词条 | 计算机辅助建模技术 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 计算机辅助建模技术 作 者:乌达瓦塔 出版社: 科学出版社 出版时间: 2011年5月1日 ISBN: 9787030307576 开本: 16开 定价: 55.00元 内容简介计算机辅助建模技术一书从概念到程序上阐述了从基础系统到高级复杂系统中基于Matlab语言的仿真模拟技术。乌达瓦塔编著的《计算机辅助建模技术(影印版)》包含计算机辅助建模的设计介绍、物理系统建模仿真、计算机仿真建模实例、高级仿真以及仿真结果的方法性描述等内容,使用了大量的Matlab实例。《计算机辅助建模技术(影印版)》对从事系统仿真领域的相关人员有很好的参考价值。 作者简介作者:(印度)乌达瓦塔(Lanka Udawatta) (印度)Buddhika Jayasekara 图书目录Preface 1.Introduction to System Simulations 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Model Design 1.1.2 Model Execution 1.1.3 Model Analysis through Outputs 1.2 Dynamic System Modeling 1.2.I Classification of Dynamic Systems 1.3 Basic System Elements 1.3.1 Elements in Electrical Systems 1.3.2 Resistor 1.3.3 Capacitor 1.3.4 Inductor 1.4 Elements in Mechanical Systems 1.4.1 Springs 1.4.2 Viscous Damper 1.4.3 Mass 1.4.4 Torque-Angular Velocity on a Spring 1.4.5 Viscous Damper 1.4.6 Inertia 1.4.7 Gear Train 1.5 Laplace Transform 1.6 Combined Elements 1.6.1 Example 1: RLC Circuit 1.6.2 Example 2: Spring, Mass and Damper System 1.6.3 Example 3: Electrical Network 1.7 Nonlinear Elements 1.8 Thermal and Chemical Systems 1.8.1 Thermal Systems 1.8.2 Chemical Systems 1.9 Hydraulic Systems I.10 Other Formulas References 2.Creating Your Simulation Environment 2.1 Hardware and Software 2.1.1 Hardware for Installing Matlab 2.1.2 Features of Matlab Software 2.2 Matlab Basics 2.2.1 Getting Help 2.2.2 Variables 2.2.3 Assignment Statement 2.2.4 Special Variables 2.2.5 Commands Involving Variables 2.2.6 Matrices 2.2.7 Matrix Operations 2.2.8 Matrix Properties 2.2.9 Programming: Flow Control Structures 2.2.10 Flow Control and Loops 2.2.11 Elementary Functions 2.3 Basics on Computer Simulations 2.3.I Creating Data Files 2.3.2 Write Data on a File 2.3.3 Loading a Data File 2.3.4 Deleting Rows and Columns 2.3.5 Long Command Lines 2.3.6 Vectorization 2.3.7 Making Your Own Functions 2.4 Memory Management in Simulations 2.5 Customized Functions 2.6 Computer Simulations with Other Languages References 3.Data Visualization 3.1 Elementary X-Y Graphs 3.1.1 Two-Dimensional Graphs 3.1 .2 Multiple Plots and Curves 3.1.3 Polynomials 3.1.4 Plotting Complex Numbers 3.1.5 Axis Scaling 3.1.6 Polar Plots 3.1.7 Discrete Sequence Plot 3.1.8 Multiple Graphs 3.2 Elementary X-Y-Z Graphs 3.2.1 Three-Dimensional Basic Plots 3.2.2 Three-Dimensional Color Plots 3.2.3 Discrete Sequence Plot 3.2.4 Polar Plots 3.2.5 Creating Surfaces 3.2.6 Multiple Axes for Different Scaling 3.2.7 Titles with Symbols 3.2.8 Special Graphs 3.2.9 Lines as Ribbons 3.2.10 Contour Plot 3.3 Other Software Tools References 4.Examples of Different Systems 4.1 Chaotic System I : Lorenz Attractor 4.2 Chaotic System 2: The Henon-Map 4.3 Two-link Robot Manipulator 4.4 Nonlinear Systems: State Portrait 4.5 Mechanical Systems: Two Mass-spring Cart System 4.6 Electrical Systems: L-R-C Circuits 4.7 Electro-Mechanical Systems: Magnetically Suspended Ball 4.8 Nonlinear Systems: Pendulum 4.9 Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAM) 4.10 Duffing'sEquation 4.11 Two-Mass Flexible Rod 4.12 Mobile Robot Model References 5.Systems Identification and Modeling 5.1 System Identification 5.1.I Introduction 5.1.2 Steps of System Identification 5.1.3 System Identification in Matlab 5.2 System Modeling 5.2.1 Systems Control Approaches 5.2.2 DC Motor Controller 5.2.3 Further Analysis on Magnetically Suspended Ball 5.2.4 Inverted Pendulum 5.2.5 Pneumatic Muscle Arm References 6.System Integration 6.1 Integration of Components 6.2 Matlab Simulink 6.3 Basic Simulations 6.4 Data Capturing 6.5 Analysis in the S-domain 6.6 State Space Models 6.7 Integration of Logical Blocks 6.8 Integration of Electrical Elements References 7.Advanced Simulations 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Genetic Algorithms 7.2.I Biological Analogy 7.2.2 Algorithm 7.2.3 Binary Encoding 7.2.4 Selection 7.2.5 Genetic Operators 7.2.6 Example I 7.3 Genetic Algorithm Based Cable Selection 7.3.1 Background 7.3.2 Cable Selection" 7.3.3 Genetic Algorithm Based Cable Selection 7.4 Advanced Implementation Tools 7.4.I Calling Built in Function in Command Line 7.4.2 Using the Genetic Algorithm Tool 7.5 Additionl Examples 7.5.I Rastrigin's Function 7.5.2 Schwefel's Function 7.5.3 Griewangk's Function References 8.Modeling of Complex Systems 8.1 Complex Systems 8.2 Case Study 8.3 Neural Network Model 8.3.1 General Framework for ANN Model 8.3.2 Modeling Generator Loads 8.4 Data and System Training 8.4.1 Training Model 2 8.4.2 Model 2 Performance 8.5 Maximizing Power Generation 8.6 Power and Energy Calculations 8.7 Remarks 8.7.1 Economical Benefits 8.7.2 Soft Computing Approaches References 9.Selecting The Right Software Tool 9.1 Scientific Software Tools and Matlab Toolboxes 9.2 Image Processing Based Application 9.2.1 Introduction 9.2.2 System Development 9.2.3 Image Analysis 9.2.4 First Reasoning Criterion 9.2.5 Second Reasoning Criterion 9.2.6 How to Use Criteria? 9.2.7 Detection of Illumination Level Variation 9.2.8 Image Enhancement 9.3 Setting Up the System 9.3.1 Setup Program 1 9.3.2 Setup Program 2 9.3.3 White Reference Program 9.4 Image Acquisition and Processing 9.4.1 Acquisition Algorithm 9.4.2 Image Processing (Main) Algorithm 9.5 Experimental Results 9.5.1 Intensity Variation 9.5.2 Object Identification References 10.Exercises 10.i Matrices 10.2 Graphics 10.3 Analytical Solutions 10.4 Transformations 10.5 Modeling and Forecasting Index |
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