系统固有频率的互异性. 北京农业工程大学学报. 1995,15(2):24-28 76. 焦群英,汪倩华,陈奎孚等. 手扶拖拉机手把振动的振源及振动特性. 北京农业工程大学学报.1993,13(2): 19-25 77. 焦群英,汪倩华,陈奎孚等.手扶拖拉机扶手把振动的治理.农业机械学报. 1993, 24(4):74~79 78. 张森文, 陈奎孚.多自由度强非线性耦合参激系统随机响应计算方法.力学学报.1993, 25(3):362~368 79. Zhang SW, KF Chen, Zhao, Honghui. Random Response of a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Structure with Strongly Nonlinear Coupling and Parametric Interaction. Acta Mechanica Sinica.1993, 9(3):240~250(EI) 80. 张森文, 陈奎孚.计算非线性系统响应方差的非高斯矩截断方法.北京农业工程大学学报,1992,12(2):9-14. B. 会议论文或会议海报1. 陈奎孚等. 复模态的虚部特性. 全国随机振动理论与应用学术会议. 2010 2. 陈奎孚等. 振动理疗技术的研究综述. 振动工程会议2007 3. EJ Perreault, Kuifu Chen, et al. Adaptations to task mechanics alters stretch reflex gain but not intermuscular coordination. American society of biomechanics conference, 2007 4. EJ Perreault, Kuifu Chen, Gwyn Lewis. Regulation of Multijoint Stretch Reflexes during Interactions with Stiff and Compliant Environments. 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, August 30-Sept. 3, 2006. New York City, New York, USA (SCI/EI/ISTP) 5. EJ Perreault, Kuifu Chen. Task-dependent reflex contributions to multijoint coordination. XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology. June 28-July 1, 2006.Torino, Italy(Delsys Recognition for Best EMG Presentation, ISEK Congress 2006) 6. EJ Perreault, Kuifu Chen. Heteronymous reflex contributions to muscle activity in the upper limb. XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology. June 28-July 1, 2006.Torino, Italy 7. Everaert DG, Ting LH, Stapley PJ, Chen Kuifu, et al. Postural responses to pitch and roll rotation in cats with vestibular loss. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 168.5, 2005. 8. Kuifu Chen, Zhang Senwen. Recursive Expression for nonstationary response of structures excited by evolutionary white noise. InAdvances in Stochastic Structural Dynamics: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Stochastic Structural Dynamics--SSD'03, Hangzhou, China, 26-28 May 2003(ISTP) 9. Zhang, Senwen; Chen, Quifu; Zhao, Honghui. Random responses of a two-degree-of-freedom structure with strongly nonlinear coupling and parametric interaction. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD, v 52, Structural Dynamics and Vibrations, 1993, 185-190 (EI ) 10. 张森文,赵洪辉,陈奎孚.由不同的综合数值方法得到的非线性系统的响应方差,全国随机振动第三届年会论文集,1991年8月,泰安.? C.教学研究1. KF Chen, et al. Triple-pendulum Model for Studying the Vibration of Multi-Degree-of-freedom Systems. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 2011, 5(1):31~36 2. KF Chen, LN Zhang, Z Zhou. Vibration of Spring-Supported Massless Beams with Discrete Masses. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education.2010,38(1):73-89 3. KF Chen. A Pseudo Ordinary Differential Equation for the Hysteretic Damper. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 2010, 4(2):329~330 4. 陈奎孚, 王建立. 浅议理论力学中的一题多解教学. 邢台职业技术学院学报 2010, 27(3):48~50 5. KF Chen, YG Wang, and Z Zhou. Few-degree-of-freedom Systems with Repeated Natural Frequencies. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education . 2009,37(1): 67-77 6. 陈奎孚, 王建立. 合成运动分析的五“相”型. 邢台职业技术学院学报.2009, 26(1):1~5 7. KF Chen. Standing Human - an Inverted Pendulum. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 2008, 2(3):197~200 8. 陈奎孚等. 动点—动系选择中若干问题的商榷. 邢台职业技术学院学报. 2008, 25(3):1~3 9. 王凤竹,陈奎孚. 应用纯滚动加速度约束特性简化解体过程.教育研究与实践. 2002, 12月 10. 陈奎孚, 汪倩华,张云文.速度瞬心的加速度特性及其应用.中国农业大学学报 1999, 4(6):34~37 11. 陈奎孚.小心使用scanf输入浮点数.软件世界.1995,07:25~26 |
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