

词条 蔡洪波






1998.9—2002.7 浙江大学物理系 理学学士

2002.9—2007.7 中国工程物理研究院 理学博士


2007.7—2007.9 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 助理研究员

2007.9—2009.9 日本大阪大学激光工程研究所 博士后

2009.9—至今 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 副研究员




研究领域主要是与激光核聚变快点火方案相关的相对论性粒子束的产生、输运和能量沉积的理论和数值模拟等研究。近年来,在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. E, Phys. Plasmas等期刊上发表科技论文10余篇,并荣获日本大阪大学激光工程研究所(ILE)2009年度最佳研究进展奖(Most Progressed Research at ILE, 排第一位)。


Hong-bo Cai T. Johzaki, A. Sunahara, H. Nagatomo, and K. Mima, “Collimation of relativistic laser-generated high energy electron beams via double cone target in fast ignition scheme”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, accepted. 2010.

Hong-bo Cai, K. Mima, W. M. Zhou, T. Jozaki, H. Nagatomo, A. Sunahara, and R. J. Mason, “Enhancing of the number of high energy electrons deposited to a compressed pellet via double cones in fast ignition”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,245001 (2009).

Wei-min Zhou, Hong-bo Cai, H. Nagatomo, T. Jozhaki, A. Sunahara, and K. Mima, "Proton Acceleration in the Interaction of an Intense Laser Light with a Cone Plasma Target and Coated Proton Layer", Plasma and Fusion Research 3, 062 (2008).

Hong-bo Cai, Wei Yu, Shao-ping Zhu, and Cang-tao Zhou, " Generation of Strong Quasistatic Magnetic Fields in Interactions of Ultraintense and Short Laser Pulses with Overdense Plasma Targets", Phys. Rev. E 76, 036403 (2007).

Hong-bo Cai, Wei Yu, Shao-ping Zhu, and Chun-yang Zheng, "Short-pulse laser absorption via J*B?heating in ultrahigh intensity laser plasma interaction", Phys. Plasmas 13, 113105 (2006).

Hong-bo Cai, Wei Yu, Shao-ping Zhu, Chun-yang Zheng, Li-hua Cao, Bin Li, Z. Y. Chen and A. Bogerts, "Short-pulse laser absorption in very steep plasma density gradients", Phys. Plasmas 13, 094504 (2006).

Hong-bo Cai, Wei Yu, Shao-ping Zhu, Chun-yang Zheng, Li-hua Cao, and Wen-bing Pei, "Vacuum heating in the interaction of ultrashort, relativistically strong laser pulses with solid targets", Phys. Plasmas 13, 063108 (2006).

Hong-bo Cai, Shao-ping Zhu, and Chun-yang Zheng, Xian-tu He, Ji-wei Li, "Effects of beam energy spread on the Weibel Instability in fast ignitor scenarios", Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 261 ?(2006).

Hong-bo Cai, and Shao-ping Zhu, "Stimulated Raman Scattering in Bi-temperature Vlasov Plasma", Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 891 (2004).

Shao-ping Zhu, Hong-bo Cai, and Bin Qiao, "Kinetic Theory for Spontaneous Magnetic Field in Laser Plasma Interaction", Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 6, 329 (2004





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