

词条 曹少魁


姓 名:曹少魁 性 别:男

出生年月:1960年8月 籍 贯:河北省大名县

最高学历:博士 从事专业:材料科学与工程

职 务:河南省特聘教授 职 称:教授










先后主持承担省部级以上科研项目十余项:①国家自然科学基金(1996-1998): 锗烯聚合物及其金属配合物的合成、表征与性能研究(编号29504030,9.0万元). ②国家自然科学基金(2003-2005): 含金属光折变共轭聚合物的分子设计与合成(编号20274042,23.0万元).③河南省杰出青年科学基金(1999-2001): 生物酶催化的高分子材料合成研究(15.0万元).④河南省高校创新人才基金(1999-2003): 新型高分子功能材料的合成研究(55.0万元).⑤国家教委优秀年轻教师基金(1997-1999):新型金属有机高分子功能材料的创制及应用基础研究(6.0万元)。⑥国家教委资助留学归国人员科研启动基金(1995-1996):新型含金属主链高分子的合成与表征(4.0万元)。⑦教育部骨干教师基金(2000-2002):基于亚锗与亚锡氧化还原聚合的液晶高分子设计与合成(12.0万元)。



1. “A soluble polyimide containing ruthenium complexes and a preliminary study on its photovoltaic behavior”, Yanrong Wang, Shengang Xu, Tao Chen,Hongwu Guo,Qiongyan Liu, Baoxian Ye, Zhi Zhang, Zhiqun He, Shaokui Cao, Polymer Chemistry, in press.

2.“Synthesis and characterization of low-band-gap conjugated polymers containing phenothiazine and benzo-2,1,3-thia-/seleno-diazole”, Shengang Xu, Yingliang Liu, Jianghui Li, Yanbin Wang andShaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., in press.

3.“Hybrid alginate beads with thermal-responsive gates for smart drug delivery”, Jun Shi, Xiaopei Liu, Ximeng Sun, Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., in press.

4.“Polymethylene-b-polystyrene diblock copolymer: synthesis, property, and application”, Jianzhuang Chen, Qiaoling Zhao, Huichao Lu, Jin Huang, Shaokui Cao and Zhi Ma, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, (2010), 48(9), 1894-1900.

5.“Biomineralized polysaccharide alginate membrane for multi-responsive controlled drug delivery”, Jun Shi, Xiaopei Liu, Yujun Shang, Shaokui Cao, Journal of Membrane Science,(2010), 352, 262–270.

6.Synthesis of an electroluminescent polymer and its non-doped light-emitting diodes with stable green emission”, Yingliang Liu, Huayu Cao, Jianghui Li, Zhijian Chen, Lixin Xiao, Qihuang Gong, Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., (2008), 19(12), 1839-1843.

7.“Photorefractive performance of hyper-structured cyclotriphosphazene molecular glasses containing carbazole moieties”, Li Zhang, Jun Shi, Zhiwei Jiang, Maomao Huang, Zhijian Chen, Qihuang Gong, and Shaokui Cao, Advanced Functional Materials,(2008), 18(2), 362 - 368.

8.“Biomineralized polysaccharide capsules for dual-stimuli-responsive drug delivery”, Jun Shi, Lihua Liu, Ximeng Sun, Shaokui Cao, and João F. Mano,Macromolecular Bioscience, 2008, 8(3), 260–7.

9.“Effect of zirconium dioxide on crystallization and melting behavior of flame sprayed polyamide 1010”, Yadong Li, Fufeng Yan, Kegang Qiang, Yizhu Ma, Shaokui Cao, Zhijun Zhang, Polymer Composite, (2008), 29(4), 458-63.

10.“Photorefractive properties of polyphosphazenescontaining carbazole-based multifunctional chromophores”, Li Zhang, Jun Shi, Zheng Yang, Maomao Huang, Zhijian Chen, Qihuang Gong and Shaokui Cao, Polymer, (2008),49(8), 2107-14.

11.“Synthesis and characterization of conjugated polymers containing a carbazole moiety”, Yingliang Liu, Shengang Xu, Jianghui Li, Yuanrong Xin, Guoxin Zhao, Baoxian Ye and Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., (2008), 19, 793-800.

12.“Color tunablility in non-doped single-layer PLEDs from a carbazole-based electroluminescent polymer”, Yingliang Liu, Huayu Cao, Yuanrong Xin, Jianghui Li, Zhijian Chen, Qihuang Gong, Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., (2008), 19, 1084-91.

