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释义 | 叛国的呼叫英文名:Call to Treason作 者/Author:Tom Clancy,Steve Pieczenik 著 出 版 社/Publisher:Berkley ISBN:9780425195468 出版时间/Publication Date:2004-07-06 页 数/Pages:416 装 帧/Format:平装 纸 张/Paper:胶版纸 正文语种/Language:英文 所属分类/Category:图书 > 英文原版书 > Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类) 图书 > 英文原版书 > Mystery & Thrillers(神秘与惊悚) 定 价:¥62.90 京 东 价:¥31.80(51折) 内容简介系列的最新创造所掌握的政治惊悚片汤姆和史蒂夫·克兰西Pieczenik,杰夫Rovin写的。 原文The latest in the bestselling series created by the master of the political thriller Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik, and written by Jeff Rovin. 作者简介“汤姆”托马斯·利奥科兰希)。(生于1947年4月12日)是一位美国作家,他最出名的间谍技术详细,军事科学和电子音乐惊悚片,故事情节期间制定之后的冷战,随着电子游戏不工作,但是他的名字,熊许可证和宣传之用。他的名字也是一个品牌的类似鬼作家写的电影剧本和许多一系列非小说类的书在军事学科的传记和合并主要领导人。他也part-owner副会长、社区活动和公共事务中的巴尔的摩金莺队,一个大联盟球队。 寻找红色十月,爱国者游戏的,明确的和现在的威胁,而所有恐惧的总和”已经变成商业上最成功的电影演员艾力克·鲍德温,本阿弗雷克,哈里森·福特作为科兰希最著名的小说里的人物莱恩,而他的第二个最出名的角色中起到了约翰·克拉克威廉·达佛·和Liev Schreiber演员。除了两个大的特点solely-written小说莱恩或者约翰·克拉克。 第一NetForce小说被改编成电视电影,由斯科特Bakula和约亚拿去。第一Op-Center小说是为了配合公布的1995年全国广播公司电视迷你系列相同的名称(汤姆·克兰西的Op-Center)主演,哈利穿投射的星星。虽然不能持续的迷你系列,这本书系列去了,但是这很少有共同之处的迷你系列的第一个冠军,以外的主要角色的名字。 网站IMDb)报道说汤姆·克兰西小说无情地是被拍成电影,预计将在2011年发布。 与发布的牙齿的老虎,科兰希莱恩的儿子,介绍了两个侄子是主要的人物,这些人物继续他的最新小说,是死的还是活的。 科兰希写了一些非小说书籍关于各种各样的美国武装力量(见非小说类的上市,下文)。科兰希也烙上几行的书和视频游戏,都写着他的名字由其他作者,以下场所或故事情节一般适合科兰希的作品。这些都是球迷们有时被称为“撇号”的书;科兰希起先没有承认本系列被他人执笔,只有感谢实际作者在人声为"宝贵的贡献的手稿”。 在1997年,科兰希簿上签名企鹅普特处理有限公司(包括培生教育的一部分,付给他5000万美元的world-English权利两本新书。[引用需要]他又签署了一项协议,为另一个第二个2500万美元的四年的书/多媒体交易。科兰希[引用需要]就是有一个协议书籍Berkley 24平装本的书来配合的ABC电视台的电视连续剧汤姆·克兰西合力在秋天/冬天播出。宇宙的Op-Center奠定了地写的书系列杰夫Rovin,这是在一个协议价值2200万美元的价值的总数的包装为9700万美元。 史蒂夫Pieczenik,MD博士(出生于1943年12月7日,古巴哈瓦那)是一个美国的精神病医生,前美国国务院官员,作者和出版商。 Pieczenik有了多种经营企业进入虚构的,无论是作为一个作者(紧急状态和许多其他书和作为一个业务合作伙伴的几个系列的汤姆·克兰西小说。 他学习写作随着医学从戏剧和诗歌。但最终我转向小说,因为它让我来解决现实或可能的你。” Pieczenik收到上市信用作为“共同创造者”都是汤姆·克兰西Op-Center和汤姆·克兰西的合力,两个最畅销的小说系列中,由于业务关系,与汤姆·克兰西。他没有直接参与这些系列写书,但“集合一个团队”包括ghost-writer小说作者是谁干的,有人来处理“包装”的小说。一个人要Op-Center系列的总收入超过2800万元合伙企业净利润为2003。 书执笔的包括:小说思想宫殿(1985)、新颖的血热(1989),我的生命是伟大自助!(1990年)和paper-back隐藏的激情版(1991年)、新颖的最大警觉(1993),小说Pax Pacifica(1995)、新颖的紧急状态(1999),小说我的良人塔(2005)。他还认为在假名写作小说亚历山大法院积极措施(2001),积极追求(2002)。 博士Pieczenik先前已至少有两篇文章发表在《美国情报期刊》,一个权威杂志出版的国家军事情报协会。 2010年9月,博士约翰Neustadt被爱的是十大引用作者在2007及2008为他的文章”,线粒体和功能障碍的分子途径疾病。“这篇文章,Pieczenik共同患病。 研究报告的撰写者之一Pieczenik博士是公布的教科书,基础医学生物化学与应用在临床实践中。 原文Thomas Leo "Tom" Clancy Jr. (born April 12, 1947) is an American author, best known for his technically detailed espionage, military science and techno thriller storylines set during and in the aftermath of the Cold War, along with video games which he did not work on, but which bear his name for licensing and promotional purposes. His name is also a brand for similar movie scripts written by ghost writers and many series of non-fiction books on military subjects and merged biographies of key leaders. He is also part-owner and Vice Chairman of Community Activities and Public Affairs of the Baltimore Orioles, a Major League Baseball team. The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, and The Sum of All Fears have been turned into commercially successful films with actors Alec Baldwin, Ben Affleck, and Harrison Ford as Clancy's most famous fictional character Jack Ryan, while his second most famous character John Clark has been played by actors Willem Dafoe and Liev Schreiber. All but two of Clancy's solely-written novels feature Jack Ryan or John Clark. The first NetForce novel was adapted as a television movie, starring Scott Bakula and Joanna Going. The first Op-Center novel was released to coincide with a 1995 NBC television mini-series of the same name (Tom Clancy's Op-Center) starring Harry Hamlin and a cast of stars. Though the mini-series did not continue, the book