

词条 刘勇胜















地球化学 (本科生)

微量元素地球化学 (本科生和研究生)

LA-ICP-MS仪器培训 (研究生)

周口店和北戴河的野外教学实习 (本科生)

2003-2006年: 指导的本科毕业论文中两人获得湖北省优秀学士学位论文一等奖(2004,2005年)

2004-2006年: 指导8名硕士研究生

2007- 指导6名硕士, 2名博士研究生


自1999年7月至今在中国地质大学地球科学学院从事教学和科研工作。1998-2004年作为主要人员之一负责中国地质大学的激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)(LXS-200 + POEMS3)实验室的管理和方法研究工作,完成了基于EXCEL的ICP-MS分析数据处理的软件编制工作。自2005年开始,全面负责中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室新引进的LA-ICP-MS仪器(GeoLas 2005 + Agilent 7500a)的开发和应用研究及实验室管理。编制了LA-ICP-MS数据处理软件(ICPMSDataCal),实现了对溶液-ICP-MS分析数据的分馏校正、定量计算及数据质量即时监控;实现了对LA-(MC-)ICP-MS瞬时信号(微量元素分析、U-Pb同位素定年和Hf同位素)的选择、定量计算、结果即时监控;在微量元素定量计算上,除传统的单外标+内标法外,增加了多外标-(无)内标计算方法,大大提高了分析结果的准确度. 于2007年研制了体积自由、低记忆效应剥蚀池。

1999.08 - 1999.12: 在美国哈佛大学地球与行星科学系R.L. Rudnick教授领导的LA-ICP-MS实验室进行有关下地壳包体年代学方面的合作研究;

2000.11 - 2000.12: 在香港大学地球科学系与孙敏教授进行了有关汉诺坝下地壳包体铂族元素组成的合作研究;

2004.06 - 2004.11: 在美国莱斯大学地球科学系与Cin-Ty Lee教授进行有关玄武岩、榴辉岩及岩石圈包体方面的合作研究;

2007.05 - 2007.10: 在美国哥伦比亚大学LDEO与Peter B. Kelemen教授进行有地幔橄榄岩、熔体-橄榄岩作用等方面的合作研究。


2001-2003: 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目《华北前寒武纪基性火山岩高场强元素演化及壳幔循环意义》;

2002-2005: 参加国家自然科学基金重点项目《中国东部显生宙下地壳的形成与演化》;

2006-2007: "武汉市青年科技晨光计划"资助课题《大气颗粒物中微量元素与Pb同位素组成研究》;

2006-2007: 参加国家创新研究群体项目《大陆岩石圈深部再循环与华北克拉通及邻区中新生代演化》;

2005-2007: 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《汉诺坝岩石圈包体中矿物的微量元素分配与空间变化及其地球动力学意义》;

2004-2008: 参加国家973项目课题《大陆板块汇聚边界深部的三维物质组成及变质演化》;

2006-2008: "教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划"资助课题《华北克拉通地幔橄榄岩-熔(流)体反应作用与中生代岩石圈演化之关系》;

2007-2009: 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《中国东部中、新生代玄武岩Fe/Mn和Nb/Ta比值变化的地球动力学意义》。

2010-2012: 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目《华北克拉通破坏中的地幔熔(流)体性质和作用》.







*Lu Chen, Yongsheng Liu, Zhaochu Hu, Shan Gao, Keqing Zong, Haihong Chen, 2011. Accurate determinations of fifty-four major and trace elements in carbonate by LA-ICP-MS using normalization strategy of bulk components as 100%. Chem. Geol. (in press)

Yongsheng Liu, Shan Gao, Zhaochu Hu, Changgui Gao, Keqing Zong, Dongbing Wang, 2010. Continental and oceanic crust recycling-induced melt-peridotite interactions in the Trans-North China Orogen: U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and trace elements in zircons from mantle xenoliths. Journal of Petrology, 51(1-2): 537-571, doi:10.1093/petrology/egp082.

Yongsheng Liu, Zhaochu Hu, Keqing Zong, Changgui Gao, Shan Gao, Juan Xu, Haihong Chen, 2010. Reappraisement and refinement of zircon U-Pb isotope and trace element analyses by LA-ICP-MS. Chinese Sci. Bull.55(15): 1535-1546.