13.“Conjugated Polymers for Optoelectronic Applications”, Shengang Xu, Yingliang Liu, Shaokui Cao, Macromolecular Symposia, (2008), 270(1), 161-70.

14.“Inorganic-Organic hybrid alginate beads with LCST near human body temperature for sustained dual-sensitive drug delivery”, Jun Shi, Lihua Liu, Xiaopei Liu, Ximeng Sun, Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., (2008), 19, 1467-73.

15.“Synthesis of phenothiazine-based electroluminescent polymers with a stable emission property”, Yingliang Liu, Jianghui Li, Huayu Cao, Shaokui Cao, Zhijian Chen, Lixin Xiao, Qihuang Gong,Polym. Adv. Technol., (2008), 19(11), 1584-89.

16.“A ruthenium complex exhibiting high catalytic efficiency for the formation of propylene carbonate from carbon dioxide”, Zhanwei Bu, Gang Qin, Shaokui Cao, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, -A: Chemical, (2007), 277(1-2), 35-9.

17.“Synthesis and electroluminescent property of a phenothiazine-based polymer for non-doped polymer light-emitting diodes with a stable orange-red emission”, Yingliang Liu, Huayu Cao, Jianghui Li, Zhijian Chen, Shaokui Cao, Lixin Xiao,Shengang Xu,Qihuang Gong, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, (2007), 45(21), 4867-78.

18.“Synthesis and optical properties of two series of soluble acridine containing copolyimide”, Shengang Xu, Mujie Yang and Shaokui Cao, Polymer, (2007), 48, 2241-9.

19.“Synthesis and characterization of photoelectronic polymers containing triphenylamine moiety”, Yingliang Liu, Yuanrong Xin, Jianghui Li, Guoxin Zhao, Baoxian Ye, Shengang Xu and Shaokui Cao, React. Func. Polym.,(2007), 67(3), 253-63.

20.“A stable red emission in polymer light-emitting diodes based on phenothiazine derivative”, Huayu Cao, Zhijian Chen, Yingliang Liu, Jianghui Li, Shaokui Cao, Lixin Xiao, Shengang Xu, Qihuang Gong, Proceedings of the SPIE-The International Society for Photo-Optical Engineers (2007), 682809 (Light-Emitting Diode Materials and Devices II).

21.“Preliminary photovoltaic response from a polymer containing p-vinylenephenylene amine backbone”, Jianyuan Sun, Zhiqun He, Linping Mu, Xiao Han, Junjie Wang, Bin Wang, Chunjun Liang, Yongsheng Wang, Yingliang Liu, Shaokui Cao, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, (2007), 91, 1289-98.

22.“Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopic properties of an unsymmetrical compound with carbazole and benzothiadiazole units”, Qingguo He,Yuxi Sun,Wei Liu,Shengang Xu,Shaokui Cao, Jiangong Chengand Fenglian Bai, Tetrahedron Letters, (2007), 48(24), 4249-53.

23.“Undoped yellow-emitting organic light-emitting diodes from a phenothiazine-based derivative”, Huayu Cao, Zhijian Chen, Yingliang Liu, Bo Qu, Shengang Xu, Shaokui Cao, Zhihao Lan, Ziyao Wang, Qihuang Gong, Synthetic Metals, (2007), 157(10-12), 427-31.

24.“Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of flame-sprayed polyamide 1010/nano-ZrO2 composite coatings”, Ya-Dong Li, Yi-Zhu Ma, Fu-Feng Yan, Shao-Kui Cao, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2007), 106(3), 1535-1543.

25.“Dry friction and wear behavior of flame-sprayed polyamide1010/n-SiO2 composite coatings”, Yadong Li, Yizhu Ma, Bing Xie, Shaokui Cao, Zhishen Wu,Wear, (2007), 262, 1232–8.

26.“Synthesis of cross-conjugated (p-phenylene)s-poly(p-phenylenevinylene)s hybrids with low content of structural defects”, Shijun Zheng,Qun Xu, Shaokui Cao, Chi. J. Polym. Sci., (2007), 25(2), 171-9.

