

词条 Bruce E. Logan


Bruce Ernest Logan于1979年在纽约州特洛伊伦斯勒理工学院获得化学工程学士学位。1980年在纽约州特洛伊伦斯勒理工学院获得环境工程硕士学位。1986年在加州大学伯克利分校环境工程专业获得博士学位。从1997年至今,他一直被聘为美国宾州州立大学土木与环境工程学院环境工程专业的教授(Kappe Professor),环境科学与技术研究所主任,氢能中心主任,宾州环境学院(PSIE) 双聘教授;环境化学与地球化学中心成员;材料研究中心成员(MRI)。

Bruce E Logan教授和他的研究团队致力于许多领域的研究,主要包括生物制氢、微生物燃料电池、生物附着机理、大分子与分子大小分布、质点动力学与混凝几何学、高氯酸盐与氯酸盐去除和生物滤池设计等。


1980-1982 Stone and Webster Engineering公司环境工程方向危险废物和水处理工程师;

1982-1986 加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程专业科研助教和教学助教;

1986-1997 美国亚利桑那大学毒理学中心研究员,化学与环境工程学院副教授(1986-1997),教授(1997);

1997-今 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学土木与环境学院教授,环境科学与技术研究所主任,氢能中心主任;宾州环境学院(PSIE) 双聘教授;环境化学与地球化学中心成员;材料研究中心成员(MRI);

2004-2008 英国纽卡斯尔大学土木工程与地球科学学院,访问学者。2004-2010英国纽卡斯尔大学土木工程与地球科学学院客座教授。

2007-今 哈尔滨工业大学客座教授。

2008-2013 KAUST研究者,沙特阿拉伯王国科学与技术大学。



研究生课程:Environmental Transport Processes (环境传质过程,CE 576);Biological Wastewater Treatment (废水生物处理,CE 572);Environmental Engineering and Science Seminar (环境工程与科学学术报告,CE 597F);Biological Hydrogen Production (生物制氢,CE 597G, Spring 2001);Membrane Bioreactors (膜生物反应器,CE597K, Fall 2002)。


本科生课程:Water Supply and Wastewater Systems(水与废水系统); Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management(有毒废物管理概论);Laboratory, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) of Environmental Processes; Hazardous(实验室,环境过程的CAD辅助制图)

研究生课程:Environmental Transport Processes (环境传质过程); Advanced Water and Wastewater Analysis(高级水和废水分析);Chemical and Physical Limnology and Oceanography(湖沼与海洋学的物理和化学过程)。


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (since 1984)

American Chemical Society (ACS) (since 1986)

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) (1997-1998)

American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) (1986 to 2003)

American Society for Microbiology (ASM) (since 1986)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (since 1997)

Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) (since 1986)

Fulbright Association (Lifetime member)

International Water Association (IWA) (since 1986)

Water Environment Federation (WEF) (since 1985)


- Associate Editor, Environmental Engineering Science (1997-present).

- Advisory Board, Environmental Science Technology (2007-present)

Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering (2000-2003).

Ad-hoc Committee on Energy Environment, for ES&T (2008; Chair) L

National Hydrogen Association (NHA)

- Board of Directors (2005-present)

- Executive Committee (2006-present)

- Nomination Committee (2005, 2007)

- University working group committee (2005-2007)

- National Conference Planning Committee (2003-2006)

- Education and Outreach Committee (2003-2005)

- Hydrogen Education Foundation (HEF)

- Board of Directors (2006-2009)

- Secretary (2006-2009)

- Waters Review Committee (2007-2009)

- National Science Foundation (NSF)

- Advisory Committee on Environmental Research and Education (NSF-AC/ERE) (2002-2005).

Association of Environmental Engineering Professors (AEESP)

- Board of Directors (1995-1998)

- Past-President (1999-1998), President (1997-1998), and Vice President (1996-1997)

- ACS/AEESP Special Session Organizing Committee. (Chair 2002- 2004; member 2005-present)

- Strategic Planning Committee (2002)

- Long Range Planning Committee (2001 – 2002)

- AEESP liason to the American Chemical Society (2001-present)

- Nominating committee (1999-2001; Chair: 1999)

- Latin American Initiatives (1996-1997)

- Long Range Planning Committee (Chair, 1993-1995, 1996-1997)


National Hydrogen Association (2008), recognizing leadership and significant personal contributions the promotion of hydrogen technologies.