Yongsheng Liu, Shan Gao, Changgui Gao, Keqing Zong, Zhaochu Hu, Wenling Lin. 2010, Garnet-rich granulite xenoliths from the Hannuoba basalts, North China: Petrogenesis and implications for the Mesozoic crust-mantle interaction. Journal of Earth Science, 21(5): 669-691.

*Zong KQ, Liu YS, Gao CG, Hu ZC, Gao S, Gong HJ, 2010. In situ U-Pb dating and trace element analysis of zircons in thin sections of eclogite: Refining constraints on the ultra-high pressure metamorphism of the Sulu terrane, China. Chemical Geology, 269: 237-251,DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.09.021.

*Keqing Zong, Yongsheng Liu, Shan Gao, Dongbin Wang, Changgui Gao, 2010. Gneiss melting-induced fluid flow during exhumation of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane. Lithos, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.09.013.

*Keqing Zong, Yongsheng Liu, Changgui Gao, Zhaochu Hu, Shan Gao, 2010. Garnet-spinel-corundum-quartz-bearing titanohematite vein in eclogite from the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane: Imprint of a short-lived high-temperature metamorphic stage. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.08.003.

*Changgui Gao, Yongsheng Liu, Keqing Zong, Zhaochu Hu, Shan Gao. 2010, Microgeochemistry of rutile and zircon in eclogites from the CCSD main hole: Implications for the fluid activity and thermo-history of the UHP metamorphism. Lithos, 115: 51-64, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.11.007.

Liu YS, Hu ZC, Gao S, Günther D, Xu KJ, Gao CG, Chen HH, 2008. In situanalysis of major and trace elements of anhydrous minerals by LA-ICP-MS without applying an internal standard. Chemical Geology,257: 34-43. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.08.004.

Liu Y.S., Gao S., Kelemen P.B., Xu W.L., 2008. Recycled lower continental crust controls contrasting source compositions of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts in Eastern China. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.72: 2349-2376.

Liu Y.S., Zong K.Q., Kelemen P.B., Gao S., 2008. Geochemistry and magmatic history of eclogites and ultramafic rocks from the Chinese continental scientific drill hole: subduction and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of lower crustal cumulates. Chemical Geology,247: 133-153.

Liu YS,Hu ZC, Yuan HL, Hu SH and Cheng HH, 2007. Volume-optional and low-memory (VOLM) chamber for laser ablation-ICP-MS: application to the analyses of fiber. J. Anal. At. Spectrom.DOI:10.1039/b701718a.

Liu YS,Gao S, Lee CTA, Hu SH, Liu XM, Yuan HL, 2005. Melt-peridotite interactions: Links between garnet pyroxenite and high-Mg# signature of continental crust. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.234(1-2): 39-57.

Liu YS,Gao S, Yuan HL, Zhou L, Liu XM, Wang XC, Hu ZC, Wang LS, 2004. U–Pb zircon dates and Nd, Sr and Pb isotopes of lower crustal xenoliths from North China Craton: Insights on evolution of lower continental crust. Chem. Geol.211(1-2): 87-109.

Liu YS,Yuan HL, Gao S, Hu ZC, Wang XC, Liu XM, Lin WL, 2004. Zircon U–Pb ages of olivine pyroxenite xenolith from Hannuoba: links between the 97-158 Ma basaltic underplating and granulite-facies metamorphism. Chinese Sci. Bull.49(10): 1055-1062.

Liu YS, Gao S, Liu XM, Chen XM, Zhang WL, Wang XC, 2003. Thermodynamic evolution of lithosphere of the North China Craton: Records from lower crust and upper mantle xenoliths from Hannuoba. Chinese Sci. Bull.48(21): 2371-2377.

Liu YS, Gao S., Jin SY, Hu SH, Feng JL, Zhao ZB and Sun M, 2001. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of lower crustal xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China: Implications for the continental lower crustal composition and evolution at convergent margin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,65(15): 2589-2604.

Liu YS, Gao S, Wang XC, Hu SH, Wang JQ, 2005. Nb/Ta variations of mafic volcanics on the Archean - Proterozoic boundary: Implications for the Nb/Ta imbalance. Sci. China. (D)48(4): 1-14.

