词条 | 刘怀攀 |
释义 | 基本情况刘怀攀,男,1970年6月出生,中共党员,现为河南农业大学农学院教授、硕士生导师。学科专业领域为作物学,主要研究方向为作物抗性生理、植物分子生理。 教育经历: 1989.9-1993.7,河南师范大学读本科; 1996.9-1999.7,兰州大学攻读硕士研究生; 2001.9-2004.6,南京农业大学攻读博士研究生; 2004.11-2006.12,河南农业大学博士后科研流动站。 任职经历: 2008.12至今,河南省农业厅厅长助理。 学术和社会兼职: 中国植物生理学会河南分会副理事长;《作物学报》审稿专家。 学术成果科研项目(1) 国家自然科学基金,水分胁迫下玉米幼苗根叶细胞内结合态多胺的功能,第一主持人。 (2)省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目,水分胁迫下玉米幼苗中结合态多胺的功能与外施多胺的应用,第一主持人。 学术论文1.Liu Huai Pan, Liu You Liang, Yu Bing Jun.Increased Polyamines conjugated to tonoplast vesicles from wheat seedling roots enhanced osmotic stress tolerance via maintenance of the H+-ATPase and H+-PPase Activities. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,23(2):156-165. 2.Liu Huai Pan, Dong Bi Hui, Zhang Yan Yan, Liu You Liang, Liu Zhao Pu. Relationship between osmotic stress and the levels of free, conjugated and bound polyamines in leaves of wheat seedlings. Plant Science, 166 (5): 1261-1267. 3.Liu Huai Pan, Liu Jun, Zhang Yan Yan, Liu You Liang. Relationship between ATPase activity and conjugated polyamines in mitochondrial membrane from wheat seedling roots under osmotic stress. Journal of Environmental Science, 16 (5): 712-716. 4.Liu Huai Pan, Yu Bing Jun, Liu You Liang. Effect of osmotic stress on the activity of H+-ATPase and the levels of covalently and noncovalently conjugated polyamines in plasma membrane from wheat seedling roots. Plant Science,168:1599-1607. 5.Liu Huai Pan, Yu Bing Jun, Ji Xiu E, Liu You Liang. Relationship between osmotic stress and polyamines conjugated to the deoxyribonucleic acid-protein in wheat seedling roots. Science in China Series C-Life science, 49 (1):1-6 (IF of SCI: 0.320). 6.Liu Huai Pan, Ji Xiu E, Shi Liu Gong, Li Chao Hai, 2006. Effect of osmotic stress on the contents of different form polyamines in leaves of maize seedlings. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 32 (10): 1430-1436. 7.LIU Huai-Pan, ZHU Zi-Xue, LIU Tian-Xue, LI Chao-Hai, 2006. Effects of osmotic stress on the kinds, forms and levels of polyamines in wheat coleoptiles. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 32 (3): 293-299. 8.Liu H P, Liu T X, Zhu Z X, L i C H. Involvement of polyamine in osmotic stress-induced ABA signaling pathway. Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology, 2006, 2 (1): 231-236 9.刘怀攀,牛明功,刘天学,李潮海.亚精胺对渗透胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片抗氧化非酶物质的影响.河南农业科学,2007,3:25-28。 10.刘怀攀,胡炳义,刘天学,李潮海。亚精胺对渗透胁迫的玉米幼苗叶片NADPH氧化酶和抗氧化酶活性的影响。河南农业大学学报,2007,41(4):363-367。 国际学术交流2006年5月,参加首届国际生物节水会议并做大会报告。 |
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