词条 | 娇兰瞬间女用香水 |
释义 | 产品信息产品 GUERLAIN娇兰瞬间女用香水规格 30毫升 价格 ¥570.00 数量 1 产品功效 Eau De Parfum 瞬间香氛秉持着娇兰独家设计的一贯传统,瓶身雕饰成巨大的酒瓶,平滑、简洁的线条逐渐形成弧度,在光线的照射下,呈现出紫水晶般的光晕,加上在瓶颈上缠绕着金紫相间的丝线,展露脱俗不凡的气势,亮丽的设计宛如一颗晶莹剔透的宝石。 使用方法 谐和香调一:甜橙。使用橘、橙如蜜般的香味,满满的溢出,瞬间挥洒阳光的温暖。 谐和香调二:荷花玉兰。荷花玉兰散发出耀眼的光芒,映照着春日的绚烂。茉莉与依兰花,更显出荷花玉兰的珍贵香气。 谐和香调三:水晶琥珀。 英文说明Product GUERLAIN Guerlain instant female perfume Size 30 ml Price ¥ 570.00 Number 1 Origin: France Product efficacy Eau De Parfum Instant uphold the Guerlain fragrance exclusive design tradition, the body carved into a huge bottle, smooth, simple lines of curvature gradually, in light of the irradiation, showing a halo-like amethyst, coupled with the bottleneck the wound with gold purple and white silk, wearing refined extraordinary momentum, like a bright crystal clear jewel design. Use A harmonic scent: sweet orange. Use orange, orange, such as honey-like aroma, full of overflow, instant sway warmth of the sun. Second harmonic fragrance: Magnolia grandiflora. Magnolia emit bright light shines in the gorgeous spring day. By jasmine and orchids, it shows Magnolia precious aroma. Harmonic fragrance 3: crystal amber. |
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