

词条 江苏石油勘探局地球物理勘探处

公司概况 Introduction

江苏石油勘探局地球物理勘探处(以下简称江苏物探处)隶属于中国石油化工集团公司。成立于1975年,有着三十多年地震勘探经历,是中国著名地球物理勘探公司之一,是国际地球物理承包商协会(IAGC)会员单位,秉承“事事领先一步、层层追求优秀”的企业文化和“优质、诚信、责任”的经营理念,是您最理想的合作伙伴。公司总部位于风景秀丽、人文荟萃的古城--中国扬州。 江苏物探处拥有目前国际上先进的地震勘探采集装备,具有适应不同地表类型、全方位的地震勘探野外数据采集能力;现有12支优秀的地震队。其中,228、218、2163、2179、2251地震队荣获中国石油化工集团公司公司甲级队称号。 江苏物探处是一支国际化、全方位、综合型的石油地震勘探专业化公司。其复杂水网地震采集技术和高分辨率地震采集技术在中国乃至国际地球物理市场独树一帜;近几年,沙漠、戈壁、山地、热带丛林等数十个地震采集项目的勘探历练,进一步提升了公司的综合实力,铸造了一个在国际市场信誉度较高的地球物理勘探公司品牌。 江苏物探处曾被中华全国总工会、国家计划委员会、劳动人事部、地质矿产部联合授予“全国地质勘查功勋单位”称号。这是中国地质勘探行业的最高荣誉。

The Geophysical Prospecting Company of Jiangsu oilfield (JOECO), affiliated to SINOPEC Corporation (Group), was e stablished in 1975. GPC has 30-year prospecting experiences and is one of the well-known geophysical prospecting companies in China as well as a member of International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC). Guided by its corporate culture “gain an edge over every thing, pursue the excellence for every layer” and management concept “high-quality, good-credit, responsibility”, it is destined to be your ideal cooperative partner. Its headquarters is situated in Yangzhou of China, a traditional city with picturesque landscape and wealthy civilization. GPC is equipped with international advanced seismic acquisition equipments and all-around field data-acquisition ability for different landforms; it is now staffed by 12 excellent seismic crews,among which Crew-228, 218, 2163, 2179, 2251 were granted “First-class Crew” by SINOPEC . GPC is an international, all-around, and comprehensive company specializing in oil and gas exploration. It develops a school of its own in the seismic acquisition technology of complex water net and high resolution. In recent years, GPC has furthered its comprehensive ability and established a highly-trusted brand in the international geophysical prospecting market by experiencing several exploration projects in deserts, Gobi, mountainous regions, tropic jungles, etc. GPC was once awarded the title of “National Exploit Unit in Geophysical Prospecting” jointly by All-China Federation of Trade Unions, State Planning Committee, Ministry of Labor and Personnel, and Ministry of Geology and Mineral. The title is the highest honor of Chinese geological exploration industry.

管理体系 Management System


GPC accentuates the extensive adaptation of international latest management concept and advanced prospecting skills and until now, more than100 workers have been successively sent abroad, such as, France, USA, Singapore, Japan, for training and technique exchange. Hereby, it has formed perfect quality management and HSE management system. In the early 1990s, GPC implemented HSE management system at first time in Chinese land oil system in the course of cooperating with Shell Company. By constant improvement and innovation, GPC keeps the pace with world advanced level in HSE management and has won the certificates of “ISO9001 Management System”, “HSE Management System” and “National Management System of Professional Safety and Health”.

经营范围 Scope of busine


Geophysical prospecting, VSP,engineering,measurement,drilling, data processing, mechanic working, automobile transportation and maintenance, installation and repair of instruments or electric apparatus, shipping and ship maintenance, etc.

人力资源 Human Resource


GPC advocates the “human-oriented” concept and enhances human resources management, which provides powerful technology and human resources for the set-up of a geophysical prospecting service corporation with international competitive ability. Presently, GPC has 475 technical personnel of various professions and 930 skilled workers,, among which there are 182 advanced technicians and 215 senior mechanicians.

企业展望 Enterprise outlook


In these 30 years, GPC has been attaching great emphasis on the harmonious development of material and mental civilization and hereby formed a series of enterprise culture with “gain an edge over every thing, pursue the excellence for every layer” as its core. Meanwhile, it has gradually forged many brands in water net, desert, grassland, and other landforms prospecting. Influenced by the unique culture, everyone in GPC is self-confident and self-reliant, and persistently endeavors to further their enterprise to a higher level characterized by “more powerful in technology, better in prospecting equipment, richer in management experience, higher in engineering credit” and gain a larger share of the market domestically and globally. In May 2007, GPC was awarded the “May 1st” Certificate of Merit of Yangzhou city; and as the company has passed relevant test and appraisement, it was honored as “Civilization Unit” of Yangzhou city. Now, GPC is making every effort to achieve its “166” target and curving out its new journey for good and quick development.





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