

词条 激光光谱学


出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第3版 (2008年8月1日)

外文书名: Laser Spectroscopy: Basic Concepts and Instrumentation

精装: 987页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 24

ISBN: 9787506291880

条形码: 9787506291880

尺寸: 23 x 15.4 x 5.4 cm

重量: 1.4 Kg


作者:(德国)德姆特勒德 (Demtroder.W.)





1. Introduction

2. Absorption and Emission of Light

2.1 Cavity Modes

2.2 Thermal Radiation and Planck's Law

2.3 Absorption, Induced, and Spontaneous Emission

2.4 Basic Photometric Quantities

2.5 Polarization of Light

2.6 Absorption and Emission Spectra

2.7 Transition Probabilities

2.8 Coherence Properties of Radiation Fields

2.9 Coherence of Atomic Systems


3. Widths and Profiles of Spectral Lines

3.1 Natural Linewidth

3.2 Doppler Width

3.3 Collisional Broadening of Spectral Lines

3.4 Transit-Time Broadening

3.5 Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Line Broadening

3.6 Saturation and Power Broadening

3.7 Spectral Line Profiles in Liquids and Solids


4. Spectroscopic Instrumentation

4.1 Spectrographs and Monochromators

4.2 Interferometers

4.3 Comparison Between Spectrometers and Interferometers

4.4 Accurate Wavelength Measurements

4.5 Detection of Light

4.6 Conclusions


5. Lasers as Spectroscopic Light Sources

5.1 Fundamentals of Lasers

5.2 Laser Resonators

5.3 Spectral Characteristics of Laser Emission

5.4 Experimental Realization of Single-Mode Lasers

5.5 Controlled Wavelength Tuning of Single-Mode Lasers

5.6 Linewidths of Single-Mode Lasers

5.7 Tunable Lasers

5.8 Nonlinear Optical Mixing Techniques

5.9 Gaussian Beams


6. Doppler-Limited Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy with Lasers

6.1 Advantages of Lasers in Spectroscopy

6.2 High-Sensitivity Methods of Absorption Spectroscopy

6.3 Direct Determination of Absorbed Photons

6.4 Ionization Spectroscopy

6.5 Optogalvanic Spectroscopy

6.6 Velocity-Modulation Spectroscopy

6.7 Laser Magnetic Resonance and Stark Spectroscopy

6.8 Laser-Induced Fluorescence

6.9 Comparison Between the Different Methods


7. Nonlinear Spectroscopy

7.1 Linear and Nonlinear Absorption

7.2 Saturation of Inhomogeneous Line Profiles

7.3 Saturation Spectroscopy

7.4 Polarization Spectroscopy

7.5 Multiphoton Spectroscopy

7.6 Special Techniques of Nonlinear Spectroscopy

7.7 Conclusion


8. Laser Raman Spectroscopy

8.1 Basic Considerations

8.2 Experimental Techniques of Linear Laser Raman Spectroscopy

8.3 Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy

8.4 Special Techniques

8.5 Applications of Laser Raman Spectroscopy


9. Laser Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

9.1 Reduction of Doppler Width

9.2 Adiabatic Cooling in Supersonic Beams

9.3 Formation and Spectroscopy of Clusters and Van der Waals Molecules in Cold Molecular Beams

9.4 Nonlinear Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

9.5 Laser Spectroscopy in Fast Ion Beams

9.6 Applications of FIBLAS

9.7 Spectroscopy in Cold Ion Beams

9.8 Combination of Molecular Beam Laser Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry


10. Optical Pumping and Double-Resonance Techniques

10.1 Optical Pumping

10.2 Optical-RF Double-Resonance Technique

10.3 Optical-Microwave Double Resonance

10.4 Optical-Optical Double Resonance

10.5 Special Detection Schemes of Double-Resonance Spectroscopy


11. Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy

11.1 Generation of Short Laser Pulses

11.2 Measurement of Ultrashort Pulses

11.3 Lifetime Measurement with Lasers

11.4 Pump-and-Probe Technique


12. Coherent Spectroscopy

12.1 Level-Crossing Spectroscopy

12.2 Quantum-Beat Spectroscopy

12.3 Excitation and Detection of Wave Packets in Atoms and Molecules

12.4 Optical Pulse-Train Interference Spectroscopy

12.5 Photon Echoes

12.6 Optical Nutation and Free-Induction Decay

12.7 Heterodyne Spectroscopy

12.8 Correlation Spectroscopy


13. Laser Spectroscopy of Collision Processes

13.1 High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of Collisional Line Broadening and Line Shifts

13.2 Measurements of Inelastic Collision Cross Sections of Excited Atoms and Molecules

13.3 Spectroscopic Techniques for Measuring Collision-Induced Transitions in the Electronic Ground State of Molecules

13.4 Spectroscopy of Reactive Collisions

13.5 Spectroscopic Determination of Differential Collision Cross Sections in Crossed Molecular Beams

13.6 Photon-Assisted Collisional Energy Transfer

13.7 Photoassociation Spectroscopy of Colliding Atoms


14. New Developments in Laser Spectroscopy

14.1 Optical Cooling and Trapping of Atoms

14.2 Spectroscopy of Single Ions

14.3 Optical Ramsey-Fringes

14.4 Atom Interferometry

14.5 The One-Atom Maser

14.6 Spectral Resolution Within the Natural Linewidth

14.7 Absolute optical Frequency Measurement and Optical Frequency Standards

14.8 Squeezing

15. Applications of Laser Spectroscopy

15.1 Applications in Chemistry

15.2 Environmental Research with Lasers

15.3 Applications to Technical Problems

15.4 Applications in Biology

15.5 Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy

15.6 Concluding Remarks


Subject Index





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