词条 | 歼灭者战斗机器人 |
释义 | 特征 In essence a much larger version of the Colicoids' droideka, the annihilator droid was armed with two dual rapid-fire laser cannons cocked back in the menacing form of a rampant scorpion. It could target with either a crimson photoreceptor, or with a composite radiation sensor. It also carried a combination particle-energy shield, similar to the shield produced by the annihilator's smaller cousin. Because of this extra shield, droidekas would position themselves inside the annihilator's shield for more protection. With fewer than one hundred annihilators on Colla IV, the Colicoids placed them around strategic or political resources. 作为科里克伊德人的机械佣兵(droideka)的放大版本,歼灭者机器人装备了2门双管速射激光加农炮,竖起的炮管使其非常像一只直立的蝎子,它既能使用红色感光探测器,也能使用集成的辐射传感器来瞄准目标。歼灭者机器人装备了2个和它的小堂兄弟机械佣兵(droideka)非常相似的粒子能量护盾。因为装备了2个能量护盾,防护范围增加,机械佣兵(droideka)可以站在歼灭者机器人的护盾里以获得更多的保护。只有少于100台歼灭者机器人在科尔拉IV行星上,科里克伊德人把它们部署在战略和行政资源周围。 In the later stages of the Clone Wars, Republic forces launched an attack on Colla IV, where a single annihilator droid took out three of the four platoons of clone troopers that had been advancing on the shielded factory. Advanced Recon Commando Stec was one of the survivors. Knowing more Republic forces would arrive, a CIS task force was arranged by the Colicoids to ship the annihilators to the front lines of the war. Annihiliator droids also participated at the Battle of Formos and the Battle of Palanhi, where they scored victories for the Confederacy. 在克隆战争末期,共和国军队发动了对科尔拉IV行星的进攻,在军队向科里克伊德的护盾生产工厂的推进过程中,一个歼灭者机器人消灭了3到4个排的克隆士兵,高级侦察突击士兵Stec是那次战斗的生还者之一。科里克伊德人安排了一支分离主义联盟特遣部队负责运送歼灭者机器人到战斗前线,这些机器人参加了Formos和Palanhi战役,并为分离联盟军队赢得战役的胜利。 With the rumor that a single annihilator could decimate a dozen AT-TEs, these droids struck fear into their enemies hearts, and played a major part in the Separatist victories at Palanhi and Formos. 有谣言称,一台歼灭者机器人就能消灭一打的AT-TE(全地形战术实施者),这些机器人给它们的敌人造成了强烈的恐惧,并在Formos和Palanhi战役中为分离联盟取得胜利。 历史 In the Outer Rim Sieges, Republic commanders had to send a large number of clones to take out a single annihilator, causing the Republic to further curse the massive droids. However, they did not have a huge influence on the war's outcome. 在围攻外环的战斗中,共和国指挥官必须派遣大量的克隆人士兵才能击毁一台歼灭者机器人,这种机器人也是被共和国诅咒得最多的机器人,可是它们并没有对战争的最终结果产生太大的影响。 Like all Confederacy battle droids at the end of the war, in 19 BBY, the annihilators were deactivated when the new apprentice of Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, sent the deactivation signal across the galaxy from Mustafar. However, the remaining annihilators, on the order of Emperor Palpatine, were taken in by the Imperial Department of Military Research. Some even became stationed at Palpatine's citadel on Byss. 和所有分离主义联盟军队的机器人一样,在19 BBY克隆战争结束的时候,所有的歼灭者机器人被在Mustafar星球的皇帝新学徒——达斯·维达发出的停止活动信号冻结。残余的歼灭者机器人被帕尔帕廷皇帝下令送到帝国军事研究部门,而一部分歼灭者机器人则被送到帕尔帕廷皇帝在Byss星球上的大本营成为守卫者(恩多战役6年后皇帝复活的地方)。 |
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