27.“Organic light-emitting diode based on a carbazolecompound”, Yingliang Liu, Cong-an Di, Yuanrong Xin, Gui Yu, Yunqi Liu, Qingguo He, Fenglian Bai, Shengang Xu, Shaokui Cao, Synthetic Metals, (2006), 156(11-13), 824-7.

28.“Conjugated polymers containing phenothiazinemoieties in the main chain”, Yingliang Liu, Jianghui Li, Huayu Cao, Bo Qu, Zhijian Chen, Qihuang Gong, Shengang Xu, Shaokui Cao,Polym. Adv. Technol., (2006), 17(6), 468-73.

29.“A carbazole-based photorefractive polyphosphazeneprepared via post-azo-coupling reaction”, Li Zhang, Maomao Huang, Zhiwei Jiang, Zheng Yang, Zhijian Chen, Qihuang Gong, and Shaokui Cao,React. Func. Polym.,(2006), 66(12), 1404-10.

30.“Highly soluble diphenylfluorene-based cardo copolyimides containing perylene units”, Shengang Xu, Yuxia Jin, Mujie Yang, Fenglian Bai and Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., (2006), 17(7-8), 556-61.

31.“A fluorescent copolyimide containing perylene, fluorene and oxadiazole units in the main chain”, Shengang Xu, Mujie Yang,Shaokui Cao, React. Func. Polym.,(2006), 66(4), 471-8.

32.“Solvent-induced helical conformation observed from a conjugated polymer poly(N-octylcarbazole ethylene)”, Yingliang Liu, Yuanrong Xin, Fenglian Bai, Shengang Xu and Shaokui Cao,Polym. Adv. Technol., (2006), 17(3), 199-203.

33.“A helical aggregation derived from a conjugated polymer with a cylinder-like conformation”, Yingliang Liu, Yuanrong Xin, Jianghui Li, Fenglian Bai and Shaokui Cao, Advances in Technology of Materials & Materials Processing Journal, (2006), 8(2), 204-13.

34.“Steady flow and dynamic viscoelastic behavior of nylon 1313 using parallel-plate rheometer and capillary rheometer”, YD Wang, QX Zhao, MY Liu, ZM Wang, YK Liu, SK Cao, TZ Zha, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (2005), 98 (4), 1643-51.

35.“Synthesis and properities of shish-kebab-type liquid crystalline poly(p-phenylene)s”, Shijun Zheng, Kazuo Akagi, Qun Xu, Zifa Li, Shaokui Cao, Qifeng Zhou, Chi. J. Polym. Sci., (2006), 24(3), 265-71.

36.“Preparation and characterization of shish-kebab type liquid crystalline poly(p-phenylenevinylene)”, Shijun Zheng; Kazuo Akagi; Qun Xu; Shaokui Cao; Qifeng Zhou, Chi. J. Polym. Sci., (2006), 24(4), 353-61.

37.“All-optical photorefractive effect in carbazole-based azo-side group polymer”, Maomao Huang, Zhijian Chen, Jun Shi, Shaokui Cao and Qihuang Gong, Chi. Phys. Lett.(2006), 23, 2468-71.

38.“Highly selective C-H functionalization/halogenation of acetanilide”, Xiaobing Wan, Zhongxun Ma, Bijie Li, Keya Zhang, Shaokui Cao, Shiwei Zhang, and Zhangjie Shi,J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2006), 128(23), 7416-7.

39.“Orange and red emitting OLEDs based on phenothiazine polymers”, Bo Qu, Z J Chen, Huayu Cao, Zhihao Lan, Ziyao Wang, Qihuang Gong, Yingliang Liu, Shengang Xu and Shaokui Cao, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., (2006), 39(13), 2680-3.

40.“Novel liquid crystalline poly (p-phenylenevinylene)s: synthesis and properties”, Shi-jun Zheng, Hong-wei Shi, Xiao-hui Chen, Shao-kui Cao, Kazuo Akagi and Qi-feng Zhou, Advances in Technology of Materials & Materials Processing Journal, (2006), 8(2), 188-95.

41.“Synthesis and characterization of polymers bearing azobenzene and carbazole groups via post-azo-coupling reaction”, Jun Shi, Zhiwei Jiang, Li Zhang and Shaokui Cao, Ch.J. Polym. Sci., (2005), 23(1), 5-9.

