

词条 罗伯特平斯基


罗伯特·平斯基(Robert Pinsky,1940年-),美国诗人、批评家和翻译。1997-2000年间他是美国唯一一位连续三界获得“桂冠诗人”称号的诗人,第一次是在1997年。他主持了国会图书馆的“最受欢迎的诗作”工程。这一工程遴选出一千多名美国人朗诵自己最喜爱的诗歌的录音或录像带。平斯基说这项活动旨在“于千禧年之际通过诗的透镜提供一张美国人民的快照”。

罗伯特·尼尔·平斯基1940年10月20日出生于新泽西州的朗布兰奇,1962年毕业于拉特格斯新泽西州立大学,1966年获得斯坦福大学博士学位。他曾在多所大学任教,包括威尔斯利大学、加州大学伯克利分校以及波士顿大学等。1978-1986年他在《新共和》杂志任诗歌编辑。他的诗歌集有《悲伤与欢乐》(Sadness and Happiness)(1975年),这是一部有自传色彩的作品;《阐释美国》(An Explanation of America)(1979年),这是一首长诗,诗中将美国比作罗马帝国;《心的历程》(1984年)这部选集中收录作者个人化的诗歌和历史主题的作品;《枯骨》(The Want Bone)(1990年)和《花车巨轮:新诗与诗选1966-1996》(1996年)。《泽西雨》(2000年)和《海湾音乐》(Gulf Music)(2007年)依然是以个人或历史为主题的诗歌。1994年平斯基还翻译了但丁的《神曲·地狱篇》,题目为《但丁的地狱》,受到人们的好评;以及一部散文体小说《大卫生平》(2005年),重新讲述了这位圣经中的国王的一生经历。

平斯基最受好评的理论批评著作有《诗歌的处境:当代诗歌及其传统》(1976年)和《诗歌和世界》(Poetry and the World)(1988年)。他还与人合译了波兰裔美国诗人切斯瓦夫 米沃什的作品,名为《抽印本笔记》(The Septe Notebooks)(1984年)。


Robert Pinsky, poet laureate of the United States from 1997 to 2000, will speak on campus May 2 as part of the Union Directorate's Distinguished Lecture Series and to help the UW-Madison libraries and the Friends of the Libraries celebrate the acquisition of the six millionth book. Pinsky is poetry editor of the online journal Slate, contributes to PBS's "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" and teaches in the graduate writing program at Boston University. His most recent book of poetry is Jersey Rain.

In 1999, Norton published the anthology "Americans' Favorite Poems," a collection featured in Pinsky's Favorite Poems Project. Pinsky's writing has won awards from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters.

Pinsky's visit caps off the semester-long "Celebrating Books" events that commemorate the acquisition of the UW-Madison's six millionth book. The book, Dard Hunter's "Papermaking by Hand in America," was unveiled at a public lecture by Kenneth Frazier, UW-Madison Libraries director, on April 18. The book was selected for its strong connections to Wisconsin and the papermaking industry.

The Friends of the UW-Madison Libraries and the Wisconsin Union Distinguished Lecture Series are cosponsoring Pinsky's lecture. Funding is provided by the Joyce Foundation, the Keller Family Foundation, and Associated Students of Madison.

The talk, "Celebrating Books and Poetry with Robert Pinsky," will be at 7:30 p.m. in the Wisconsin Union Theater, 800 Langdon St.

Tickets not used by UW-Madison students, faculty, and staff will be available to the general public at no charge beginning Friday, April 27 at the Union box office, 262-2201 (11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; noon-5 p.m., Saturday). If attendance exceeds theater capacity, there will be a video simulcast in the Memorial Union.





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