

词条 纳米薄膜分析基础17


出版社: 科学出版社; 第1版 (2008年6月1日)

外文书名: Fundamentals of Nanoscale Film Analysis

丛书名: 国外物理名著系列

精装: 336页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 32

ISBN: 7030222598, 9787030222596

条形码: 9787030222596

尺寸: 24 x 17.4 x 2.6 cm

重量: 662 g








1. An Overview:Concepts,Units,and the Bohr Atom

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Nomenclature

1.3 Energies,Units,and Particles

1.4 Particle-Wave Duality and Lattice Spacing

1.5 The Bohr Model


2. Atomic Collisions and Backscattering Spectrometry

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Kinematics of Elastic Collisions

2.3 Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry

2.4 Scattering Cross Section and Impact Parameter

2.5 Central Force Scattering

2.6 Scattering Cross Section:Two-Body

2.7 Deviations from Rutherford Scattering at Low and High Energy

2.8 Low-Energy Ion Scattering

2.9 Forward Recoil Spectrometry

2.10 Center of Mass to Laboratory Transformation


3. Energy Loss of Light Ions and Backscattering Depth Profiles

3.1 Introduction

3.2 General Picture of Energy Loss and Units of Energy Loss

3.3 Energy Loss of MeV Light Ions in Solids

3.4 Energy Loss in Compounds Bragg's Rule

3.5 The Energy Width in Backscattering

3.6 The Shape of the Backscattering Spectrum

3.7 Depth Profiles with Rutherford Scattering

3.8 Depth Resolution and Energy-Loss Straggling

3.9 Hydrogen and Deuterium Depth Profiles

3.10 Ranges of H and He Ions

3.11 Sputtering and Limits to Sensitivity

3.12 Summary of Scattering Relations


4. Sputter Depth Profiles and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Sputtering by Ion Bombardment-General Concepts

4.3 Nuclear Energy Loss

4.4 Sputtering Yield

4.5 Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS)

4.6 Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy (SNMS)

4.7 Preferential Sputtering and Depth Profiles

4.8 Interface Broadening and Ion Mixing

4.9 Thomas-Fermi Statistical Model of the Atom


5. Ion Channeling

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Channeling in Single Crystals

5.3 Lattice Location of Impurities in Crystals

5.4 Channeling Flux Distributions 89

5.5 Surface Interaction via a Two-Atom Model

5.6 The Surface Peak

5.7 Substrate Shadowing:Epitaxial Au on Ag(111)

5.8 Epitaxial Growth

5.9 Thin Film Analysis


6. Electron-Electron Interactions and the Depth Sensitivity of Electron Spectroscopies

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Electron Spectroscopies:Energy Analysis

6.3 Escape Depth and Detected Volume

6.4 Inelastic Electron-Electron Collisions

6.5 Electron Impact Ionization Cross Section

6.6 Plasmons

6.7 The Electron Mean Free Path

6.8 Influence of Thin Film Morphology on Electron Attenuation

6.9 Range of Electrons in Solids

6.10 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)

6.11 Bremsstrahlung


7. X-ray Diffraction

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Bragg's Law in Real Space

7.3 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Measurements

7.4 Texture Measurements in Polycrystalline Thin Films

7.5 Strain Measurements in Epitaxial Layers

7.6 Crystalline Structure

7.7 Allowed Reflections and Relative Intensities


8. Electron Diffraction

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Reciprocal Space

8.3 Laue Equations

8.4 Bragg's Law

8.5 Ewald Sphere Synthesis

8.6 The Electron Microscope

8.7 Indexing Diffraction Patterns


9. Photon Absorption in Solids and EXAFS

9.1 Introduction

9.2 The Schrodinger Equation

9.3 Wave Functions

9.4 Quantum Numbers,Electron Configuration,and Notation

9.5 Transition Probability

9.6 Photoelectric Effect Square-Well Approximation

9.7 Photoelectric Transition Probability for a Hydrogenic Atom

9.8 X-ray Absorption

9.9 Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)

9.10 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory


10. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Experimental Considerations

10.3 Kinetic Energy of Photoelectrons

10.4 Photoelectron Energy Spectrum

10.5 Binding Energy and Final-State Effects

10.6 Binding Energy Shifts-Chemical Shifts

10.7 Quantitative Analysis


11. Radiative Transitions and the Electron Microprobe

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Nomenclature in X-Ray Spectroscopy

11.3 Dipole Selection Rules

11.4 Electron Microprobe

11.5 Transition Rate for Spontaneous Emission

11.6 Transition Rate for K Emission in Ni

11.7 Electron Microprobe:Quantitative Analysis

11.8 Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE)

11.9 Evaluation of the Transition Probability for Radiative Transitions

11.10 Calculation of the K /K Ratio


12. Nonradiative Transitions and Auger Electron Spectroscopy

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Auger Transitions

12.3 Yield of Auger Electrons and Fluorescence Yield

12.4 Atomic Level Width and Lifetimes

12.5 Auger Electron Spectroscopy

12.6 Quantitative Analysis

12.7 Auger Depth Profiles


13. Nuclear Techniques:Activation Analysis and Prompt Radiation Analysis

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Q Values and Kinetic Energies

13.3 Radioactive Decay

13.4 Radioactive Decay Law

13.5 Radionuclide Production

13.6 Activation Analysis

13.7 Prompt Radiation Analysis


14. Scanning Probe Microscopy

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

14.3 Atomic Force Microscopy

Appendix 1. Km for 4He+ as Projectile and Integer Target Mass

Appendix 2. Rutherford Scattering Cross Section of the Elements for 1 MeV4Hei

Appendix 3. 4He+ Stopping Cross Sections

Appendix 4. Electron Configurations and Ionization Potentials of Atoms

Appendix 5. Atomic Scattering Factors

Appendix 6. Electron Binding Energies

Appendix 7. X-Ray Wavelengths (nm)

Appendix 8. Mass Absorption Coefficient and Densities

Appendix 9. KLL Auger Energies (eV)

Appendix 10. Table of the Elements

Appendix 11. Table of Fluoresence Yields for K,L,and M Shells

Appendix 12. Physical Constants,Conversions,and Useful Combinations

Appendix 13. Acronyms






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