词条 | 马百良八宝惊风散 |
释义 | 商品名称:马百良八宝惊风散 本药厂此散乃选上等珍贵药材,精心配制而成,药散特别幼滑,最适合婴孩服用,对治理婴孩诸惊各病,功力显著,效应迅速,诚小儿科之良药,居家旅行,皆宜常备。 功能:镇惊熄风,清热解毒。 主治:小儿突受惊吓,惊悸哭啼,痰涎壅盛,外感风热,身热面赤,夜睡露睛。 用法与用量:口服,用五至十毫升暖开水拌匀服用,半岁以内,每瓶分三次服;六个月至一岁,每瓶分二次服;一岁以上每次服一瓶;每隔四至六小时服一次。 注意:服药时忌食生冷油腻之物,若病情需要,须由医生诊治。 包装:每瓶重零.三六克,每盒十瓶。 贮藏:密封防潮,置阴凉干燥处保存。 MA PAK LEUNG BAT PO KENG FOONG POWDER This powder is made of choicest grade all natural Chinese herbs. It is a proven remedy for various infant and childhood disorders. Action: It soothes nerves, dispels winds, clears heat and disperses phlegm. Indication: Sudden nerves fright and irritability, constant disturbed crying , sleeplessness and nocturnal unrest, common cold (cold-wind type) and fever, phlegm accumulation, cough dyspnea. Administration & Dosage : To be taken by mouth, dissolve powder in 5-10 mls of warm water. Under 6 month: 1/3 of a vial every 4-6 hourly. 6 month to 1 year:1/2 of a vial every 4-6 hourly. 1 year and over:1 vial every 4-6 hourly. Note: Avoid having raw, cold or greasy food. If condition is not improved, consult a medical doctor. Packing: 0.36g per vial, 10vials per box. Storage: Store in sealed container, place in a cool dry place. 成 份 COMPOSITION(0.36g含/Contains) 胆南星 Arisaema cum bile 39.0mg 防 风 Radix Saposhnikoviae 39.0mg 甘 草 Radix Glycyrrhizae. 39.0mg 钩 藤 Ramulus Uncariae Cun Uncis.. 39.0mg 蝉 蜕 Periostracum Cicadae 20.8mg 全 蝎 Scorpio 20.8mg 僵 蚕 Bombyx Batryticatus 20.8mg 琥 珀 Succinum 18.2mg 冰 片 Borneolum 14.3mg 珍 珠 Margarita 7.0mg 麝 香 Moschus 1.3mg 牛 黄 Calculus Bovis 0.8mg 糖 霜 Icing Sugar 100mg 马百良八宝惊风散 规格:每盒10瓶 |
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