series did, but it had little in common with the first mini-series other than the title and the names of the main characters. The website IMDb reports that Tom Clancy's novel Without Remorse is to be made into a movie and is expected to be released in 2011. With the release of The Teeth of the Tiger, Clancy introduced Jack Ryan's son and two nephews who were main characters; these characters continue in his latest novel, Dead Or Alive. Clancy has written several nonfiction books about various branches of the U.S. armed forces (see non-fiction listing, below). Clancy has also branded several lines of books and video games with his name that are written by other authors, following premises or storylines generally in keeping with Clancy's works. These are sometimes referred to by fans as "apostrophe" books; Clancy did not initially acknowledge that these series were being authored by others, only thanking the actual authors in the headnotes for their "invaluable contribution to the manuscript". In 1997, Clancy signed a book deal with Penguin Putnam Inc. (both part of Pearson Education), that paid him US$50 million for the world-English rights to two new books.[citation needed] He then signed a second agreement for another US$25 million for a four-year book/multimedia deal.[citation needed] Clancy followed this up with an agreement with Berkley Books for 24 paperbacks to tie in with the ABC television miniseries Tom Clancy's Net Force aired in the fall/winter of 1998. The Op-Center universe has laid the ground for the series of books written by Jeff Rovin, which was in an agreement worth US $22 million bringing the total value of the package to US$97 million. Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD(born December 7, 1943 in Havana, Cuba) is an American psychiatrist, former State Department official, author and publisher. Pieczenik has made a number of ventures into fiction, both as an author (of State of Emergency and a number of other books) and as a business partner of Tom Clancy for several series of novels. He studied writing along with medicine beginning with drama and poetry. But eventually "I turned to fiction because it allows me to address reality as it is or could be." Pieczenik received a listed credit as "co-creator" for both Tom Clancy's Op-Center and Tom Clancy's Net Force, two best-selling series of novels, as a result of a business relationship with Tom Clancy. He was not directly involved in writing books in these series, but "assembled a team" including the ghost-writer who did author the novels, and someone to handle the "packaging" of the novels. The Op-Center series alone had grossed more than 28 million dollars in net profit for the partnership by 2003. Books authored include: novel Mind Palace (1985), novel Blood Heat (1989), self-help My Life Is Great! (1990) and paper-back edition Hidden Passions (1991), novel Maximum Vigilance (1993), novel Pax Pacifica (1995), novel State Of Emergency (1999), novel My Beloved Talleyrand (2005). He's also credited under the pseudonym Alexander Court for writing the novels Active Measures (2001), and Active Pursuit (2002). Dr. Pieczenik has previously had at least two articles published in the American Intelligence Journal, a peer-reviewed journal published by the National Military Intelligence Association. In September 2010, Dr. John Neustadt was recognized by Elsevier as being one of the Top Ten Cited Authors in 2007 & 2008 for his article, "Mitochondrial dysfunction and molecular pathways of disease." This article was co-authored with Dr. Pieczenik. Dr. Pieczenik is the co-author of the published textbook, Foundations and Applications of Medical Biochemistry in Clinical Practice. |
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