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释义 | 柯克·道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas,1916年12月9日-),美国好莱坞知名一线电影演员,柯克曾1950年代三次入围奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角皆未得奖,近年1996年获颁奥斯卡终身成就奖,2001年也获得第51届柏林电影节终身成就奖,获奖原因是“表现出义勇先锋形象及美国式英雄主义”;实至名归。1999年,他被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的男演员第17名。 家庭柯克·道格拉斯曾结过两次婚:第一任妻子是Diane Dill,两人于1943年结合,1951年离异,育有二名儿子,包括亦是演员的迈克尔;第二任妻子是Anne Buydens,两人于1954年结合,育有二子。 特别嘉宾《第5届Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards 》 (1999)... 本人 《第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼》 (2003) ... 本人 - Co-Presenter: Best Picture/Past winner Drawing First Blood (2002) ... 特别鸣谢 作品年份影片角色备注译名原名1946《玛莎·依瓦丝的爱》The Strange Love of Martha IversWalter O'Neil1947《漩涡之外》Out of the PastWhit Sterling《埃里特拉戴孝》Mourning Becomes ElectraPeter Niles1948My Dear SecretaryOwen Waterbury《天涯独行》I Walk AloneNoll 'Dink' Turner1949《夺得锦标归》ChampionMichael 'Midge' Kelly提名 - 奥斯卡最佳男主角奖《三妻艳史》A Letter to Three WivesGeorge Phipps1950《双凰夺鸾》Young Man with a HornRick Martin《荆钗恨》The Glass MenagerieJim O'Connor1951《侦探故事》Detective StoryDet. James 'Jim' McLeod提名 - 金球奖最佳戏剧类电影男主角《盛大的狂欢节》Ace in the HoleCharles 'Chuck' Tatum《木兰远征》Along the Great DivideMarshal Len Merrick1952《大树岭恩仇记》The Big TreesJim Fallon《峰火弥天》The Big SkyJim Deakins《玉女奇遇》The Bad and the BeautifulJonathan Shields提名 - 奥斯卡最佳男主角奖1953《风尘知已》/《天涯知己》The JugglerHans Muller《爱情三部曲》The Story of Three LovesPierre Narval片段"Equilibrium"《此恨绵绵》Un acte d'amourRobert Teller1954《海底二万里》20,000 Leagues Under the SeaNed Land1955《飞车壮史万里追踪》The RacersGino Borgesa《霸王伏妖》UlisseUlysses《印第安勇士》The Indian FighterJohnny Hawks《男子汉大丈夫》Man Without a StarDempsey Rae1956《梵高传》Lust for Life文森特·梵高金球奖最佳戏剧类电影男主角 提名 - 奥斯卡最佳男主角奖1957《奔向光荣》Paths of GloryCol. Dax兼任监制《OK镇大决斗》Gunfight at the O.K. CorralDr. John 'Doc' Holliday1958《海盗》The VikingsEinar1959《魔鬼门徒》The Devil's DiscipleRichard 'Dick' Dudgeon《岗山最后列车》Last Train from Gun HillMarshal Matt Morgan1960《斯巴达克斯》Spartacus斯巴达克斯兼任执行监制《相逢何必曾相识》Strangers When We MeetLarry Coe1961The Last SunsetBrendan O'Malley《暴雨狂云》Town Without PityMaj. Steve Garrett1962《罗马之光》Two Weeks in Another TownJack Andrus《自古英雄多寂寞》Lonely Are the BraveJack Burns/John W. Burns提名 - 英国电影学院奖最佳男主角1963The HookSgt. P.J. Briscoe《假面凶手》The List of Adrian MessengerGeorge Brougham/Vicar Atlee/Mr. Pythian/Arthur Henderson1964《五月中的七天》Seven Days in MayCol. Martin 'Jiggs' Casey1965《海上长城》In Harm's WayCmdr./Capt. Paul Eddington, Adm. Torrey's Chief of Staff《铁勒马九壮士》The Heroes of TelemarkDr. Rolf Pedersen1966《巴黎战火》Paris brûle-t-il?Gen. George S. Patton Jr.《血肉长城》Cast a Giant ShadowCol. David 'Mickey' Marcus1967《西部新天地》The Way WestSen. William J. Tadlock (Captain of Oregon Liberty Train)《战车》The War WagonLomax1968《牡丹花血案》A Lovely Way to DieJim Schuyler1969《天伦劫/枭城喋血》The BrotherhoodFrank Ginetta兼任监制《我就爱你》/《称心如意巧安排》The ArrangementEddie Anderson1970《大逃狱》There Was a Crooked Man...Paris Pittman Jr.1971《天边的灯光》The Light at the Edge of the WorldWill Denton兼任监制《枪战》A GunfightWill Tenneray1972《贼王》Un Uomo da rispettareSteve Wallace又名A Man to Respect1975《深情》Jacqueline Susann's Once Is Not EnoughMike Wayne《大鹰啸》PosseHoward Nightingale兼任监制1976《恩德培的胜利》/《突袭乌干达机场》Victory at EntebbeHershel VilnofskyArthur Hailey's the MoneychangersAlex Vandervoort1977Holocaust 2000Robert Caine1977《愤怒》The FuryPeter Sandza1979《疯狂大镖客》The VillainCactus JackHome MoviesDoctor Tuttle 'The Maestro'1980《最长的一天》Final Countdown, TheCapt. Matthew Yelland《土星三号》Saturn 3Adam1982《来自雪河的人》The Man from Snowy RiverHarrison/Spur1983《奔向墨西哥/赶到尽》Eddie Macon's RunCarl 'Buster' Marzack1984Draw!Harry H. Holland aka Handsome Harry Holland1985AmosAmos Lasher1986《再上梁山》Tough GuysArchie Longproduction consultant1987QueenieDavid Konig1988《新向上帝挑战》Inherit the WindMatthew Harrison Brady1991《弹指威龙/龙哥,你好嘢》OscarEduardo Provolone《幽冥神话》Two-Fisted TalesGeneral片段"Yellow"1992《秘密情事》The SecretGrandpa Mike Dunmore1994《世纪电影》A Century of Cinema本人《贪婪》GreedyUncle Joe McTeague1997Completely Cuckoo本人1999《钻石》DiamondsHarry Agensky2001Walt: The Man Behind the MythNed Land(archive footage from20,000 Leagues under the Sea)Pulp Cinema本人(archive footage)《AFI百年百大惊悚电影》AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies本人archive footage2002Kirk Douglas and Vincente Minnelli本人(archive footage)Darkness at High Noon: The Carl Foreman Documents《光影流情》The Kid Stays In the PictureActor in Clip from The Brotherhood(archive footage) (uncredited)2003Making of '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'本人《AFI百年百大英雄与反派》AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes & Villains本人Anthony Quinn and Kirk Douglas本人(archive footage)《三代同堂》It Runs in the FamilyMitchell Gromberg2004Les 40 ans de la 2本人(archive footage)《幻觉》IllusionDonal Baines2006《美国百年百部经典电影:励志篇》AFI's 100 Years... 100 Cheers: America's Most Inspiring Movies本人 |
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