Environmental Science Technology (2007), 2006 Best paper awards, Environmental Technology

(Runner-up), for “Microbial fuel cells: Methodology and technology” (Logan et al.)

Pollution Engineering Magazine (2007), for Microbial fuel cell research cited as “10 Top Pollution

Technologies for 2007” (with John Regan).

Environmental Science Technology (2007), Excellence in Review Award.

Public Works Magazine- Named a “Top 50 Trendsetter” for “Creating energy for wastewater” (2006)

Penn State Engineering Society (PSES) Premier Research Award (2006).

Frank Annuzio Award in “Alternative Energy Sources” (2005), Christopher Columbus Foundation.

Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award (2005)- To “recognize people and innovations that help improve


Feng, Y., Yang, Q., Wang, X, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Treatment of graphite fiber brush anodes for improving power generation in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. J. Power Sources. 195(7):1841–1844.

Deng, Q., X. Li, J.E. Zuo, B.E. Logan, and A. Ling. 2010. Power generation using an activated carbon fiber felt (ACFF) cathode in an upflow microbial fuel cell. J. Power Sources. 195(4): 1130-1135.

Nam, J-Y, H-W Kim, K-H Lim, H-S Shin, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Variation of power generation at different buffer types and conductivities in single chamber microbial fuel cells. Biosen. Bioelec.25(5): 1155–1159.

Watson, V.J., and B.E. Logan. 2010. Power production in MFCs inoculated with Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 or mixed cultures. Biotechnol. Bioengin. In press.

Xing, D., S. Cheng, J.M. Regan, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Isolation of the exoelectrogenic denitrifying bacterium Comamonas denitrificans based on dilution-to-extinction of the microbial community. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. In press.

Logan, B.E. 2010. Scaling up microbial fuel cells and other bioelectrochemical systems. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. In press

Zhang, X., S. Cheng, X. Huang and B.E. Logan. 2010. Improved performance of single-chamber microbial fuel cells through control of membrane deformation. Biosen. Bioelectron. In press.

Selembo, P.A., M.D. Merrill, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Hydrogen production with nickel powder cathode catalysts in microbial electrolysis cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. In press.

Logan, B.E. 2009. Exoelectrogenic bacteria that power microbial fuel cells. Nature Rev. Micro.,7(5):375-381.

Cheng, S., D. Xing, D. Call, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Direct biological conversion of electrical

current into methane by electromethanogenesis. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (10):3953-3958.

Cao, X., X. Huang, P. Liang, K. Xiao, Y. Zhou, X. Zhang, and B.E. Logan. 2009. A new method for water desalination using microbial desalination cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(18): 7148–7152.

Call, D., M. Merrill, and B.E. Logan. 2009. High surface area stainless steel brushes as cathodes in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(6):2179-2183

Selembo, P.A., M.D. Merrill, and B.E. Logan. 2009. The use of stainless steel and nickel alloys as low-cost cathodes in microbial electrolysis cells. J. Power Sources. 190(2):271–278.

Merrill, M.D. and B.E. Logan. 2009. Electrolyte effects on hydrogen evolution and solution

resistance in microbial electrolysis cells. J. Power Sources. 191(2): 203-208

Lalaurette, E., S. Thammannagowda, A. Mohagheghi, P.-C. Maness, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Hydrogen production from cellulose in a two-stage process combining fermentation andelectrohydrogenesis. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 34(15):6201-6210.

Wagner, R.C., J.M. Regan, S.-E. Oh, Y. Zuo, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Hydrogen production from swine wastewater. Wat. Res. 43(4):1480-1488.

Huang, L., S. Cheng, F. Rezaei, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Reducing organic loads in industrial effluents using microbial fuel cells. Environ. Technol. 30(5):499-504..

Yu, E.H., S. Cheng, K. Scott, R. Chetty, B.E. Logan. 2009. Electrochemical reduction of oxygen with iron phthalocyanine in neutral media. J. Appl. Electrochem. 39(6):705–711.

Lu, L., N. Ren, D. Xing, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Hydrogen production with effluent from an ethanol-H2-coproducing fermentation reactor using a single-chamber microbial electrolysis cell. Biosen. Bioelec. 24(10):3055-3060.

