词条 | 林语堂英文作品集:京华烟云 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社; 第1版 (2009年3月1日) 平装: 961页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 32 ISBN: 7560081347, 9787560081342 条形码: 9787560081342 尺寸: 21 x 14.6 x 5.2 cm 重量: 1.2 Kg 作者简介林语堂,1895年10月10日生于福建漳州,乳名和乐,名玉堂,后改语堂,22岁获上海圣约翰大学学士学位,27岁获美国哈佛大学比较文学硕士学位。29岁获德国莱比锡大学语言学博士学位,同年回国,先后执教于北京大学,北京师范大学,厦门大学和上海东吴大学,1936年后居住美国,此后主要用英文写作,1966年定居台湾,1967年受聘为香港中文大学研究教授,1975年劳任国际笔会副会长,1976年3月26日病逝于香港,葬于台北阳明山故居,林语堂用英文创作和翻译的一系列经典作品影响深远,奠定了他在国际文坛上的重要地位。 内容简介《京华烟云》为英文版,One morning in 1905, or the 31th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty, two brothers set out by boat from their hometown Boa-ah, amountain hamlet in Fujian Province on the southern coast of China, for theport city of Xiamen, some sixty miles away. The boys were full of excitementand chatter, especially the younger one. Yutang was ten years old, and today, hewas taking leave of his hometown and going with his brother to study in Xiamen.They were sons of Pastor Lin Zhicheng, who was born in the poor village ofWulisha. Pastor Lin was sending his sons to free missionary schools in Xiamen. The Pastor was not a follower of convention, so the boys did not wearqueues. Yutang was a little guy, deeply tanned, with a prominent forehead, apair of sparkling eyes, and a narrow chin. Six miles later, when the skiff cameto Xiaoxi, the boys changed to a five-sail junk, and sailed toward Zhangzhouon West River. There were paddy fields and farmhouses on either side ofthe river, and tall mountains stood behind them, clad in grey-purplishhues. Yutang thought it inexpressibly beautiful. After a day's journey, the junkwas tied up against the bank under some bamboo trees. Yutang was told to liedown, cover himself with a blanket and go to sleep. 从诗到诗——中国古诗词英译 从诗到诗(中国古诗词英译) 古文观止 古文观止精选(汉英对照) 人文胜迹——初中以上英文水平读者 莎翁故居 国王谷:人文胜迹 雅典卫城:人文胜迹 庞贝城与赫库兰尼姆城:人文胜迹 哈德良长城 林语堂英文作品集 印度的智慧(林语堂英文作品集)(月亮石) 武则天传 京华烟云(英文版) 京华烟云 吾国与吾民 吾国与吾民(英文版) 老子的智慧 生活的艺术 生活的艺术(林语堂英文作品集)(月亮石) 风声鹤唳(林语堂英文作品集)(月亮石) 京华烟云 吾国与吾民 生活的艺术 目录FOREWORD PREFACE Book One THE DAUGHTERS OF A TAOIST Book Two TRAGEDY IN THE GARDEN Book Three THE SoNG 0F AUTUMN THE CHARACTERS SOME CHINESE TERMS oF ADDRESS WADQE-GILES T0 PINYIN CONVERSION TANLE WoRKS OF ENGLISH BY LINYUTANG |
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