

词条 刘津瑜

中文名 刘津渝 刘津瑜 拼音 Jinyu Liu

刘津瑜1989年入南京大学文科强化班,选读历史,1993年获得学士学位,1996年获得硕士学位。1998年至2004年在哥伦比亚大学历史系和古典系学习,主攻罗马史。2004年获得博士学位之后,在德堡大学(DePauw University)的古典系任教。2007-2008年学术休假期间在纽约大学古代世界研究中心任访问学者。目前为德堡大学古典学副教授、获终身教职(tenure)。所授课程主要为罗马史、古代城市研究、各级拉丁文和希腊文课程(包括高级拉丁语原文阅读,特别是维吉尔的《伊涅阿斯纪》)。研究兴趣集中在罗马城市内部社会关系、罗马帝国下层民众的生活、拉丁铭文学。以博士论文为基础的学术专著由Brill出版社2009年出版,研究帝国西部的纺织行业的社团、行会组织。所用的主要史料为200多个拉丁碑铭。自1998年以来在32个欧美学术会议上宣读过论文。所发表的文章多与铭文、罗马社会经济史特别是罗马帝国境内的结社现象有关。目前得到美国梅隆(Mellon)人文基金的资助研究希腊罗马作品在中国的历程。2011年至2013年学术休假。2011-2012年北京大学历史系新创办的西方古典学中心任教访学。



Collegia centonariorum: the guilds of textile-dealers in the Roman West, Brill, 2009(Monograph).

Book Contract with Beijing (Peking) University Press: Introduction to Roman Studies.(In Chinese. Manuscript submitted in July, 2011.)

Articles and Book Chapters:

AE 1998. 282: A Case Study of Public Benefaction and Local Politics, Proceeding of the First North American Epigraphical Congress. San Antonio. January 5, 2011. Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy. Series editors: John Bodel and Adele Scafuro. Submitted.

Trade, traders and guilds (?) in textiles: the case of Southern Gaul and Northern Italy (First-Third Centuries), Textile Workers and Their Identity. Oxbow, forthcoming.

Late Antique Fora and Public Honor in the Western Cities: Case studies, Shifting Frontiers8, Ashgate, forthcoming.

Chapter on Collegiain the Cambridge Companion to the City of Rome, Cambridge University Press, (in production).

Clothing supply for the military: a look at the inscriptional evidence, in Wearing the Cloak: Dressing the Soldier in Roman Times (ANCIENT TEXTILES SERIES),edited by Marie-Louise Nosch. Oxbow Books in association with the Centre for Textile Research, 2011: 19-29.

“Pompeii and Collegia: a new appraisal of the evidence,” Ancient History Bulletin 22.1-4 (2008): 53-69.

“The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (edd.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of Raymond Bogaert, Studia Hellenistica 44. Leuven, Peeters, 2008: 231-256. For review of the book, see Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.05.02.

“The Era of Patavium Again,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE)162 (2007): 281-289.

“Local Governments and Collegia: a new appraisal of the evidence,” in Jean-Jacques Aubert and Zsuzsanna Várhelyi (edd.),A Tall Order: Imperialism, Law, Religion, And Society in the Ancient World, essays in honor of William V. Harris, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 216. K. G. Saur Verlag. 2005: 279-310.

Multiple publications in Chinese (1993-1999): topics included A Biography of Julius Caesar, The Evolution of the System of the Imperial Succession: a comparative study of the Roman and Chinese systems, The Religious Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, etc.

Book Reviews:

Review of “Conceiving the Empire” (Oxford, 2008), Classical Review60.1 (2010): 227-229.

Review of Nielsen, Inge, ed. Zwischen Kult und Gesellschaft (Hephaistos 24). Camelion-Verlag, Augsburg 2007. American Journal of Archaeology(AJA) 113.1 (2009): 145-147.

Review of N. TRAN, Les membres des associations romaines. Le rang social des collegiati en Italie et en Gaules, sous le haut-empire. (École française de Rome Collection de l'École française de Rome, 367.) Roma, 2006 and F. Diosono, Collegia. Le associazioni professionali nel mondo romano. Roma: Quasar, 2007. Journal of Roman Studies98 (2008): 214-216.

Review ofRoman Dacia: The Making of a Provincial Society. Book Review. BMCR(Bryn Mawr Classical Review), 2005.03.12.

Encyclopedia Entries:

Five Entries in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social History: Associations (1,500 words); patron, patronage, Roman Empire (1,000 words); freedmen and freedwomen (1,500 words); burial clubs (350 words); Augusti liberti(500 words) (in production)

Work in progress:

Book Contract with Duckworth (acquired by Bloomsbury), due 2014, Graeco-Roman Classics in China.


Mellon Foundation's New Directions Fellowship 2011

Fisher Time-out (one-course release) for a project called “Virgil in China”, Spring, 2011

Associate Research Fellow, ISAW (Institute of the Study of the Ancient World), NYU, 2007-2008 (on leave from DePauw)

Arthur E. and Joyce S. Gordon Fellow, Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies at the Ohio State University, Summer, 2007.

David Stevenson Fellowship, 2006-2007

National Endowment of Humanities Summer Seminar on Trajan’s Column (organized by Profs. Richard Talbert and Michael Maas), American Academy at Rome, 2006

Mellon Venture Fund: Epigraphic Studies in Italy, Summer 2006

DePauw University Faculty Development Summer Stipend, 2005, 2010





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