42.“A postfunctionalization strategy to develop carbazole-based photorefractive polymers with low Tg”, Jun Shi, Yuanrong Xin, Li Zhang, Shengang Xu, Shaokui Cao, React. Func. Polym., (2005), 62(2), 223-30.

43.“Full functional photorefractive molecule with large two-beam coupling gain”, Maomao Huang, Zhijan Chen, Jun Shi, Jie Zhang, Shaokui Cao and Qihuang Gong, Proceedings of the SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2005), 5646(Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Applications), 251-9.

44.“Synthesis and characterization of a series of carbazole-based monolithic photorefractive molecules”, Jun Shi, Maomao Huang, Yuanrong Xin, Zhijan Chen, Qihuang Gong, Shengang Xu and Shaokui Cao,Materials Letters (2005), 59, 2199-203.

45.“Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystalline copolyesters containing horizontal and lateral rods in main chain (II)”, Yingliang Liu, Lan Zhang, Jun Shi and Shaokui Cao, React. Func. Polym., (2005), 64(1), 35-46.

46.“Synthesis of carbazole-based monolithic and fully functional polymeric photorefractive materials”, Jun Shi and Shaokui Cao, Trends in Optics and Photonics (2005), 99 (Photorefractive Effects, Materials, and Devices), 367-72.

47.“Synthesis of carbazole-based photorefractive polymers via post-azo-coupling reaction”, Jun Shi, Zhiwei Jiang and Shaokui Cao, React. Func. Polym., (2004), 59(1), 87-91.

48.“Carbazole-based azo group-containing single component polymer exhibiting photorefractive performance”, Jun Shi, Maomao Huang, Zhijan Chenand Shaokui Cao, J. Mater. Sci., (2004), 39, 3783-5.

49.“Polymerization of o-phenylenediamine catalyzed by hemeproteins encapsulated in reversed micelle”, Yong Yang, Luyuan Mao, Liuzhu Li, Xiaoguang Liu, Jun Shi and Shaokui Cao, Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., (2004), 20(2), 240-3.

50.“Molecularly imprinted copolymer membranes functionalized by phase inversion imprinting for uracil recognition and permselective binding”, Hong-Ying Wang, Shao-Ling Xia, Hong Sun, Yu-Kun Liu, Shao-Kui Cao, Takaomi Kobayashi, J. Chromatog. B: Anal. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci., (2004), 804(1), 127-134.

51.“Nylon-6 film grafted with acrylic acid for dissepiment in alkaline storage batteries”, Minying Liu, Qingxiang Zhao, Yudong Wang, Junfeng Niu, Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Technol., (2004), 15(1-2), 105-10.

52.“Fully functionalized photorefractive polymer based on novel chromophores”. Wei You, Shaokui Cao, Zhanjia Hou, Luping Yu, Polym. Prepr. (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry) (2004), 45(2), 85-6.

53.“Palladium complex of poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-acrylic acid) for homogeneous hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds”, Xiangli Xi, Yingliang Liu, Jun Shi and Shaokui Cao, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemistry, 192 (1-2), 1-7(2003).

54.“Melting behaviors, isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of nylon 1212”, Minying Liu, Qingxiang Zhao, Yudong Wang, Chenggui Zhang, Zhishen Mo, Shaokui Cao, Polymer,44(8), 2537-45(2003).

55.“Catalytic hydrogenation over palladium complex of molecular complex of poly (4-vinylpyridine) with acetic acid”, Xiang-li Xi, Jing Zhu, Shao-kui Cao,Chem. Res. Chin. Univ.,19(1), 76-9. (2003).

56.“Enzymatic polymerization of aniline and phenol derivatives catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase in dioxane(II)”, Jinyu Shan, Liyou Han, Fenglian Bai and Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Tech., 14(3-5), 330-6(2003).

57.“Fully functionalized photorefractive polymer with infrared sensitivity based on novel chromophores”, Wei You, Shaokui Cao, Zhanjia Hou, Luping Yu, Macromolecules (2003), 36(19), 7014-9.

58.“Thermal degradation process and kinetics of poly(dodecamethylene-isophthalamide)”, Minying Liu, Lijun Gao, Qingxiang Zhao, Yudong Wang, Xiaojuan Yang, Shaokui Cao, Chemical Journal on Internet, (2003), 5(6).

