

词条 柯燎亮


姓 名: 柯燎亮

出生年月: 1979年10月20日

毕业院校: 北京交通大学

性 别: 男

民 族: 汉

职 务: 无

职 称: 副教授

办公电话: 51684070

通讯地址: 北京交通大学土建学院力学系



1997.09 – 2001.07 武汉理工大学交通学院 本科

2002.10 – 2007.06 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院 博士

2007.09 – 2009.09 香港城市大学建筑系 博士后

2009.04 – 2009.05 University of Western Sydney 工程学院 访问学者

2009.09 – 2010.10 北京交通大学土建学院力学系 讲师

2010.11 – 北京交通大学土建学院力学系 副教授




Journal papers:

(1) Ke L L, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Propagation of Love waves in an inhomogeneous fluid saturated porous layered half-space with the properties varying exponentially. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 131: 1322-1328.

(2) Ke L L, Wang Y S, Zhang Z M. Love waves in an inhomogeneous fluid saturated porous layered half-space with linearly varying properties. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2006, 26: 574-581.

(3) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Two-dimensional contact mechanics of functionally graded materials with arbitrary spatial variations of material properties. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2006, 43: 5779-5798.

(4) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Two-dimensional sliding frictional contact of functionally graded materials. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2007, 26: 171-188.

(5) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Fretting contact with finite friction of a functionally graded coating with arbitrarily varying elastic modulus. Part 1: normal loading The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2007, 42: 293-304.

(6) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Fretting contact with finite friction of a functionally graded coating with arbitrarily varying elastic modulus. Part 2: tangential loading. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2007, 45:305-313.

(7) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S, Wang Y S. Frictionless contact analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric layered half-plane. Smart Materials & Structures, 2008, 17: 025003.

(8) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S, Wang Y S. Electro-mechanical frictionless contact behavior of a functionally graded piezoelectric layered half-plane under a rigid punch. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45: 3313-3333.

(9) Yang J, Ke L L. Two-dimensional contact problem for a coating-graded layer-substrate structure under a rigid cylindrical punch. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2008, 50: 985-994.

(10) Yang J, Ke L L, Kitipornchai S. Thermo-mechanical analysis of an inhomogeneous double-layer coating system under Hertz pressure and tangential traction. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2009, 16:308-318.

(11) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Postbuckling analysis of edge cracked functionally graded Timoshenko beams under end shortening. Composite Structures, 2009, 90:152-160.

(12) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S, Xiang Y. Flexural vibration and elastic buckling of a cracked Timoshenko beam made of functionally graded materials. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2009, 16: 488-502.

(13) Kitipornchai S, Ke L L, Yang J, Xiang Y. Nonlinear vibration of edge cracked functionally graded Timoshenko beams. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 324: 962-982.

(14) Ke L L, Xiang Y, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Nonlinear free vibration of embedded double-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory. Computational Materials Science, 2009, 47: 409-417.

(15) Ke L L, Wang Y S, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Sliding frictional contact analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric layered half-plane. Acta Mechanica 2010, 209: 249–268.

(16) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Nonlinear free vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotube- reinforced composite Timoshenko beam. Composite Structures, 2010,92:676-683.

(17) Yang J, Ke L L, Kitipornchai S. Nonlinear free vibration of single–walled carbon nanotubes using nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory. Physica E, 2010, 42: 1727-1735.

(18) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Fretting contact of two dissimilar elastic bodies with functionally graded coatings. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2010, 17: 433-447.

(19) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. An analytical study on the nonlinear vibration of functionally graded beams. Meccanica. 2010,45:743-752.

(20) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Size effect on dynamic stability of functionally graded microbeams based on a modified couple stress theory. Composite Structures, 2011,93: 342-350.

(21) Ke L L, Wang Y S. Flow-induced vibration and instability of embedded double-walled carbon nanotubes based on a modified couple stress theory. Physica E, 2011,43:1031–1039.

(22) Ke LL, Wang Y S, Wang Z D. Thermal effect on free vibration and buckling of size-dependent microbeams. Physica E, , 2011,43: 1387-1393.

(23) Liu J, Ke LL, Wang Y S. Two-dimensional thermoelastic contact problem of functionally graded materials involving frictional heating. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2011,48: 2536-2548.

(24) Ke L L, Wang Y S, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Nonlinear free vibration of size-dependent functionally graded microbeams. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2012,50:256-267.

(25)Ke L L, Wang Y S, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Free vibration of size-dependent Mindlin microplates based on the modified couple stress theory. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012,331:94-106.

(26) Ke L L, Yang J, Kitipornchai S. Dynamic stability of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2011(in press).

(27) Ke L L, Wang Y S, Yang J, Kitipornchai S, Alam F. Nonlinear vibration of edged cracked FGM beams using differential quadrature method. Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2011 (in press).

Book Chapter:

(1) Ke L L., Wang Y S. A Linear Multi-Layered Model and Its Applications in Fracture and Contact Mechanics of Elastic Functionally Graded Materials, 2011,1-92. Chapter 1 in Functionally Graded Materials: Edited by Reynolds N.J., Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (in press).


1.2009.11 获2009年全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文。

2.2009.01 获教育部高等学校自然科学奖二等奖(排名第三)。

3.2008.12 获2007年中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文奖(第一作者)。





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