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释义 | Gaston 中文名称:加斯顿 首次登场:美女与野兽 | Beauty and the Beast | 1991 人物特性:傲慢、自恋、阴险、愚蠢 人物介绍 加斯顿是镇上英俊、强壮的男人,几乎镇上每个女人都爱恋他。他一直在努力追求镇上最美的女人,因为这个自恋的擅长打猎的家伙,认为只有贝儿才能配得上他,可是很不幸,他怎么也不能得到贝儿的芳心,因为在贝儿看来,这个男人没有内涵,而他却是没内涵,没有想象力,甚至是个阴险的家伙,他和他的小跟班来福(以及镇上其他的人)瞧不起贝儿的父亲,认为他是个疯子,后来,为了要挟贝儿和他结婚,串通疯人院长要把贝儿的父亲送进疯人院……甚至当他知道贝儿爱上了城堡里的野兽的时候,他欺骗镇上的人,说野兽是个会威胁到小镇的怪物,带了镇上的暴民去和野兽决斗……但是正义总会战胜邪恶的! 演艺生涯 美女与野兽 | Beauty and the Beast | 1991 你知道吗 信息暂无 幕后制作 人物配音:Richard White 人物制作:NA 人物名言 [singing] Here in town there's only she, who is beautiful as me, so I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle. It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting *ideas*, and *thinking*... Gaston: How can you read this? There's no pictures! Belle: Well, some people use their imagination. Gaston: If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for this monster. Belle: He's no monster, Gaston. You are! Belle: Gaston, you are positively primeval. Gaston: Why, thank you, Belle. I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first I'd better go in th |
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