

词条 黄奇清











1. 黄奇清,黄明斌. 土—根系统水动力学,陕西科技出版社,2000

2. 黄奇清,王全九. 土壤物理学,高等教育出版社,2006

3. 黄奇清,郭忠升,夏永秋.黄土高原土壤水分植被承载力研究,科学出版社, 2009.

4. 黄奇清,马东豪,朱元骏等. 黄土高原含碎石土壤的水分运动过程及水分有效性研究,科学出版社,2010

5. Shao M. 1992. On time constant variability of electric analogy of water-flow in soil-plant system. Chinese Sci Bull, 37 (14): 1208-1211

6. Shao M, Robert H, 1996. Soil water diffusivity determination by general similarity theory. Soil Sci, 161(11): 727-734

7. Shao M, Robert H. Jaynes D, 1998. Analytical solution to one dimensional heat conduction convection equation. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 62(1): 123-128

8. Shao M, Robert H. 1998. Integral method for estimating soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 62(3): 585-592

9. Wang Q, Shao M, Horton R, 1999.Modified Green and Ampt models for layered soil infiltration and muddy water infiltration. Soil Sci, 164 (7): 445-453

10. Shao M, Robert H, 2000. Exact solution for horizontal water redistribution by general similarity. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 64(2): 561-564

11. Shao M, Horton R, 2001. Reply to comments by Dr Youngs on “Exact solution for horizontal water redistribution by general similarity”, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 65(3):960-96

12. Huang M, Shao M, Zhang L, et al., 2003.Water use efficiency and sustainability of different long-term crop rotation systems in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Till Res, 72 (1): 95-104

13. Wang Q, Shao M, Horton R, 2004. A simple method for estimating water diffusivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 68 (3): 713-718

14. Li Y, Shao M,2006. Change of soil physical properties under long-term natural vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau of China. J Arid Environ, 64 (1):77-96

15. Chen H, Shao M, Li Y, 2008. The characteristics of soil water cycle and water balance on steep grassland under natural and simulated rainfall conditions in the Loess Plateau of China. J Hydrol, 360: 242-251

16. Ma D, Shao M, 2008. Simulating infiltration into stony soils with a dual-porosity model. European Journal of Soil Science. 59(5): 950-959

17. Xia Y, Shao M, 2008. Soil water carrying capacity for vegetation: A hydrologic and biogeochemical process model solution. Ecological Modelling 214: 112–124

18. Wei X, Shao M, Fu X, et al., 2009. Distribution of soil organic C, N and P in three adjacent land use patterns in the northern Loess Plateau, China. Biogeochemistry,96:149–162





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