59.“Preparation of molecular imprinted copolymer membrane for uracil recognition”, Shao Ling Xia, Hong-Ying Wang, Hong Sun, Yu-Kun Liu, Shao-Kui Cao, Chi. Chem. Let. (2003), 14(8), 794-6.

60.“Palladium complexes of side-chain liquid crystal polymers with T-shaped two-dimensional mesogenic units”, S. Y. Zhang, G. Deng, Z. F. Li, S. K. Cao, Q. F. Zhou, Polym. Adv. Technol., 13(1), 1-5, (2002).

61.“Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystalline copolyesters containing horizontal and lateral rods in main chain”, Chenguang Li, Xuming Xie and Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Tech., 13(3-4), 178-87(2002).

62.“A modified Adler method for the synthesis of meso-hydroxyl substituted tetraphenylporphyrins”, Jing Zhu, Yang Gao, Shaokui Cao, Wennan Zhang, Dongmei Wang, Huifang Cui and Tianxuan Li, Chemical Journal on Internet [on line computer file], 4(8), (2002).

63.“Toughened polypropylene with balanced rigidity, III. Mechanical properties”, Hongjie Zhang, Jingwu Wang, Jing Li, Shaokui Cao and Aiguo Shan, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 79, 1345-50(2001).

64.“Toughened polypropylene with balanced rigidity, IV. Morphology, crystallization behavior and thermal properties”, Hongjie Zhang, Jingwu Wang, Shaokui Cao and Yong Wang, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,79, 1351-8(2001).

65.“Toughened polypropylene with balanced rigidity, V. Rheological properties”, Jingwu Wang, Hongjie Zhang, Shaokui Cao, Jun Liu, Songjie Liu, Polym. Adv. Tech.,12(11-12), 734-9(2001).

66.“Synthesis of a series of novel chiral smectic C(Sc*) phase shish-kebab type liquid crystalline polymers”, Shijun Zheng, Zifa Li, Shuyuan Zhang, Shaokui Cao, Kai Guo and Qifeng Zhou, Polym. Adv. Tech., 11, 219-27(2000).

67.“A homogeneous catalyst made of the palladium complex of the copolymer of 4-vinylpyridine with N-vinylpyrrolidone for catalytic hydrogenation”, S. Xu, X. Xi, J. Shi and S. Cao, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemistry, 160 (2), 287-92(2000).

68.“Enzymatic polymerization of aniline and phenol derivatives catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase in dioxane”, Jinyu Shan and Shaokui Cao, Polym. Adv. Tech., 11, 288-93(2000).

69.“Toughened polypropylene with balanced rigidity, I. Preparation and chemical structure of toughening master batch”, Hongjie Zhang, Jingwu Wang, Shaokui Cao and Aiguo Shan,Polym. Adv. Tech., 11, 334-41(2000).

70.“Toughened polypropylene with balanced rigidity, II. Morphology, melt flow rate and melting point of toughening master batch”, Hongjie Zhang, Jingwu Wang, Manjiao Chen, Shaokui Cao and Xueqing Wang,Polym. Adv. Tech., 11, 342-8(2000).

71.“Hydrogenation of nitroaromatics containing a carbonyl group catalyzed by the palladium complex of MgO-supported melamino-formaldehyde polymer”, Shaokui Cao, Sailong Xu and Shengang Xu, Polym. Adv. Tech., 10, 43-7(1999).

72.“Preparation and properties of poly(amide-thioether)s from bis(p-aminophenyl)sulfide and various aliphatic diacids”, J. K. Zhang, C. S. Zhu, Y. W. Wang and S. K. Cao, Polym. Adv. Tech., 10,48-53(1999).

73. “Hydrogenation of different substrates catalyzed by the palladium complex of MgO-supported melamino-formaldehyde polymer”, S. Xu, J. He, and S. Cao, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemistry, 147, 155-8(1999).

74.“Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystal polyesters with T-shaped two-dimensional mesogenic units(III)”, Zi-Fa Li, Lei Li, Shu-Yuan Zhang, Shi-Jun Zheng, Shao-Kui Cao, Qi-Feng Zhou, Ch. J. Polym. Sci.,17(5), 483-90(1999).

75.“Synthesis and characterization of novel chiral smectic C(Sc*) phase shish-kebab liquid crystalline block copolymers”, Shi-Jun Zheng, Zi-Fa Li, Shu-Yuan Zhang, Shao-Kui Cao, Ming-Sheng Tang, Qiu-Jun Feng, Qi-Feng Zhou, Ch. J. Polym. Sci.,17(6), 579-87(1999).

