

词条 环境科学与技术进展


书 名: 环境科学与技术进展

作 者:李生才

出版社: 科学出版社

出版时间: 2011年6月1日

ISBN: 9787030309358

开本: 16开

定价: 780.00元




Role of Protected Area in Conserving Biodiversity

Using Amphibians Biological Point of View to Design the Water Bank of Ecosystem Restoration

Fragmented Habitats Leads to Improper Nutrient Cycling in Indian Tropical Dry Deceduous Forest

Acoustic Machifie and AUV Assessment of the Debris Flow Disaster in the Wase Coral Reef in the Sumiyo

Bay Aid in the Recovery of the Regional Economy

Studies on the Growth and Population Dynamics ofRita rita from River Ganga at Allahabad (India)

Seasonal Survey of Phytoplankton as Biondicators of Water Quality in the Streams of Kagoro Forest,

Kaduna State-Northern Nigeria

Characteristics of Soil Carbon in Arid Environmental Recovery Engineering

Response of Soil Physical Environment to Fruit-tree Cultivation

Response of Soil NH~ and NO3 Transformations to Nitrogen Deposition under Addition of Litters andTannin

Studies on the Community Structure of Phytoplankton and its Environmental Restriction in the Water

Encircling the Antarctica

An Ecological Study on Phytoplankton in the Sea Areas near the Liuheng Power Plant of East China Sea

SECTION TWO: Environmental Toxicology

Acute Toxicity of Industrial Effluents Acting Singly or Jointly on Clarias gariepinus

Assessing In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Engineered Metal Oxide Nanoparticles with a Systematic Approach

Micronucleus Test of Lewisite in Mice

Chromosome Aberration Test of Chloroacetophenone (CN) in Chinese Hamster Lung Fibroblasts (CHL)

Subchronic Toxicity Evaluation of Diphenylchloroarsine in Rats

Synthesis and Bioactivity Evaluation ofAnthranilic Diamide Derivatives as Green Potential Insecticides

Assessment on Environmental Pollution of the Toxic Heavy Gas Leakage Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

SECTION THREE: Environmental Chemistry

Determination of Trace Elements in Marine Sediments of the South China Sea Coasts, Malaysia

Tracking Down an Unusual Source of Mercury Enrichment in Fish from' Saipan Lagoon, Saipan,

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Isolation of Biosurfactant-Producing Microorganisms and Their Application to Oily Sludge Remediation

under Low Temperature Conditions

Measurement of Trace Dihydroxybenzonic Acid Using GC-MS

Photocatalytic Degradation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) with B-Ga203 at Reductive Atmosphere

Characteristics of Membrane Fouling for Coagulation-Micronitration -Process with different Coagulants

Energy Consumption in Defluoridation of Geothermal Water by Electroflocculation

Degradation of VX under Simulated Natural Conditions

Chemical Modification of Sodium Lignosulphonate and Its Application in Coal-water Slurry as Additive

Study on Technology of Extracting Silver from Waste Fixing Bath by Replacement Method

Zinc and Salt Stress Influence on Proline Metabolism in Sesuvium Portulacastrum

Preparation and Characterization of Visible-Light-Driven AgBr/TiO2 towards CO2 Reduction into Fuels

Microcosmic Mechanism of the Particle Release under Different pH Values

Kinetics of Photocatalytic Degradation ofp-Toluenesulfonic Acid on TiO2 Surface

Influence of pH and Inorganic Anions on the Visible Activity of WO3/TiO2 Nanocomposite Films

Contents and Distribution of Cd, Cr, Zn and Ni inTea Garden Soils, Southwest China

Fate Characterization of A Novel Fungicide SYP-3343 in Chinese Soils

Mildew Resistance Treatment of Glass Cotton by Surface Modification

Preparation and Characterization of Low-temperature Catalytic Combustion Catalyst Lao Ceo2MnO~T-Al203

Photocatalytic Degradation of 17p-estradiol, 17a-ethinylestradiol and Bisphenol A in Different Water Matrices






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