Wang, A., W. Liu, S. Cheng, D. Xing, J. Zhou, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Source of methane and

methods to control its formation in single chamber microbial electrolysis cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 34(9):3653-3658.

Rezaei, F., D. Xing, R. Wagner, J.M. Regan, T.L. Richard, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Simultaneous cellulose degradation and electricity production by Enterobacter cloacae in an MFC. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75(11):3673-3678.

Rezaei, F., T.L. Richard, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Analysis of chitin particle size on maximum power generation, power longevity, and coulombic efficiency in solid-substrate microbial fuel cells. J. Power Sources. 192(2):304-309.

Cheng, S. and B.E. Logan. 2009. Erratum for "Evaluation of catalysts and membranes for high yield biohydrogen production via electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). Water Sci. Technol. 2008, 58(4):853-857", Water Sci. Technol. 59(10):2081.

Velásquez-Orta, S.B., T.P. Curtis, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Energy from algae using microbial fuel cells. Biotechnol. Bioengin. 103(6):1068-1076.

Selembo, P.A., J.M. Perez, W.A. Lloyd, and B.E. Logan. 2009. High hydrogen production from glycerol or glucose by electrohydrogenesis using microbial electrolysis cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 34(13):5373-5381.

Xing, D., S. Cheng, J.M. Regan and B.E. Logan. 2009. Change in microbial communities in

acetate- and glucose-fed microbial fuel cells in the presence of light. Biosens Bioelec. 25(1):105-111.

Wang, X., Y. Feng, H. Wang, Y. Qu, Y. Yu, N. Ren, N. Li, E. Wang, H. Lee, and B.E. Logan. 2009 Bioaugmentation for electricity generation from corn stover biomass using microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(15): 6088–6093.


Logan, B.E. “Method and apparatus for treating perchlorate-contaminated drinking water.” 2004. US Patent No. 6,214,607 issued 4/10/2001.

Logan, B.E., S. Grot, T. Mallouk, and H. Liu. 2009. “A bioelectrochemically assisted microbial reactor (BEAMR) that generates hydrogen gas.” U.S. Patent number 7,491,453, issued 2/17/2009.

Logan, B.E. 2006. “Materials and configuration for scalable microbial fuel cells”. U.S. Utility Patent Appl. 11/799,149 filed 5/1/2007; International (PCT) Patent Appl. PCT/US2007/068001 filed 5/2/2007 (Nationalized in Australia, Europe, Canada, China, and India).

Logan, B.E. 2007. “Substrate-enhanced microbial fuel cells”. U.S. Utility Patent Appl. 11/799,194 filed 5/1/2007.Logan, B.E. 2007. “Electrohydrogenic reactor for hydrogen gas production”. U.S. Utility Patent Appl. 12/145,722 filed 6/25/2008; International (PCT) Patent Appl. PCT/US2008/068123, filed 6/25/2008.

Logan, B.E. and S. Cheng. 2008. “Electrodes and methods for microbial fuel cells”. U.S. Utility Patent Appl. 12/177,962 filed 7/23/2008.

Cheng, S. and B.E. Logan. 2008. “Electromethanogenic reactor and processes for methane generation.” US Provisional Patent Appl. 61/074,296 filed 6/20/2008.

Logan, B.E., D. Call, M. Merrill, and S. Cheng. 2008. “Cathodes for microbial electrolysis cells and microbial fuel cells.” US Provisional Patent Appl. 61/141,511, filed 12/30/08.


Logan, B.E. 2010 (expected). Environmental Transport Processes, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Logan, B.E. 2008. Microbial fuel cells. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Logan, B.E., B. Min, K. Kim, J. Miller, D. LaPoint, J. Batista, J. Liu, P.J. Evans, A. Chu, and S. Price

2004. Bioreactor Systems for Treating Perchlorate-Contaminated Water: Bench- and Pilot-ScaleInvestigations. American Water Works Association Research Foundation.

Logan, B.E. 1999. Environmental Transport Processes. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Logan, B.E. 1999. Solutions Manual, Environmental Transport Processes. The Pennsylvania State University.

Logan, B.E. and F.C. Cannon. 1999. Environmental Engineering Research Frontiers: Proceedings of the AEESP Research Conference, August 1-3, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), Champaign, IL.





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