

词条 李康顺


李康顺,教授,博士后,博士生导师,1962年3月出生,江西兴国人;1983年6月江西大学计算数学专业本科毕业并获理学学士学位,2006年6月武汉大学计算机软件与理论专业博士毕业并获工学博士学位,2009年8月中国科学院自动化研究所博士后流动站出站,2009.5-2009.7在加拿大University of Calgary做访问教授,2009.4-2009.4在香港中文大学学术访问;中国计算机学会高级会员,中国高性能计算专业委员会委员;2006年评为江西省百千万人才、江西省计算机应用技术重点学科的学科带头人、江西省智能计算与网络测控技术重点实验室的学科带头人。


主要从事智能计算、无线网络通信、遗传程序设计、基因表达式程序设计、嵌入式演化系统、网络路由、视频流图像识别、神经网络等理论与应用研究;国际杂志《Knowledge-based System》(SCI源刊)、国内一级杂志《计算机学报》(EI源刊)、《Journal of Electronics》(电子学报英文版,SCI源刊)、《电子学报》(中文版)(SCI源刊)、《系统仿真学报》(EI源刊)、《电子与信息学报》(EI源刊)、《计算机应用研究》等杂志的评审专家,《江西理工大学学报》编委。从2004年以来共指导研究生22人,其中已毕业14人,指导的研究生在核心以上刊物发表论文32篇,其中:SCI、EI、ISTP收录25篇,有2名研究生获批主持省级研究生创新专项资金项目。




1. Kangshun Li, Wei Li. A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol.84, No.11, 2007, Taylor & Francis, impact factor:0.428, pp1591-1602 (SCI, EI收录)

2. Kangshun Li, Xuezhi Yue, Lishan Kang, Zhangxin Chen. A Particle Gradient Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, impact factor:0.816, 187(2), 2007.4, Elsevier Publication, USA, pp1173-1186 (SCI, EI: 071710573657收录)

3. Kangshun Li, Yuanxiang Li, Haifang Mo, Zhangxin Chen. A New Algorithm of Evolving Artificial Neural Networks via Gene Expression Programming. Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Volume 9, Number 2, Dec. 2005.12, pp83-89

4. Feng Wang, Yuanxiang Li, Li Li, Kangshun Li. Automated Analog Circuit Design Using Two-layer Genetic Programmin. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185(2007.3), Elsevier Publication, USA, pp1087-1097 (SCI, EI: 070910463553收录).


5. Kangshun Li, Zhaolu Guo, and Zhangxing Chen, Research on FPGA based evolvable hardware chips for solving super-high dimensional equations group, The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on High Performance Computing and its Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.5938, Springer-Verlag, August 10-12, 2009, 57-67 (EI)

6. Kangshun Li, Xiaoqiao Lu, Wensheng Zhang, Feng Wang. Design and Implement of Digital Modulator Based on Improved DDS Technology and DSP Builder. Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCOM2009), September 24-26, 2009, IEEE, pp1-5 (EI收录)

7. Kangshun Li, Ting Wang, Ping Huang, Wensheng Zhang. A New Intelligent Algorithm for Designing the Digital Filter. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09), 2009.8, IEEE,pp103-107 (EI收录)

8. Kangshun Li, Fumei Xu, Ping Huang, Wensheng Zhang. A New Best-Worst Ant System with Heuristic Crossover Operator for Solving TSP. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09), 2009.8, IEEE,pp92-97 (EI收录)

9. Kangshun Li, Lanlan Kang, Wensheng Zhang, Bing Li. Comparative Analysis of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Algorithm on Solving Traveling Salesman Problem. Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Systems (WSCS 2008), 2008.8, IEEE, pp72-75 (EI: 083911599246, ISTP收录)

10.Kangshun Li, Yuzhen Jia, Wensheng Zhang, Yang Xie. A New Method for Solving 0/1 Knapsack Problem Based on Evolutionary Algorithm with Schema Replaced. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2008), IEEE, 2008.9, pp2569-2571 (EI: 084811743556, ISTP收录)

11.Kangshun Li, Yang Xie, Wensheng Zhang, Feng Wang. A New Method of Evolving Boolean Function Based on Gene Expression Programming. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2008) , IEEE, 2008.9, pp2629-2632 (EI,ISTP收录) (EI: 084811743569, ISTP收录)

12.Kangshun Li, Yang Xie, Wensheng Zhang. A Novel Algorithm for Evolving Encryption Sequences Based on Particle Dynamics. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008), 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008.6, pp714-717 (EI: 084611709754, ISTP收录)

13.Kangshun Li, Weifeng Pan. Wensheng Zhang, Zhangxin Chen. A Sequence Cipher Producing Method Based on Two-layer Ranking Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008) , 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008, pp169-173(EI: 084611709680, ISTP收录)

14.Kangshun Li, Weifeng Pan. Wensheng Zhang, Zhangxin Chen. Automatic Modeling of a Novel Gene Expression Programming Based on Statistical Analysis and Critical Velocity. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008) , 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008, pp641-647(EI: 084611709744, ISTP收录)





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