

词条 晨光出版社







社 址:云南省昆明市环城西路609号


Publishing House with Good Image

Aurora Publishing House

As one and only specialized publishing house in Yunnan Province, the Aurora Publishing House concentrates its efforts on producing children readings. It has published some 3000 varieties with an accumulated distribution of more than 300 million books. In recent years, this publishing house has acquired the capability of publishing some 500 varieties of books annually, including 100 more new books, 300 kinds of reprinting ones. Of all, more than 200 varieties have attained the prizes for excellent books at both the national and provincial levels, and hundreds of kinds have been assessed as excellent publications by the Printing and Binding Quality Bureau. 1998, the Aurora Publishing House was chosen as a Nathionwide Better Published House by the News Publishing General Bureau.

The Aurora Publishing House will persistently produce more and more elaborated works in this new millennium.

Address: 609 Huancheng Xilu, Kunming, Yunnan, P.R.China

Post code: 650034


1. 郑和史诗


The Zheng He Epic

The publisher collects massive pictures of history remains and substances about Chinese Ming Dynasty great sailor-----Zheng He, who sailed occident 7 times by multi-channel .The history data in this book are very precise and the pictures are very precious, and the book basically achieves the essence popular and the academic universalization.

2. 郑和画传


The Pictoral Biography of Zheng He

This book narrates briefly the Chinese great navigator---Zheng He’s biographical story and his merits. It shows Zheng He’s intelli-gence and his virtue, and unflods the view of the western countries before us as well.

3. 郑和新传


Zheng He’s New Biography

This book is based on the diary written down by the Zheng He’s entourage when they went abroad, and the factual history and biography edited in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, and the inscription vestige remained at that time and many kinds of Zheng’s genealogy searched since 20th century 40s.And in reference the many works written by the recent scholars, the book makes a detail analysis Zheng He’s experience and his ocean story.

4. 非洲踏寻郑和路


Searching for Zheng He’s Footprint in Africa

The author searches for the footprint of Zheng He’s fleet in 18 countries, and he records a amount of history data which Zheng He’s fleet left in Africa.

5. 中华文化启蒙文库(2册)

唐诗三百首 宋词三百首

The Storage of Chinese Culture Enlightenment

300 Poems of Tang Dynasty

300 Poems of Song Dyansty

This series selects excellent Chinese ancient poems, which can be used to teach, memorize for learners.

6. 中国儿童文学名家书系(4册)

藏獒渡魂 火把花 三棵树 云雀为谁歌唱


The Series of Chinese Children's Literature Masters

Tibetan Mastiff Improves The Character Torch Flower

Who The Lark Sings For Three Trees

This book describes the minority’s custom in Yunnan province and the stories about human loves animals. The stories perhaps happens at the beautiful and magic XiShuangbanna, or happens at the imposing and brumal DianBei plateau. The author describes the beautiful and magical natural local scenery and the minorty’s mysterious and desirous life. And he eulogizes the nature, the human’s love and emotion, and he advocates that human gets on well with nature and animals. This book can shock your heart by its powerful article smart.

7. 中国古典文学名著(4册)

水浒传 西游记 三国演义 红楼梦


The Class of Chinese Literature

The Water Margin The Pilgrimage To The West

Three Kingdoms A Red-Chamber Dream

The book selects wonderful stories from the four masterpiece,The Water Margin、The Pilgrimage To The West、Three Kingdoms 、A Red-Chamber Dream.And it matches colorful illustrations, it is very fit for little child to read.

8. 跟鞠萍姐姐学手工(10册)

彩泥手工 贴纸手工 布艺手工 环保手工 纸雕手工

蛋壳手工 瓶罐手工 布贴手工 绳艺手工 果实手工


Following JuPing Sister to Learn Handiwork

The Fruit Handiwork The Rope Handiwork

The Bottle and Pot Handiwork The Egg's Shell Handiwork

The Paper Sculpture Handiwork Adhibitted Cloth Handiwork

The Colorful Mud Handiwork Adhibitted Paper Handiwork

The Cloth Handiwork The Environment Protection Handiwork

The book collects wonderful content that Chinese famous TV master----JuPing sister teaches baby to do handiwork.The book is an interesting、recreational and intelligent handiwork encyclopaedia.

9. 婴儿智力与潜能开发大全


The Encyclopaedia of Expoiting Baby's Intelligence and Potential

The book offers in detail multiplex intelligent exploration programmes to baby under 3 years old. These programmes are easy to operate and their guide is strong. This book explores multiplex intelligence、trains IQ and EQ by way of sports、games and communion with baby.





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更新时间:2025/3/29 2:34:29