词条 | 长青农化 |
释义 | 摘要江苏长青农化股份有限公司 Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd. 股票代码:002391 2010年4月16日深交所A股上市 长青简介江苏长青农化股份有限公司系国家定点农药生产企业,国家高新技术企业。经过艰苦奋斗和锐意进取,现已成为拥有职工近2000人,其中专业技术人员400余人大型化工企业。公司以合成农药、农药中间体为主,同时加工多种剂型的制剂,现已具备万吨原药和制剂的生产能力。 公司以严格的管理、优良的产品和一流的售后服务在农药界享有盛誉。公司通过了ISO9001质量体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系三体系一体化审核。2003年被农业部评为“全国诚信守法企业”,2004年被国家工商行政总局评为“重合同守信用企业”,2006年“长青”商标被评为“中国驰名商标”,“吡虫啉”系列产品被认定为“中国名牌产品”,是国际知名农化公司(先正达)在亚洲地区唯一授予HSE进步奖企业,多次被评为江苏省明星企业,AAA级资信企业。董事长于国权同志被农业部评为“全国优秀乡镇企业家”。 公司注重科技进步和技术创新,投资千万元成立企业创新中心,聘请国内知名专家担任企业技术指导,与国内众多科研院所、大专院校建立了良好的合作关系。公司设备先进,装备优良,检验手段完善,被评为石化行业“A类质监科”。2001年被国家科技部评为“国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业”,2003年被国家人事部批准成为国家级“博士后科研工作站”设站单位。 企业荣誉科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心---重点高新技术企业证书--- CNAB---质量体系认证证书--- --江苏名牌产品认证证书-- --中国石油和化工工业协会A级认证证书-- --江苏省质量诚信企业证书-- --SYNGENTA先正达亚洲采购HSE进步奖(龙虎车间)-- --中国名牌-- --中国驰名商标-- --江苏省质量信得过产品证书-- --全国重合同守信用企业-- --HSE奖牌-- Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd., is a state designated pesticide manufacturer and national high-tech enterprise. we have developed it a large-scale chemical enterprise with total assets of over RMB 600 million and totally over 2000 employees including over 400 professional technicians. It mainly synthesizes pesticides and pesticide intermediates, and produces preparations of many formulations. Now its production capacity is 10,000 tons of APIS and preparations. For strict management, satisfactory products and first-class after-sales service, our company is highly praised in the trade. We have passed ISO9001 quality system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and GB/T28001 occupational safety and health management system certification. In 2003, it was awarded as "National Sincere Enterprise Abiding by Laws". In 2004, it was awarded as "Enterprise Stressing both Contract and Credit" by State Administration For Industry & Commerce. In 2006, our brand "ChangQing" was awarded as "National Famous Brand", and our imidacloprid series products were praised as "National Famous Products".(Xian Zhengda) Our company has been awarded as "Star Enterprise in Jiangsu Province" and "AAA Credit Enterprise" for many times. President of our company - Yu Guoquan was awarded as "National Excellent Enterpriser of Township and Village Enterprise" by State Agriculture Department. We put stress both on technological progress and technological innovation, and have invested RMB 10 million to found a innovation center. We have invited famous experts both at home and abroad as our instructor, and is well cooperating with many colleges, universities and research institutes. Our company has advanced equipment and complete testing measures, and was praised as "Class A Quality Supervisor" of petrochemical industry. In 2001, it was awarded as "Key High-tech Enterprise of State Torch Plan" by Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC. In 2003, it was awarded as a national " Postdoctor Researching Workstation" by Ministry of Personnel of PRC. 企业官方网址:www.jscq.com |
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