词条 | 滑嫩白切鸡 |
释义 | 中文介绍调料:姜末、蒜末、蒸鱼豉油、蚝油、鲜贝露、辣椒油、辣椒面、胡椒粉、米醋、油鸡汤或麻油 做法: 1、嫩三黄鸡拔毛开膛剖洗干净(小贩可代做),鸡用清水反复洗,鸡胗、鸡肝、鸡心也清洗干净,去掉体内大块鸡油留烧其它菜用; 2、把鸡如图对剖两半,鸡腿、鸡翅、鸡颈分别剁下,生姜切成片; 3、水入大锅烧开,把鸡部件和生姜片放入,倒黄酒,盖上锅盖大火煮14分钟; 4、煮至7分钟时,可开盖一次把鸡翻面,盖上盖再煮7分钟,然后关火。 5、关火后,闭盖静置15分钟再打开锅盖;(不可缺少的步骤) 6、捞出鸡块晾凉或者放到冰箱里冷藏至凉。(剩下的鸡汤不要倒掉,过滤后留作汤底或取一些作蘸料汁) 7、鸡块晾凉后,切成均匀小块。(刀、案板都要清洗干净,家庭里最好备用一块专切熟食的工具案板) 8、在煮鸡过程中,可以把所有调料混在一起做成调料汁。(可取一勺刚煮好的有油花的热鸡汤放入调料汁里,这样子就不必放麻油,麻油香会冲淡鸡汤香) 9、鸡块蘸汁吃。 小贴士: 1、白切鸡首选2斤左右的嫩三黄鸡。如今市场上鸡有饲料鸡与土鸡之分,我个人偏向选用饲料鸡。因为饲料鸡鸡龄短,它们的肉质普遍偏嫩,切合白切鸡要求口感嫩滑这一特点。土鸡肉鲜,更适合煲汤清炖。当然,倒底选用哪种鸡,完全由你个人决定。但一定记住,鸡体不可过大,2斤1两2两左右最佳。 2、把鸡剁成几大块下锅熟得快。 3、不转小火慢煨,而是保持中大火力。(如用电磁炉,可调置到煎炒档,用280°左右火力烧开水,然后调置到200°左右火力煮) 4、一定要等鸡块冷却后再切小块,热时切,鸡肉会散。 5、要吃有血丝的那种,煮的时间可再缩短。我用14分钟煮,15分钟闭盖静置。 英文解说Spices: ginger, garlic, steamed fish soy sauce, oyster sauce, shellfish exposed, chili oil, chili powder, pepper, vinegar, oil or sesame oil chicken soup Practices: 1, three yellow chicken plucking tender cuts clean cut open (on behalf of vendors can be done), washed repeatedly with water and chicken, chicken gizzards, liver, heart are clean, remove the remaining chicken fat burning large body of other vegetable; 2, shown on the profile the chicken halves, chicken, chicken wings, chicken chop off the neck, respectively, ginger cut into slices; 3, into the pot of boiling water, put the chicken pieces into parts and ginger, pour wine, cover and high heat for 14 minutes; 4, boil 7 minutes, it can lid upside down once the chicken, cover and cook for 7 minutes, then turn off the heat. 5, turn off the heat, the closed lid for 15 minutes and then open the lid; (indispensable step) 6, remove and let cool chicken into the refrigerator or frozen to cool. (Do not discard the remaining chicken broth, filtered and taken aside for soup or dipping sauce) 7, chicken let cool, cut into uniform small pieces. (Knives, chopping board to be cleaned, the best home cooked food reserve a special tool for cutting chopping board) 8, in the course of poached chicken, you can make all the seasoning sauce seasoning mix. (Preferable to have a spoonful of oil slick just cooked chicken into the sauce hot sauce, like this do not have to put sesame oil, sesame oil, chicken soup will dilute the Hong Hong) 9, chicken dipped in sauce to eat. Tips: 1, about 2 pounds poached chicken tender preferred Sanhuang. Chicken feed on the market today have divided the chicken and the chicken, I tend to use chicken feed. Age of short penis as feed, they generally partial tender meat, poached chicken meet the requirements of the tender taste characteristics. Chicken and fresh soil is more suitable for soup consommé. Of course, what they going to use chicken, entirely your own decision. But remember, the body can not be too large chicken, 2 pounds 1 two 2 two about the best. 2, chopped into chunks to the pot of chicken cooked quickly. 3, do not turn a small fire slow simmer, but the firepower to keep the Chinese University. (Such as the use of induction cooker, adjustable set to fry stalls, with 280 ° around fire to boil water, and then transferred to a 200 ° left and right set fire to cook) 4, be sure to cool and then cut into small pieces such as chicken nuggets, hot cut, chicken will be scattered. 5, eat a kind of bloodshot, the cooking time can be further reduced. I cook for 14 minutes, 15 minutes, standing close cover. |
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