Hu ZC, Liu YS, Gao S, Hu SH, Dietiker R, Günther D. A Local Aerosol Extraction Strategy for the Determination of the Aerosol Composition in Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2008, DOI: 10.1039/b803934h, Advanced article, First published on the web 27th May 2008.

Jiang, N., Liu, Y., Zhou, W., Yang, J., Zhang, S., Derivation of Mesozoic adakitic magmas from ancient lower crust in the North China craton, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta(2007), doi: 10.1016/j.gca. 2007.02.018

刘勇胜, 张泽明, Lee Cin-Ty, 高山, 宗克清, 2005. CCSD主孔高Ti榴辉岩非耦合的高Ti、低Nb(Zr)特征: 对玄武质岩浆房中磁铁矿分离结晶作用的指示. 岩石学报, 21(2): 339-346.

*高长贵, 刘勇胜, 宗克清, 陈海红, 胡兆初, 2008. 超高压榴辉岩金红石中高场强元素变化的控制因素及其地球动力学意义. 地球科学, 33(4): 487-503.

*童春临, 刘勇胜, 胡圣虹, 胡兆初, 陈海红, 2008. ICP-MS分析样品制备过程中Ta、Nb等元素的特殊地球化学行为. 地球化学, 38(1): 43-52

*张斌辉, 刘勇胜, 高山, 2007. 中国东部新生代玄武岩高Fe/Mn比值的成因意义. 中国科学. 37(11): 1456-1466.

Wang XC, Liu YS, Liu XM, 2006. Mesozoic adakites in the Lingqiu Basin of the central North China Craton: Partial melting of underplated basaltic lower crust. Geochemical Journal, 40: 447-461.

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 柳小明, 高山, 张斌辉, 2006. CCSD榴辉岩中主矿物微量元素组成对折返过程中短时增温作用的记录. 科学通报, 51(22): 2673-2684

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 柳小明, 张斌辉. 2006. CCSD主孔100-1100m榴辉岩中单矿物的原位微区微量元素地球化学研究. 岩石学报, 22(7): 1891-1904.

*张斌辉, 刘勇胜, 宗克清, 高山, 2006. 榴辉岩退变质过程中的微量元素地球化学行为: 对CCSD主孔退变质榴辉岩的研究. 岩石学报, 22(7): 1833-1844.

*宗克清, 刘勇胜, 高山, 袁洪林, 柳小明, 王选策, 2005. 汉诺坝辉石岩包体中单斜辉石的微区微量元素组成特征及其地球动力学意义. 岩石学报,21(3): 909-920.

Yuan HL, Liu XM, Liu YS, Gao S, Ling WL, 2006. Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon geochronology of Late-Mesozoic lavas from Xishan, Beijing. Science in China (D), 49(1): 50-67.

Gao S, Kern H, Liu YS, Jin SY, Popp T., Feng JL, Jin ZM, Sun M and Zhao ZB, 2000. Measured and calculated seismic velocities and densities for granulites from xenolith occurrences and the adjacent exposed lower crustal sections: A comparative study from the North China craton. J. Geophys. Res.105, 18965-18976.

Gao S, Rudnick RL, Yuan HL, Liu XM, Liu YS, Ling WL, Ayers J, Wang XC, 2004. Recycling lower continental crust in the North China craton, Nature, 432: 892-896.

Rudnick RL, Gao S, Ling WL, Liu YS, McDonough WF, 2004. Petrology and geochemistry of spinel peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba and Qixia, North China craton. Lithos, 77: 609-637.

Hu ZC, Hu SH, Gao S, Liu YS, Lin SL, 2004. Volatile organic solvent-induced signal enhancements in inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: a case study of methanol and acetone. Spectrochimica Acta PartB, 59: 1463– 1470.

Gao S, Rudnick RL, Carlson RW, McDonough WF, Liu YS, 2002. Re-Os evidence for replacement of ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the North China craton. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.198: 307-322.

V. Chavagnac, J.A. Milton, D.R.H. Green, J. Breuer, O. Bruguier, D.E. Jacob, T. Jong, G.D. Kamenov, J. Le

Huray, Y. Liu, M.R. Palmer, S. Pourtalès, I. Roduhskin, A. Soldati, C.N. Trueman, H. Yuan. 2007. Towards the development of a fossil bone geochemical standard: an inter-laboratory study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 599: 177-190





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