

词条 洪永明

洪永明 男汉族 1948年出生 63岁。毕生致力于书法艺术与篆刻。其书法作品曾于1993年获得全国《企业风采杯》书法大奖赛一等奖。被授予“突出贡献艺术家”称号。入编《中华当代书画经典》书画集。作品曾获《中国当代书画家代表作典库》金奖。参加“创作奖”海内外中国书画大赛被授予“华夏艺术精英”称号。作品曾获“雷锋之歌”全国书画大赛一等奖。被授予“德艺双馨书画艺术家称号”。作品入编书画作博览》书画集。作品入选《中国书画家全《是中当代书画佳集》获金奖。被授予“中国实力派书法家”称号。作品入选《中国书画家精品集》。作品收入“今日中国书法集”、“中国书画家名作典藏”作品被收入四川省西昌泸山碑林。2005年作品被列入“第二届杏花杯全国电视书法大赛”作品集。2008年5月参加“首届全国老年书法家老年美术家书画作品大展赛”获金奖。被授于“百名德艺馨书法家/美术家“称号。

英文: Author introduction: HongYongMing male han was born in 1948 63 years Dedicated his life to the art of calligraphy and seal cuttingthe calligraphy had in 1993 received national enterprise grace cup calligraphy grand prix for a momentAuthor introduction: HongYongMing male han was born in 1948 63 years the calligraphy had in 1993 received national enterprise grace cup calligraphy grand prix for a momentAuthor introduction: HongYongMing male han was born in 1948 63 years the calligraphy had in 1993 received national enterprise grace cup calligraphy grand prix for a momentPainting contest was awarded the title of DeYiShuangXin painting and calligraphy artist works for believing ShuHuaJi expo calligraphy and painting works in China homePainting contest was awarded the title of DeYiShuangXin painting and calligraphy artist works for believing ShuHuaJi expo calligraphy and painting works in China homeIn today's China ShuFaJi Chinese painter-calligrapher famous works of the income xichang collection in sichuan province in 2005 BeiLin lugu mountain work was listed in the secondThe national TV calligraphy contest cup almond flowers works in May 2008 for the first national older calligrapher's older artist of calligraphy and painting exhibition "win the gold medalWere awarded the German art/artist jasmine calligrapher's title collection。





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