76.“Synthesis of chiral and smectic C phase polymers”, Zifa Li, Caofeng Ning, Shijun Zheng, Shuyuan Zhang, Shaokui Cao, Dong Zhang and Qifeng Zhou,Macromolecules,32, 7040-4(1999).

77.“Synthesis and characterization of main-chain liquid crystal polymers with X-shaped and rod-shaped mesogenic units”, Zifa Li, Lei Li, Shuyuan Zhang, Shijun Zheng, Shaokui Cao, Liting Zhao and Qifeng Zhou, Ch. J. Polym. Sci., 16(1), 48-55(1998).

78.“Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystal polymers with T-shaped two-dimensional mesogenic units(II)”, Zifa Li, Shijun Zheng, Shuyuan Zhang, Shaokui Cao and Qifeng Zhou, Ch.J. Polym. Sci., 15(1), 65-73(1997).

79.“Synthesis of organogermane oligomers via ligand substitution polymerization from the 1,4-dioxane complex of germanium dichloride”, Shaokui Cao, Chenguang Li, Shijun Zheng, Zifa Li and Shiro Kobayashi, Ch. J. Polym. Sci.,15(4), 347-52(1997).

80. “Synthesis and characterization of a series of liquid crystal polymers with X-shaped two-dimensional mesogenic units”, Z. F. Li, L. Li, S. Y. Zhang, S. K. Cao and Q. F. Zhou, Polym. Adv. Tech., 8, 674-82(1997).

81.“The first bisgermylene, its synthesis and addition to organic halides and dihalides”, Shaokui Cao and Shiro Kobayashi, Macromol. Symp., 105, 139-43(1996).

82.“Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystal polymers with T-shaped two-dimensional mesogenic units”, Zifa Li, Zhijun Chen, Shuyuan Zhang, Shaokui Cao and Qifeng Zhou, Ch.J. Polym. Sci., 14(1), 71-9(1996).

83.“A series of azo-type side-chain liquid crystalline polysiloxane-palladium complexes”, S.Y. Zhang, Z. F. Li, S. K. Cao and R. B. Zhang, Polym. Adv. Tech., 7, 715-8(1996).

84.“Novel polymerizations of germylenes and their reaction mechanisms”, Shiro Kobayashi, Shi-Ichiro Shoda, Satoru Iwata, Masafumi Hiraishi, and Shaokui Cao, Macromol. Symp., 98, 91-100(1995).

85.“The first synthesis of bisgermylene and bisstannylene with acyclic structure”, Shiro Kobayashi and Shaokui Cao,Chem. Lett., 1994, 941-4.

86.“Germylenes as monomers for polymer synthesis”, Shiro Kobayashi, Shin-Ichiro Shoda, Shaokui Cao, Satoru Iwata, Mitsunori Abe, Katsuhiko Yagi, Kazuo Yajima and Masafumi Hiraishi, J. Macromol. Sci.-Pure Appl. Chem., A31(11), 1835-45(1994).

87.“Synthesis of new germanium-containing oligomers by polyaddition reaction of a bisgermylene to organic dihalides”, Shaokui Cao and Shiro Kobayashi, Macromolecular Reports, A31(SUPPL.5), 627-34(1994).

88.“Copolymerization of a germylene with acetylene monomers by rhodium catalysis”, Shiro Kobayashi and Shaokui Cao,Chem. Lett., 1993, 25-8.

89.“Synthesis of polygermanes by ligand substitution polymerization of the 1,4-dioxane complex of germanium dichloride with organolithium compounds”, Shiro Kobayashi and Shaokui Cao,Chem. Lett.,1993,1385-8.

90.“Hydroformylation of heptene-1 catalyzed by some inorganic polymer-metal complexes”, S. K. Cao, M. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Jiang, J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem., A26(2&3), 381-9(1989).

91.“Hydrogenation catalyzed by silica-supported polystannazane-palladium complexes”, S. K. Cao, M. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Jiang, Polym. Bull., 19, 347-52(1988).

“Catalytic behavior of silica-supported polyalumazane-Co-Ru bimetallic complex for the hydroformylation of cyclohexene”, S. K. Cao, M. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Jiang, Polym. Bull., 19,














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